are you tired of getting sucked my other people’s energy? visualize this!

Have you ever had a situation where you come into a room feeling peaceful and chill…and after a brief interaction with an anxious person, you too leave feeling anxious..and confused?

In this video, you’ll learn a very simple 3-step process and visualization to help you manage your own energy level and stop getting sucked into other people’s stuff!

This week’s Soul question: Have you ever gotten pulled in by another person’s energy? What helped you? Share with us in the comments below!

Want more? I’d love to send you my popular audio training: 5 Common Ways You Block Money, Love and Miracles from Coming into your life.

 click here

In NYC? Check out my fabulous workshop for women entrepreneurs called “Wealthy Goddess Workshop!” May 7! Early bird price: Just $17 until May 1!10367159_10202795966319058_7431355893245143367_n.jpg

don’t let this slow your flow

Has this ever happened to you?

You want a relationship.

Or a job.

Or a home.

You’ve gotten specific. You’ve checked to make sure it’s a true desire vs. a passing want. And you’re taking action and also waiting for signs to keep going and pass Go.

But nothing much seems to be happening.

You ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong?”

Sometimes it’s truly about Divine timing and we just have to be more patient and shift the focus to appreciating all the abundance, love, money, etc already present.

Other times, it’s that we need to tweak and be more clear on what we’re asking for.

Or we need to take different action.

But sometimes it’s something else that could be slowing your flow.

It’s subtle, but very very important.

It’s because we are emotionally attached and energetically hooked into that thing we want from a place of fear.

We’ve all done it (myself included!) and what it’s really saying to the Universe is “Please give me that thing. I need it. I need it so badly. I’m afraid I won’t get it. So I’m going to cling and focus so hard on it so you know that it’s really mine…. and could you please give it to me now so I can stop worrying about losing it?”

I liken it to a child squeezing their pet so hard that the thing literally yelps and trying to escape its grasp.

And most importantly, it needs to feel the energy of genuine joy and passion to be drawn to you. Very different than fear and anxiety.

Especially if what you are trying to call in is a relationship.

So…what can you do about it?

Here it is: Shift your perception from what you’re going to get to what you will bring to this this that you’re asking for.

Ask yourself: “What can I bring to this person/situation/etc?” It could be something simple like, laughter and fun.

In short: pour your passion into it vs. worrying about what you aren’t getting/are getting from it.

And here’s the cool part: Then…the Universe gives you more anyway. Way more. Like blow your mind, whoa-really-I-get-all-this more.

I’m not totally sure why it works that way, but it’s just been my personal experience.

Who would you rather date? The giver or the taker?

Which one are you drawn to?

Be the giver and you will get, naturally.


Now over to you beautiful Soul!

Q: What is one quality that you feel you bring to a relationship (or whatever it is that you are currently desiring)? Declare it in the comments below and let’s rev up your manifesting energy for the upcoming new Moon!


Praise for The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again

“Since everything in life operates by Law, you are already attracting everything into your life. When you begin to follow the tools presented in this humorous and enlightening book, you’ll attract the mate of your dreams.”

-Bob Proctor, Author and Teacher from the movie, The Secret

Click here to get your copy!IMG_3029.JPG

your angel story from the city of sin

Happy Tuesday!

Did you have a good weekend?

I just got back from Vegas and got to spend time with my sister, my man and just let loose after a very packed couple of weeks!

I have a love/hate relationship with the City of Sin and being both an introvert and an empath, it’s a place that really requires me to walk my talk…or get completely derailed by the bright lights, the constant stimulation and well….people!

Have you ever been there before?

Can I share my story from the weekend with you with the intent that it helps you make better decisions from your intuition?

I had been there two other times, once for a weekend with some teacher co-workers in my early 20’s (which ended so badly because all they wanted to do was shop, so I bought a plane ticket home early!) and the other for a 1-night workshop which was really awesome, but I still had to run through a smoke-filled casino to get to my hotel room and recharge (I remember thinking it was hilarious that they chose Vegas to host a spiritual conference!)

So, when my guy suggested we go to Vegas to let off steam, my initial reaction was…NO! Absolutely no. No, no, no.

He asked me why and I told him about my experiences in Vegas and he just listened.

Then he said, “What could we do to make sure you feel taken care of and not have the urge to get on the plane early this time around?” And then asked me again…(he’s persistent and inquisitive which I adore and get annoyed at simultaneously).

I had never even considered that.

I asked my intuition.

A few things came out.

In order to make the trip a YES, the following needed to be in place:

  1. A non-smoking hotel room, preferably in the end corner of the floor, off the main Strip (quieter)
  1. A list of 3 must-do’s.

We each shared 3 things we absolutely wanted to experience and gave each of those things a specific day or time during our 3 day stay. That way I wasn’t spending energy or money or time on things that weren’t that important to me. Mine were 1) See the Mob Museum 2) See my sister and learn/play a game of blackjack with her at one of the major casinos and  3) See the “Oceans 11” fountain show at the Bellagio in the night.  His was shorter….1) Walk down the Strip and take pictures…everywhere.

