Do you say that you’re looking for love
… but deep down, you secretly believe you’ll only screw it up?
You’ve been seeing guy after guy who constantly disappoints you.
It always starts out on a high.
You feel giddy when you get a sweet text from him, the guy that might actually be The One.
He tells you constantly that you’re beautiful and all the things you are going to do together in the future.
You go to bed with a smile on your face because although it’s early days, you believe that a ‘ring’ may actually be around the corner this time.
But then –
💔 The sweet texts suddenly stop coming everyday.
💔 The compliments turn into excuses about why he can’t see you.
💔 He’s disappointed you again.
💔 And whenever you try to bring up the future, he changes the subject.
The sad thing is – it’s happened over and over and over again.
You hate to admit it, but ….
You’ve pretty much dated the same guy with a different face.
You may think to yourself:
💭 Am I just doomed to be alone?
💭 What’s wrong with me?
💭 Can I actually attract the ‘right guy’?
💭 Am I a fool to believe that he even exists?
You’re not a fool.
And it isn’t too late.
That right guy is out there.
He may already be closer than you think.
And the reason why he’s not yet in your peripheral vision is because
👉 you may not have gotten crystal clear (especially in the depths of your subconscious) about WHO it is you want, and
👉 you may not have felt safe to create space for him to come in (and stay when he does!).
Introducing –
Amplify Your Love Energy
– a 14 day online program where we explore spiritual and practical tools to help you feel safe to put yourself out there again and become the woman who gets the guy that’s right for her.
Introducing –
Amplify Your Love Energy
– a 14 day online program where we explore spiritual and practical tools to help you become the woman who gets the guy that’s right for her.
In this program, you will:
➡️ Learn tools to trust yourself in romantic relationships
➡️ Identify what could be sabotaging you from calling in the right guy
➡️ Identify your deal breakers (not from your head, but from your Truth) so you stop accepting less than ideal partners.
➡️ Learn fun and effective rituals to petition the Universe to support you in calling in the type of relationship you really want
➡️ Feel more confident, clear and calm about dating and what is possible for you!