you don’t have to know what’s next but you must master this…

I was speaking with a girlfriend the other night and she was sharing with me how for the first time in her life, she had no clue what was next for her.

Have you ever felt like that before?

: general low-level frustration

:: a bit of anxiety because you’re so used to having a crystal clear vision, taking action on it and feeling powerful and on-track….. and

:: a strange “what’s next?” feeling because all of a sudden, it’s not so black and white anymore?

You’re in a gray watercolor and you’re not sure how to swim out or even where you’d swim to.

I’ve been there many times, both in my professional life and personal one.

You accomplish everything on your “goal” list and then it’s like…okay, is that all there is?

Do I make another list of goals? A bigger more exciting one? Or do I ditch the list? Am I bad for not making a list? Maybe I should be doing more, wanting more, is there something wrong with me? OMG!!!!!

It can be a mental merry-go-round, right?

What I realized:

It’s not always about knowing what’s next. It’s about being okay with sitting in the stillness and accepting it. TWEET THAT.

And I don’t know about you, but for me, being still can feel torturous.

I’m a dancer afterall! We want to move move move!

But be still internally we must if we are ever to experience a true breakthrough.

Like a little seedling, slowing growing up towards the light.

Over-watering it can kill this delicate bud.

Under-watering it can shrivel it.

But just letting it be there.

Letting it sit there and loving it for where it is.

That’s huge.

So, that’s my short but powerful offering for you this week. Said a few different ways:

  1. Stop avoiding the stillness. Listen to what it has to share with you.
  2. Stop making yourself ‘wrong’ for not having a clear plan on what’s next. Be here. Now. It’s enough.
  3. Accept the void of what is to be prepared for what is coming.

Which statement above resonates with you this week? #1, 2 or 3? Let me know in the comments and take it and make it yours!




ps: Ready for some clarity? Book a private energy healing + intuitive session with me while spots last! Click here.

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what to do when your dream lands in your lap and your gut isn’t 100% sold

Your dream job comes to you.

A relationship you’re in is about to go to the next level…it’s getting serious!

You’re getting recognition and media invitations for the work you’ve been doing.

It’s finally here….

Only your intuition and your gut isn’t 100% sold on the idea.

What? your logical mind says.

Why don’t you want this?

This is what you’ve been dreaming out/whining about/working towards for-ever.

So, what should you do when this situation comes up?

I’ve got you covered.

In this video you will learn:

    • the real reason why your gut isn’t on board with your dream
    • the one thing you must get clear on before you say “Yes!” or “No!” to the opportunity
    • you’ll get to hear a real-life example from my client files (anonymous) of how she handled this like a pro
    • and finally, you’ll be invited to share your insights and comments after you watch with me + our community!

Q: Have you ever been given an opportunity that seemed perfect on paper but your gut told you something was off? How did you handle it? Share with us in the comments below!

ps: Are you ready to Live Like a Goddess?

Tonight’s the last night to register for my FREE 3-week video challenge to help you shed your old skin and feel happy, adored and free….just in time for the holidays!

Click the pretty pic below!

Live Like a Goddess

do you have energy leaks? how to know + what to do to increase your happiness ASAP

Want more happiness?

Want that hot guy or gal to notice you?

Want to put something out into the world but feel held back?

A great place to start: Plug Up Your Energy Leaks!

Energy leaks are quite simply places in your life that hold stuck energy…maybe because you haven’t acted on something you know you need to act on, or it could be a statement where you told yourself one thing you’d do one thing but did another (or didn’t do anything at all!). Also, quite literally, it can be something as simple as having a leaky faucet (that is symbolic of opportunities escaping your life!)

The cost of energy leaks:

When we don’t plug up our energy leaks, you have less energy, you may have trouble sleeping and being mentally alert for the important things in your life. You may feel uninspired to finish a project that means a lot to you and from an energetic perspective, you limit the amount of love, opportunities  and financial prosperity that wants to come your way!

