(Will be on a video) Pssst….can I let you in on a little secret?
2017 is the year of instant manifestation and alchemy and it is a time where you can make great strides, provided that your decisions come from your Soul, not what you think the world expects of you. It requires doing things differently…more mindfully.
You may feel this ticking clock in your belly like you’re running out of time or that you’re ready for something different.
But the thought of having to go at it alone like you do a lot of things in your life just ain’t gonna cut it.
Hi! My name is Diana Dorell and I work with smart, spiritually-open, successful women just like you who have created the life that they want but know deep down inside that something is missing.
The problem is that you have created a lifestyle, but you forgot how to have a life!
Do you feel
- burned out
- exhausted
- disconnected from yourself and your Spirit?
- Do you go through a large part of your day feeling isolated and alone, wondering if you’re ever going to find friends who don’t think you’re crazy or weird for being into ‘woo woo stuff’?
All you do is work and sleep and you feel guilty and off center within yourself. It’s like your Spirit and joy has left the building and you know something’s gotta change but you aren’t sure what!
Imagine going from being over scheduled to over-the-moon excited about your life again. To having friends from all over the world that actually understand you and love you for who you are, not what you own. Imagine how good it will feel to go to that yoga class you keep putting off because you had to work late again.
What if you could:
- Wake up in the morning smiling for no reason?
- Have more energy than you know what to do with because you know when to put the brakes on before you get burned out?
- Feel freer than you’ve ever felt before just by saying NO, guilt-free and doing what you want for a change?
- Feel peaceful and calm, even when the shit hits the fan and you get negative energy hurled at you because they had a bad day?
- Make the right decision the first time (imagine how much time, money and energy you would save!)
- Ask for what you need and want…and be treated like a Goddess because you know how to take excellent care of yourself?
That’s exactly what the “Self-Care for Your Goddess Soul” Circle, a monthly membership Goddess community, is designed to help you with!
Each month, you’ll receive:
- a new spiritual lesson and group Goddess training with Diana following the cycles of the Moon to help you connect to the ancient Goddess archetypes and block out the noise of your everyday world and tune back into yourself.
This is going to help you stop second-guessing your decisions and asking everyone and their dog what you should do. You’ll learn how to trust yourself and make the right decision the first time!
- A weekly LIVE! AM group energy clearing and Angel message from Diana to help you clear out the negative energy and crap from other people (and your own thoughts!) so you can start your week off in a high-vibe, clear, positive space.This is going to make you way more pleasant to be around and you can’t help but have that IT factor when you walk into your office. Imagine what you could create for THAT place?
- Fun, easy rituals you can do by yourself or with friends for the Full Moon and New Moons monthly to help you let go of the old and manifest the new! (hello more money, more dates, and less stress!)
- Exclusive masterclass training with a special guest teacher on areas that affect your Spirit everyday (your health, money/finances, relationships, etc)
- Access to a private community of like-minded ladies to help you stop going at it alone (you know the lone-wolf thing ain’t workin so well!) and have a place to let your hair down and share your fears and your wins with zero-judgement!
- Every member receives a 1:1 60 minute intuitive reading or energy healing tune-up with Diana included to help you get your burning questions answered with practical and spiritual advice on what you can do to move closer to where you want to be. This can be broken up into two half hour sessions if desired as well. ($250 value)
- VIP priority registration to live events and Goddess gatherings held once a quarter! (locations vary) so you can have some face-time with the ladies that you’ve befriended and connected with in the Circle and have a transformative vacation filled with life-changing ah-has as well as relaxation in luxurious surroundings getting pampered like the Goddess you are! (can I get an AMEN?!)
Self Care for the Soul is not just a regular membership community. It is truly a spiritual experience that can change your life. It is a cross between Hogwarts School of Magic (for the Practical folks like you and me) and an ongoing fireside heart-to-heart with your best girlfriends. Or yourself.
Taking care of yourself will be a must-have, non-negotiable priority, not a luxury.
Life will feel easier and way more freeing.
And best of all, you won’t break the bank to feel centered and alive again.
I have created a place that shows you how to make the world your oyster by simply following spiritual law, ancient ritual and practical tools. I break down the process of following your own inner guidance system at the drop of a hat so that nothing rattles your world.
You rattle and rule your world.
Like a Goddess.
Are you ready to put the fun back in your life again and feel more connected and peaceful than you ever have before?
Early-Bird Intro Investment: $49/month for 6 months with option to renew
The 2017 Circle opens in January!
Join us !
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