The Top 5 Reasons You’re Still Single 

…and what to do about it right now! 

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NOTE: You will also receive a complimentary subscription to my weekly newsletter, “Five Star Love Life!”

  • Do you have a hard time believing that love will ever find you?
  • Do you yearn for this amazing, spiritual soulmate relationship but  think, maybe it’s just not in the cards for me?
  • Have you done it all-affirmations, made vision boards and maybe even tried online dating with little or no success?

You feel tired, frustrated and stuck. You wonder, okay, what am I doing wrongWhat am I not seeing?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, this FREE call is for you!

You will learn:

  • A simple tool to increase your mental and emotional energy that most people miss!
  • The one activity you must never leave off your To-Do list if you want to call in a soulmate
  • My #1 nightly heart-opening ritual for helping you forgive past lovers and people who have hurt you
  • The hands-down most powerful block that keeps you from recognizing + maintaining a soul mate relationship
  • You will also learn of a great opportunity to completely un-block your path to love so you can call in your spiritual soul mate!

This Free Class is for you if:

    • You have a strong desire to be in a loving, committed, soulmate relationship but you have no idea why you are still single.
    • You’ve been avoiding “dealing” with your love life altogether but know that needs to change
    • You feel stuck, confused or frustrated with the types of men you are attracting.
    • You have no problem getting dates but they never turn into a long-term, satisfying relationship.
    • You know something’s not working and you’re willing to make necessary changes but you have no idea where to start or what you need!
    • You are open to trying on new perspectives and receiving spiritual assistance/guidance

Ready to make it happen?

Here’s what some of my clients are saying…


After talking to Diana, I honestly feel more centered, conscious, and more in charge of my life, instead of feeling victim to my old stories. I feel like it’s a whole new chapter. Through my sessions with Diana, I was able to understand where my love blocks and hang-ups really are and I think being able to have conversations with my Spirit Guides about love is just so damn cool! I’m intuitive and also highly sensitive so having an outside source like her to guide and provide wisdom is invaluable. All her intuitions and visions were so spot on and her communication with my guides and past lives resonated so much! I feel like things make so much more sense to me now. I feel more ready than I ever have to have the relationship I’ve always imagined. Thank you Diana!

Sally Hope, Rockstar Coach and Founder of the Wildheart Revolution,


The guidance that Diana can bring and relief from past life baggage is extremely powerful. I had never worked with an intuitive healer, so I wasn’t sure what to expect! I came to her to get clarity and support around my relationship with my wife and to let go of anything holding back from my true Path. The results? Since working with Diana, our relationship is more real and honest than it has ever been.  And our path so far has been nothing short of miraculous, trusting in each other and coming to agreements without a lot of bitterness or anger. I also have a renewed faith in myself and my Purpose and it was truly magical working with her, especially since I was at the most vulnerable time in my life. If you are ready to take your life to a new level but you haven’t known exactly how, Diana’s guidance will get you there.  And if you are going through a challenging time or a crossroads in life, Diana will help you find your answers at the deepest and truest levels – so you can move forward without regrets and without looking back!


“I told Diana that I really wanted to find an intuitive partner, someone who my daughter loved and who I had an insane emotional and spiritual connection with. For the next few months, I worked a lot on feeling the presence of this man and stepping into who I really wanted to be. During one of our energy sessions, I asked if I would meet him at a grocery store. She said no. It would be more familiar than that. Soon after I had a dream and a strong sense that I would be hearing from him. Two days later, I got an out-of-the-blue message on Facebook from a man that I knew from childhood that I had lost touch with for 20 years. The rest as they say is history. We’ve been inseparable ever since, my daughter loves him and his dog and we’re building our family. Believe and feel and it can happen! thank you Diana for helping me trust my intuition and call in my man!”

Shelby Matonak, Health/Wellness/Beauty Coach and Founder of Truth and Alchemy,

About Your Facilitator:

Diana Dorell is a certified Intuitive Relationship Coach and Healer committed to helping women un-block and become magnetic in their personal relationships/love life and have it all without having to lose themselves or compromise their femininity. She is the founder of the Five Star Love Life™ Program. A third-generation modern medicine woman, Diana blends the spiritual world with the material/practical world using her natural healing gifts, numerology, Reiki and uncanny intuition to help her clients. She has led workshops on how to trust your intuition all over the US and was recently a speaker at the State of Now #140conf in New York City last summer along with Deepak Chopra, Ann Curry and others. She is currently host of The Diana Dorell Show on BlogTalkRadio and is preparing to release her first hardcover book on dating and intuition later this winter. She is truly honored to be helping others feel fabulous, sparkly and adored in their relationships, starting with themselves.