
Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

When You’re Out of Your Comfort Zone…

So, the words just fell out of my mouth. 

“We’ll host Thanksgiving this year!” 

I’ve never hosted holidays I’m mum entire life and I’m excited and also like…omg, what did we just agree to???! Can I just close my eyes, hide under the covers and come out on November 25th and have someone feed me leftovers? 

But…life would be super boring if it was a straight line and we never did anything out of the ordinary.

For me, being outside my comfort zone this year looks like hosting Thanksgiving. 

For you, it may look like getting on dating app when you swore you were never doing the app thing.

Or telling someone how you actually feel about them, thus opening yourself up emotionally.

No matter what it is, that underlying combination of anxiety and excitement is the same. 

And when you’re face with a situation you’ve never been in, or one that creates that energy, it’s key to keep the following in mind: 

  1. Each time you do something outside your comfort zone, you build your self-trust muscles. 
    • The more you trust that you can do something that scares you, the more confident you will feel when life throws you for a loop (and it will!). You’ll be more resilient and capable of moving through both the highs and the lows. 
  2. On the other side of your fear is your power. 
    • Fear may always be there to a certain degree and the ,more afraid you are, the more power is available to you on the other side of doing the scary, uncomfortable thing. Who doesn’t want to feel their full power? Move with the fear and let yourself be surprised!
  3. You’re making space for your next-level self to show up.
    • The most empowered, fabulous version of you is already inside of you. When you do the things that push you outside your norm, it forces you to tap into new thought patterns, resources and ways of being. Instead of saying, “Oh, I never (fill in the blank),” try saying “I used to never (fill in the blank)…but now…” Give yourself permission to write yourself a new narrative! 

Now, I’ll keep you posted next week on how Thanksgiving rolls out (ooo Hawaiian rolls-couldst’ resist, had to go there!). 

I’ll be taking the principles I shared with you above to heart myself. 

Q: Which one of the 3 speaks to ou the most? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Have a magical week wherever you are in the world!