The good news is that once you identify where you may be leaking energy, you can take the steps to plug them up!

Some common and not so common examples of energy leaks my clients have shared with me and some easy fixes:

  • Not paying a bill or invoice on time (pay in full or create a payment plan to take care of it)
  • Keeping a sweater that you got as a gift that you never liked, but you feel guilty to give away (have a release ritual around it and give it away girlfriend!)
  • Texting an ex when you’re lonely and giving them hope that there is a chance of reconciliation when there isn’t. (Um, just say no. Delete their number.)
  • For entrepreneurs: Holding onto business partnerships or clients that are less than ideal (Have “the talk” or send that email…your cash flow will likely increase as you attract ideal people!)
  • Keeping old pens that don’t work (Throw them out!)
  • Broken clocks or watches that don’t work (really, broken anything-fix it or toss it!)
  • Telling a friend you would send them a resource and forgetting to (that’s an easy fix-send it already! you’ll feel so much better!)
  • Making an appointment with a friend/doctor/coach/family member and failing to show up or reschedule (Apologize and reschedule if you can!)

Do any of the above ring a bell?

What about the little energy leaks you tell yourself?

They are just as detrimental to your capacity to receive what you’re asking for. Some I hear:

  • Saying you’re working out today and when your i-phone reminder goes off, you blow it off and watch netflix because you “deserve a break.” (I’m guilty!)
  • Telling yourself you’re going to ask a friend for the money she owes you but when the moment comes, you don’t say anything because you don’t want to be “mean.”
  • Saying yes to going to an event that you know you’re never going to go to (but you don’t want to be seen as “not a team player”)

All this stuff costs us valuable energy.

But it’s all within your control, even though it may bring up some temporary anxiety, fear or insecurity.

Q: So…for this week’s challenge, I want you to tell me in the comments: What is one energy leak you’ve identified in your life?

What step are you going to take to plug it up?

Be brave Goddess!

This is your time to show yourself and the Universe that you’re serious about changing your life, one step at a time!

Want more?

Stay tuned for a special announcement on Thursday!

Not on the newsletter yet?

Hear the special announcement first and start getting your manifesting mojo on (for f-r-e-e) when you join me here: 

feeling ungrounded? use these 5 household items to feel emotionally supported ASAP

It’s Super Full Moon day!

If you’ve part of my online family, you know the drill on full moons.

In general, they are a time of intense release, cathartic ah-has and self-reflection.

This one happens to touch upon the following themes in your life:

Security/Freedom, Secrets/Revealing Truths, Reality/Dreams

When it comes to your most important relationships, this can show up as:

  • power struggles
  • emotional reveals that surprise you or another  (I thought you were over that already?! hmmm…maybe not)
  • and a deep need to feel rooted, comfortable and safe with another and really, yourself. 

Do you trust yourself?

Can you trust another?

Are you willing to be vulnerable? Are you too open or do you tend to hold all your cards tightly to your chest?

How’s that working for you?

Again, this is about releasing self-judgement and simply observing yourself and what the present you needs and wants in relationship.

It may be up for negotiation and it could be super uncomfortable but also incredibly relieving once you get to the bottom of what’s truly eating at you.

But in order to truly listen to what your intuition is trying to tell you, you need to get grounded.

I like tangible, simple things you can do that are already within your reach to help you do this. So….

Here are 5 of my favorite household items that you can use to anchor in, manage anxiety and make the most of this week’s Super Moon.

Pick your favorite or do them all if you truly need a boost!

#1  Salt

Take a sea-salt or epsom salt bath at the end of your day . Stay in there at least 15 minutes to soak up all the healing properties and clean off negative sludge from the day.

#2 Orange or lemon

Both of these have so many wonderful benefits, but during a full moon, energy tends to get stuck in our homes. One fun tip I learned from space clearing is to slice up either fruit, squeeze the juice into a bowl of water and go around the corners of your home and literally “flick the orange water” with your fingers to open up the energy. You can also use an empty spray bottle if that’s easier. I notice a difference right away after I do this!

