how to push through resistance (one question)
Facing resistance?
Whenever you are taking action in the direction of your dream, whether that’s manifesting a great relationship or doing that thing you always wanted to do but were scared to, resistance will rear its lovely head.
Our primitive brains hate any kind of change and any suggestion outside the lines of our normal patterns will set off this alarm bell “Danger, danger, stay away!” and it can be so easy to just slip back into what’s comfortable.
But if you’re reading this, that tells me that “okay” is not good enough.
You want awesome!! And you want it like yesterday, right?
So, then resistance is something to make friends with.
Instead of running from it (which never works, been there, done it, got the T-shirt) you can ask yourself this one question to tame it.
Q: What would the version of me who already has the thing I want do/not do / say/not say / respond/choose right now?
It feels a bit like make-believe but who cares? I always say, do what works and heading into a space of possibility helps quiet that freaked out part of your brain that becomes hyper focused on keeping you safe and exactly where you are.
Play with the question above. Journal on it. See what comes up.
The more you can become emotionally neutral to the primitive brain and instead consciously redirect and co-create your next moves from your future self, the easier it will be to get there.
And also hold onto it once you manifest it!
Q: Are you willing to give the question above a shot this week? share with me in the comments!
ps: Want to come to Sedona this winter with a super intimate group of kick-ass Goddesses committed to releasing the old and resurrecting their inner bad-assery and personal power?