A 3-week challenge to shed your old skin + feel happy, adored and free!
Cost to join: FREE
registration is currently closed. please enter your email address here to be notified of the start of the next session
Dear Beautiful Goddess,
Do you feel like you’re shedding your old self?
Are you in a major transition and feel a bit lost, unsure or scared?
Do you feel like you’re about to bust out with a whole new you, but you just need a little push to bump up your confidence to actually do it?
Welcome to my world.
Helping you through any of the above is my specialty.
In a nutshell, it’s time to step fully into your Goddess energy.
To stop pushing yourself into the ground for other people’s approval.
To stop doubting yourself and what you know to be true for you.
And to start living.
Like a Goddess.
(dance cue: Madonna’s Like a Virgin…just teasing!)
Are you done with this?
But seriously, I know what it feels like to live a life half-full.
To stay awake at night going over and over what you said or didn’t say, worrying yourself to death when you could be rocking your life!
To have huge dreams and feel like you’re not good enough for them.
And to feel like the odd one out in your family and wonder if you’re totally crazy for wanting what you want.
But you’re not crazy.
You’re fabulous.
But, somewhere along the way, you forgot your Goddess self. Or you shelved her.
She’s in there though.
And I’d love to help you coax her back out.
Especially with the holidays upon us, it’s time to start shedding the old and get a taste of the you that you’re becoming.
Are you game?
I’m so excited to be opening my Goddess doors to you for a free challenge called….
registration is currently closed. please enter your email address above to be placed on the wait list for the next session.
Note: You will receive a complimentary subscription to my weekly e-zine! You may unsubscribe at any time.
*We kick off November 20.
*Every 3 days, you’ll be getting a new Challenge video from me via email covering the areas of: self-worth, self-confidence and of course…self-love.
*You’ll have 72 hours to complete the challenge and post your findings in our closed private Facebook group if you dare!
Who I want: Is this you, Goddess?
To help you get the best results, it’s muy importante to me that whoever takes me up on this is ready to rock it!
I’m looking for serious action-takers who are:
:: ready to change things up.
:: are willing to be vulnerable and show up for themselves and our private FB community over the 3 week challenge
:: are big hearted + positive
:: know the value of spiritual intent + deep questioning (even when it’s uncomfortable)
:: you are ready to take full responsibility for your unique journey (complainers, debby-downers and energy suckers-find another place to hang!)
:: are ready for FUN and genuinely want to be coached!
registration is currently closed. please enter your email address above to be placed on the wait list for the next session.
Note: You will receive a complimentary subscription to my weekly e-zine! You may unsubscribe at any time.
Once you join us, you’ll get an email from me and my team super soon!
I can’t wait to get started with you Goddess!
We’re going to have a blast!