October Oracle Message

Happy New month to you!

This month is a powerful one as we have not one but two eclipse moons.

Eclipses bring sudden, sometimes unexpected endings, beginnings, and information.

Relationships are spotlighted as we are also in Libra season, a sign that is known for its balance, diplomacy and harmony.

Watch below to learn important dates to watch out for and the overall vibe of the month so you can navigate all your important relationships with gusto!

Where Do You Need to Broaden Your Lens in Love?

Happy Tuesday!

Are you ready to receive at a greater level, especially when it comes to your relationships?

As I mentioned in the September oracle video, this is a month where you can see rewards from work based from pure intent and service and I believe that includes the inner work.

How are you speaking to yourself?

Where can you judge another less?

Part of what keeps us contracted with receiving in relationship is our inability or unwillingness to see things from a higher lens.

When you’ve been hurt before, it’s easy to tell yourself a story that things are just “always going to be like this.”

Or “men cannot be trusted.”

Or whatever the narrative is.

But to bust out of that inner prison, one thing that I’ve found helpful is to use mantras along with writing down fears that come up around believing that mantra.

This month’s mantra is “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

When you are open to seeing more than one possibility and receiving, you broaden your lens and potential for intimacy, connection and understanding can increase.

So, if you like journaling, before you use this mantra, I invite you to reflect on the following:
Where have I been pretty fixed on seeing X person/situation/etc in one way?
What could shift if I allowed myself to expand my lens?
Where would I like to receive more but feel unsafe to?
Now it’s your turn (if you want to try this mantra!): “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

How to use it:
In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Have a beautiful week, Goddess!

ps: If you’re ready to expand receiving around abundance and possibilities in all forms, check out this gorgeous amethyst bracelet set by Conscious Items. For each purchase, this company will plant a tree! I love that and am excited to be partnering with them.

Ready to shine? August is here! (your message inside)

Happy August!

It’s a power-packed month, so let’s dive right in!

Watch the August Oracle Monthly Message below!

Have a brilliant month Goddesses!

PS: Are you ready to trust yourself when it comes to love? Check out my self-paced love workshop “Amplify Your LOVE Energy!” 💗 You will learn the tools and exercises to help you believe in love and trust in yourself when it comes to dating and relationships! It is NEVER too late. Open to everyone, regardless of ‘relationship status.’ In a relationship already? This course can help you revamp and rekindle the love you already have! Sign up now: dianadorell.com/amplify-your-love-energy

Ready to Exhale? Welcome to July!

It’s time to breathe, Goddess.

Can you do it with me? Inhale….and exhale.

Let go…..

July invites you to embrace all the love and beauty that surrounds you that you may not be seeing right now.

If life has felt a bit challenging or confusing, the energies of this month are here to support you and remind you of what gets to receive your attention and energy, and what doesn’t.

Watch the full July Oracle Message below:

ps: Ready for soul mate love? Invest in yourself with Amplify Your Love Energy, self paced video course-7 bite-sized lessons to change your love energy now!