Soul Breakthrough (Intro Consult) Name*Email*Phone number*Tell me about a bit about where you want to be (your dream); what your big vision is for your life/the area you want to focus on and where you see yourself in the next 1-3 years ideally. Please don't worry about giving me the "right" answers for any of these okay? Let it rip and know that there is zero judgement! I am simply looking to see if this program will help you get to where you want to be. And the more honest and specific you can be, the easier it will be to help you!*Can you describe the challenges you're currently facing in your relationships/personal life that you want my help with? What's not working? How long has it been this way? What have you tried or done before to change it? How is this affecting you in other areas?*Have you ever worked with an intuitive coach before or done any coaching on this area of your life? If so, what was your experience like? If you haven't, just say N/A.*Describe your spiritual practice (if you have one.)*Is there anything else you'd like to share with me or any questions at this time? Δ