#3 Something red

Red represents the root chakra which has to do with security, feeling safe, basic needs and survival. When you’re feeling a bit ungrounded, wearing red not only says, “powerful person” to others. It actually helps you anchor into your basic needs and desires. Try it for yourself!

#4 Pen and pad

There’s no secret that writing down your feelings helps reveal things that you may not be aware of when you’re in your head. Carve out some quiet time to just write down or draw out what you’re feeling. It’s a great way to move the energy out so you can be fully present with what’s in front of you.

#5 Vacuum cleaner

This one is a bit symbolic as well as just practical de-cluttering your space, which you’ll want to do during a Full Moon week. Literally pick a room to vacuum and if you don’t have carpeting, I recommend you get one of those hand-held mini vacuum for the trunk of your car. Believe it or not, the trunk of our cars represent our past. (Anyone cringing?) So…clean out the junk in your trunk and notice how much lighter you feel!

Now, over to you.

Q: Which one of the 5 items will you use this week to ground yourself?

Tell me in the comments!

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ps: Is this you?

Do you want to:

:: attract a soul mate and tired of being single?

:: create your signature talk for your business and book speaking gigs but struggle with “being seen?”


:: master your emotions so you stop making decisions from your head that don’t serve you?

If you said YES to any of the questions above and are serious about making significant changes in your life and massive up-levels, I would love for you to apply for a 15-minute complimentary consult with me so we can chat about how I can help you kick major you-know-what in 2016! 

My sweet spots include:


Communication Clarity + Confidence

Healing + Mastering Decision-Making 

Click here to apply

is he ready to commit? what to ask him to find out (it’s not the obvious)

Today’s blog comes from a question I get asked quite a bit in my private practice as an intuitive coach and healer.

“How do I know if the guy I’m seeing is ever going to commit to me or if it’s just a casual thing?”

It’s an important question, especially if your intent is marriage or a long-term soul mate partnership.

The last thing you want to do is waste your time with someone who is clearly not ready but what about that in-between phase where you aren’t really getting a clear sign one way or another?

That’s where this one little question can give you way more insight than any traditional dating advice book will say.

I first heard it discussed on a local radio station and I even ran it past my own man.

He was expecting a cliche answer…”Well, have you just simply asked him?”

But when he heard it, his response was silence followed by a slow to fast head nodding and a “Whoa…now that is good advice…it’s true and I have never heard it said like that before…pretty spot-on.”

So, without keeping you in any more suspense, are you ready to know the magic commitment question/topic to bring up?

It’s this: “So, how is your career going right now?”

Generally speaking, before being ready for a solid committed partnership with a woman that may lead to marriage, most men are hard-wired to want to provide.

And to be in that position means having a solid financial foundation and having achieved a certain level of professional success.

Without that, what tends to happen (and ladies, what you may have noticed in the dating scene) is a guy may commit to you for a few months or even a year, but there’s always this constant striving and focus on career happening in the background and you may never feel like a priority.

Because quite frankly, you’re not.

Now, does that mean that just because the man you’re seeing is in school getting a degree or certification or maybe climbing up the corporate ladder working crazy hours that he’s never going to commit to you?


Nothing is that black and white.

What I’m saying is it may be awhile longer before he does.

And you have to be okay not being the priority until that shift happens. Or come up with a timeline of how long you want to wait it out. It always circles back to being true and authentic to yourself.

So, in short, if you want to assess his commitment potential, ask him about his career and how he thinks it’s going. You’ll get valuable insight into where he’s at and also feel calmer knowing what you know!

Over to you: What’s one experience you had dating a man who was really ready or who couldn’t (or wouldn’t )commit? What were some of the signs your intuition gave you to clue you in on this? Share with us in the comments!

Want more? Check out this FREE audio training: Why you’re still single