Manifest Like a Goddess
10-day Challenge
Manifest Like a Goddess
10-day Challenge
The first tool to ramp up your manifesting abilities is…. DECLUTTER, DOWSE and DETOX!
I pulled a Goddess card and got “Kali: Endings and Beginnings.”
Before you can even define what you want from an aligned place, you need a clear SPACE goddess!
Now, some of you reading this may be saying, “Diana, my space is spotless, what’s the next tip?” But I’m not just talking about your external environment but also your internal one. Over the next two days we will be looking at both.
One of my favorite tools for decluttering is called the “Orange Dowse” and the steps are below.
This is an ancient Feng-Shui practice for breaking up stagnant energy in a room. But before we get to the orange part, you start with a prayer.
1) Today I challenge you to walk around your home or your office (depending on what you want to manifest) and say the following prayer. Light a candle and stand in the center of your space.
2) “Dear Spirit, walk with me throughout this challenge. You are my official partner and I am open to receiving your Divine assistance as well as the assistance of my Higher Goddess self. Help me identify pockets of my space that are stagnating my energy and help me know what inspired actions to take to clear it. Thank you and so it is!”
3) Walk around your space, paying close attention to your physical body and its responses. Q: What rooms or areas do you not want to be in? Where do you feel your energy lowered or sluggish? Notice what is in that corner.
4) Grab the trash liner and throw away any trash and clean up any visible dirt or debris. Start with one drawer and let that be your offering for this challenge if it becomes too overwhelming.
5) Then you’ll need an orange, a bowl and some water. Peel the orange and squeeze the orange juice into the water. Go around each CORNER of your space and using your fingers, flick the orange water 3X in each corner to waken the energy. Notice how fast the energy feels lighter and when you’re done, if you lit a candle, just say “Thank you Spirit” and blow it out.
That’s it! You’ve set your space!
Take action: Snap a picture of you in your space or post “DONE” in the FB group with 1 insight of how it felt to set your space!
In my early days of manifesting, I used to be afraid to say exactly what I wanted.
Usually because I was afraid of how I’d feel if I didn’t get it.
Or sometimes terrified on what would have to change, how I would have to change or own up to some of the things in my current space, because I’d have said thing.
We will be addressing fears in a day or two, but for now, close your eyes and put your head over your heart.
Breathe deeply.
Q: If you knew without a shadow of a doubt that you could have something or experience something right now, what would that ONE thing be?
Grab your journal and write that down….let yourself go for a page or two if the moment inspires you.
Be specific.
Example: I want a better career is too broad.
What does “better” look like or feel like? Maybe when you dig deeper, you realize what you really want is more freedom in your current job-or opportunity to express your creative ideas. See the difference?
Q: Why do you want this thing? What do you feel you will have more of? Be more of once you have it?
Write that down.
Take action: Post the answer to your question (one or both, whatever you feel comfortable) in our FB group in the next 24 hours!
Go here:
Today’s tool is another simple one that most folks overlook.
I call it the D-factor.
It is to decide without a shadow of a doubt that what you’re desiring is going to manifest.
This takes a lot of courage.
Most times, we just want other people to tell us what’s possible for our lives.
But until you make the DECISION within yourself to have what it is you say you want, you’re always going to be one foot out the energetic door.
And then you will create mixed results, or no results.
Sometimes we make our intent and declaration a bit general, because we are afraid if we REALLY say what we want, it won’t happen…
So today’s challenge is to DECIDE that you are going to let yourself have what it is your want.
Even if you’re afraid, nervous, etc.
Take action:
Step 1: Prep
Put your hand over your heart, look at yourself in the mirror, grab your paper /answer from yesterday and say:
” (your name), it’s time to allow yourself to receive more. I now am 100% committed to allowing (whatever you want) into my life and taking the necessary steps to receive it, even when I am uncomfortable Today, I am deciding that (your why that you wrote down) is more important than giving into my fears about this.”
Step 2: Post “I AM DECIDING to let myself have what I desire” in the FB group once you’ve done this!
Step 3: BONUS: Tell 3 people that are not in the challenge what you’ve decided.
Keep up the great work!
Welcome to Day 4 of the 10-day Manifesting challenge!
Today’s challenge is called ….Embody!
You’ve gotten clear on what you want and why you want it.
You’ve declared and decided to have it.
The next step is critical.
Pay attention.
If you already knew that you had this thing like right now, how would you show up in the world?
What actions would you take on a daily basis?
What would your daily habits and routines be?
How would you speak to yourself?
What would be eating?
What would be wearing?
To bring in something that is a higher or different frequency than your current circumstances, you must learn how to embody that new reality.
This is where your inner child gets to have fun, but tomorrow we are going to take what you embodied and get into action.
For now, take out a sheet of paper and write down the answers to the questions above.
Pay particular attention to the question “What actions would I take”
When you’re done post in the FB group!
You can do this!
Today’s challenge is one of my favorites!
Part of being an exceptional manifesting goddess is knowing when to take massive action and also knowing when to slow down and examine what’s beneath the curtain aka your subconscious mind.
Today we look at the F-word.
Your fears.
