The secret behind mastering decision-making…a true story about how I ended up in NYC!
I remember the day I sat down and told my sweetheart, “I am going to New York City for three to six months. I just want to experience it. I’ve been dreaming about living in that city since I was 5 and well, I just can’t wait any longer.”
My stomach was churning with butterflies and stress about how he was going to react to this declaration. He sat across the dining room and stared at me with his big Aquarian saucer eyes that are sometimes incredibly hard to read.And after what seemed like an eternity, he replied with a monumental, “Okay. Have you found a place to live already?”
His rational and grounded response floored me as I went on to inform him that I had actually gotten very clear on what I was looking for and lo and behold had found the perfect place at the price point and neighborhood I had written down for the exact time frame. I had even seen the place on Skype webcam (I felt very responsible and techie!) He gave a sigh of relief and incredulity at how fast I had pulled it all together and I think I sort of saw a smile creep in there too. I also showed him my ticket…I had purchased my airplane ticket (one-way) before I could let my nerves and any guilt about leaving stop me from my dream. We both hugged for a long time and he said, “I have no idea what is going to happen, but I know you have to do this or you’ll be very unpleasant to be around.(smart man) So, go and make sure you download this app called Hop Stop that tells you which train to take. You’re not the best with directions honey.” I started crying right there. He is an amazing person. To re-cap the 3 main lessons about taking risks and making a big decision from my story: take what works and leave the rest!
- Know what you want (example: the list I made of the qualities I wanted in my NYC pad)
- Take one action that aligns with what you want and doesn’t allow for a back-door/gets you out of your own way (example: buying the ticket before I had anything else in place)
- Be clear with your intention and have faith that those who love you will still love you after you go for it (example: having the difficult but necessary heart-to-heart with my honey)
So, literally three weeks after that conversation, I arrived in the Big Apple, my life packed into 2 large suitcases, a small one, a backpack and my violin. I was more excited (and a little freaked out) than I’d ever been in my entire life. I often get asked, “Diana, how did you find the courage to take action on your dream? What made you leave your man and your peaceful life in Kansas City behind for a city that everyone says is impossibly hard to live in? How did you manifest a partner who is willing to let you follow your dream, how did you manage to snag an apartment in the heart of the city and the funds for the travel so quickly?”
The answer is very simple and is the same I would give to all of those questions.
I have learned to master my intuition.
To feel it in the depths of my Be-ing, to follow it and to trust it without too many questions.
It’s a muscle that I have honed over the years that has allowed me to take incredible risks…and experience things that make me very happy and joyful. I’m still working it (I believe the learning never stops!) I’ve shared these principles with my private clients and they have used them to quadruple their quarterly business profits, leave an unsatisfying job to venture out into the world of entrepreneurship, manifested a new love starting with positive self-love and talk and much more.
And I want to help you trust YOUR intuition too.
And for the first time ever, I want to share the principles I’ve learned from some amazing mentors, teachers and the best school (hard core life experience) to help you master decision-making, to help you go from feeling like you aren’t sure which direction to take to having a roadmap and tools there to help you make your way out of the fog. At Spirit’s nudge, I’m putting my teacher hat back on and have created this intuitively-driven, Spirit inspired course just for you!
I’m calling it Intuition 101: Feel It, Trust it, Follow It: 5 weeks to master the art of decision-making and whether you are at that crossroads in your life where several directions pull at you and you aren’t sure what to do, or you are an entrepreneur wanting to get out of shiny-object syndrome and make some more money, know which of your big ideas to follow next or are simply a spiritual seeker looking for more peace of mind and self-trust around making decisions that impact your love life, family ties and even spiritual connection, I hope you’ll join me!
Learn all about it right here and before I sign off, a question for you: “What is a big risk that you have taken in your life or a time to did something you didn’t think you could do? Share it with us in the comments below and I can’t wait to see some of you in class!”
ps: Want more great tips and weekly inspiration? Join here + I will send you a gift (it’s totally free-yay!)