  1. Balance out being out with time to do nothing.

Even though it was Saturday night, we went to see a show in our hotel, had a nice dinner off the Strip and called it an early night. We chose to stay out late and be “extroverts” socializing until the wee hours Friday. Balance is everything.

Photo by Gavin Scott Productions

I’m so glad he posed that question to help me make a decision about the trip that was based on me actively creating my experience vs. falling back on previous memories that made me feel like a victim.

We always have a choice!

Now let’s recap.

3 Must-Do’s Before Making A Decision

  1. Make an absolute YES list (1-5 things that must be in place for this situation/offer/etc to be a YES for you! My magic number is 3.)
  2. Check yourself if you are making a decision off a past experience that was negative. Ask yourself if that reason is still true or if you can just chock it up to a previous choice.
  3.  Declare your decision and be the co-creator of your experience! You are never a victim!

That’s it!

Q: What is ONE thing you are contemplating this month? What is ONE thing on your absolute YES list for that thing? Share with us in the comments below!

Ps: Want to get free weekly updates?

Click here to get my free training!

3 tips to let go of a relationship…with love

Ending a relationship can be so emotional and hard.

There are so many emotions that can come up and even if we know that letting go is for our highest good, there may be a part of you that holds on.

In this video, I’ll share 3 tips to help you let go of a relationship that has run its course…with love.

This week’s soul question: Which one of the 3 tips will you apply to help you release during this Eclipse week?

Share with me in the comments below!

For more, please check out my new book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again on Amazon!


Prefer to read?

3 Things I’ve learned about letting go of a relationship (TEXT)

  1. You don’t need to have them physically present for you to move on.
    You can do it energetically. This concept of releasing energy from the past without having to talk to them in front of you, in the flesh, used to confuse me…until I tried it and was finally able to start the healing process and move forward.
  2. Stay in the present and accept your part in the past.
    So often when a relationship ends, we want to re-hash it over and over again, usually from the point of view of our Ego, which stars us as the hero/heroine. But all this does is keep you a victim to a story that isn’t serving you. When we instead take 100% responsibility for our part in what happened, then the energy can start to move and you can see beyond the haze of your pain.
  3. You can still love someone and let them go.
    So often when I would go through a breakup, I would just brush aside any feelings of love that I had for that person because I felt so hurt. But the truth is, true, authentic Soul-level love is always present, even if it’s in your Highest Good to let each other go. Love never does; it simply changes form and expands in different directions.

when the other shoe drops…

Have you ever seen the movie, Bridget Jones’ Diary?

There’s a great line in there that goes something like this:

“Why is it that when one part of your life starts going brilliantly, another part always seems to fall spectacularly apart”

In the movie, she’s referring to being in a fun, exciting new relationship while her relationship with her mother starts to unravel. Fast.

Have you ever experienced that?

The Meltdown
There are all these fancy phrases to describe this phenomenon, but to make it fun, let’s call it the “Subconscious Meltdown.”

Basically it’s when you dramatically up-level one area in your life that has been a thorn in your side ….and your subconscious freaks out.

It is feeling unsafe, unsteady and in new territory and all those pesky little beliefs that go contrary to your new reality decide to make an appearance.

All with the sole purpose of helping you feel comfortable. Safe. Status quo.


You’ve been doing all this work on your money mindset.

You start upward momentum and land a huge raise or a new client.

The same day, your tires go flat and your computer craps out.


You’ve been going on dates, despite feeling scared.
You agree to a second date, things are going amazingly well…
You’re smiling, feeling sexy and desirable…AND
You have a meeting with your boss who says they no longer need you. And the date cancels.

It can feel like the Universe is playing this nasty trick on you.

And it’s so easy to go into victim-mode, curl up in a ball and think the whole world is against you.

It’s easy to just stop trying for what you want and justify that you really like where you are..really….it’s not so bad, right? LIE!

But the thing is, these events, as frustrating as they are, are essential to you getting to the next level. In love. In business. In life. They aren’t the verdict.

And it’s not the Universe saying you suck.

It’s part of the process of transforming your life from the inside out.

It’s a temporary side-effect on the way to creating what you desire.

It’s like popping the zit.

First all this crap comes to the surface, it pops and BAM! Clear skin.


A do-over.

Your face may be a little sore.

You may want to use some cover-up and hide out.

But all in all, it was just a zit.

In short: When you start taking massive action in the direction of your dreams, potholes can and do appear. But you don’t have to let it stop you. It can help you know that on the other side of pulling yourself out or asking for help out of the hole, is a new place.

One that is more like you.

More in alignment.

More fun and way more authentic.

So, the real question is:

Are you willing to keep going towards your deepest desires even when the other shoe you didn’t even know you had…drops?

 If so, in the comments below, post 1) what your big desire is and 2) one action you will take this week towards it!

That’s the path of the Spiritual Seeker and Master Manifestor!

PS: Ready to rock your love life? Great news!

My book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again is officially out on Amazon!

Click here to get it and start manifesting your great love!