I know it’s not the most glamorous part but when you can see what it is you are really afraid of, you are more likely to see mental and emotional trip-wires before you well…trip on them!
Take action:
Take a sheet of paper out and write the following:
“When it comes to (insert specific thing you intend to manifest), if I’m really real with myself, I feel afraid that…..”
Let yourself go, without judging what you write down.
When you feel empty, put your hand over your heart and say THANK YOU. I SEE YOU. I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU. I RELEASE YOU.
And… know the drill…post DONE in the FB group once you do this!
Hi Goddess!
Welcome to Day 6!
Today let’s look at the other F-word.
Manifestation at its most potent is generated from a place of anticipatory, open feelings.
Not fear feelings.
Not worry feelings.
But joy, delight, radiant feelings! Happy happy, optimistic.
So today’s tip I heard explained best from Radleigh Valentine, a fellow ATP.
He says, “You don’t need to generate feelings of excitement for that specific thing you want to manifest. You just need to start with replicating those feelings” of all the stuff I said above.
So…that means if you want to manifest $100,000 annually (yes Shelby, I’m calling you out-yay goddess!)
Instead of spending energy on feeling excitement about having $100,000, think of a memory or something simpler that is easy to latch onto and won’t freak out your subconscious mind.
Ex: Listening to xmas music, thinking of your puppy snuggling with you, you get the picture, right?’s action item is: FEEL THE FEELS and replicate feelings of joy!
Pick one memory or object that easily generates feelings and emotions of joy optimism, happiness that you can hold in your body for at least a full 60 seconds.
Post in the FB group when you’re done!
Go here:
I am combining these challenges to give you more time to complete them.
It’s time to hit the pedal to the medal.
Today’s challenge is about taking ALIGNED MASSIVE ACTION.
This is the tough love challenge.
Are you going to be lazy manifestor wanna-be, expecting the Universe to just magically give you what you ask for without demonstrating any effort that you actually expect to receive it and do your part?
If so, your results may fall flat or you may get a mixed bag back.
And I intend to help you become a manifesting GODDESS!
So….you know those pesky fears you wrote down?
And the feeling of embodying joy and optimism that you already have it?
We are going to mix both of those.
Take action: Put your hand over your heart and look in the mirror. Say, “Even though I have acknowledged that I HAD the following fears (read them aloud), I am 100% committed to taking aligned action in the direction of my dream.”
Then…get yourself in the embody state.
And answer the following on a piece of paper…
“If I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would never fail, what action could I take today to demonstrate my commitment to this?”
Write down as many actions as you can think of, no censoring!
Ex: Call XYZ. Finally write that email I keep procrastinating on sending my list. Ask 10 people in my FB community to see if they know someone who can help me or maybe they know someone who has done XYZ before.
Get crazy.
And here’s the kicker..
You have 48 hours to actually TAKE ACTION.
This is what separates the mediocre manifestors from the master manifestors.
It takes courage.
Nothing may happen from the channel you take action on.
But something amazing energetically happens when you start to put well, energy in the direction that moves your dreams.
An unexpected helpful person comes out of the woodwork.
You see a resource that is exactly what you need.
Stay open but GO TAKE ACTION NOW!
Can’t wait to hear all about it in the FB group!
Go here:
Today’s challenge is something I do daily.
Here’s how it works:
Take a sheet of paper or if you’re like me, I went to the 99 cent store and bought a magnetic whiteboard for my fridge and write the following at the top:
“I say YES to unlimited joys, miracles, love, money and more! Thank you thank you!”
And each day at the end of the day, your job is to write down all the unexpected blessings that came into your life.
Be specific.
Sometimes they can be tangible like you receive unexpected $ or intangible, like that nice person that lets you into the lane during rush hour.
I do this DAILY.
And if you want to take it a step further, if it’s something like “that cup of coffee my friend Ann got me at lunch”, you can also write down the monetary value of that unexpected blessing ($4.99) and at the end of the week, see all the amazing things that came your way.
The more you do this, the more you look for and expect miracles, the more they come.
take action!
1. Make your unlimited blessings list and
2. At the end of today, post ONE of the blessings that showed up that you wrote down in our FB group!
FB group:
The hardest part of the manifestation process after you’ve gotten clear on what you intend to manifest, done the energetic and emotional work to match the frequency of what you want and have taken massive, annoying, sometimes scary action, the last step is to SURRENDER it to the Highest outcome.
The Ego likes to know when.
It likes to know how.
But we are rarely given answers to this.
Can you stay open to receive like a Goddess does, in full trust and faith that you will be shown what you need to be shown in the perfect time?
Today’s action is to surrender.
Here’s one of my favorite mantras you can say aloud with your hand over your heart.
“I surrender the how and when to you Spirit. I have full faith that what I’ve asked for (or it’s Divine equivalent) is on its way at the perfect time in the perfect way and I am so grateful to receive it!”
The Divine equivalent part is important.
Because sometimes what you ask for isn’t for your Highest and best.
But if you open to the Divine equivalent of what you’re asking for, you stay open to what’s truly aligned with your Soul and its growth at this time.
You know what to do goddess…post DONE in the FB group once you do this challenge and be sure to join me for our bonus Q+A on Thursday!
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