the universe rewards you when you reward yourself

What are you grateful for right now in your life?

I just got back from a solo healing journey to New Mexico and everything from the moment I committed to go on the trip has been magical and Divinely orchestrated. I can’t wait to share more about it with you soon!

But in this week’s love note, it’s spiritual lesson time!

Are you ready to dive in?

I have been loving making short, inspirational audios for you in real time, so click here to check out this week’s episode: The Universe rewards you when you reward yourself!

I share another manifestation story and shed light on how the Universe responds to your requests!

Click below


ps: If you missed last night’s free training: 3 Intuitive Secrets to Bullet-Proof Your Decision Making, the recording is available until FRIDAY and then it’s gone! Click here to sign up for this invaluable info and download the replay to your computer.

Love, Blessings and Magical Manifestations to you!

How can you strengthen your intuition?

Happy Wed!
It’s Q+A time!
Today’s question comes from Kim on Facebook:

“How do I get better at trusting my intuition? I’m so fearful of being wrong that I ignore myself sometimes.”

The good news is that you can improve your intuition. It’s not some gift for the chosen few!

Click below to learn a simple tip to start strengthening your intuitive muscles and get out of fear!

Love and blessings!

ps: Want more? Join me!

i started laughing when i saw this….

Have you ever had an awesome morning only to come home later and have life throw you a total curveball?

It could be small or large, but it almost feels like the Universe is out to get you because you had too good a time?

Funny story: I came home after a fun day of socializing with friends and acupuncture to find my puppy, Bella in a pile of torn up paper in the center of my living room.

She knew she was in a big trouble-ears back, tail between her legs and belly exposed as if to say, I surrender! I was bored! I’m sorry!

I gave her a stern look and headed over to see her handiwork.

What would it be?

What had I left out?

Praying it wasn’t something really important.

And then I gasped out loud when I saw what she had chewed up.

It was an old CD cover of a brain-wave meditation I had been looking for called “Attracting Love.”

There in the center of my living room was love in a sea of little red and white pieces strewn everywhere with Bella plopped on top.

I burst into laughter as I saw her butt warming and hiding the perfectly intact CD itself.

It got me thinking about mindset when it comes to love…and really anything else.

In any given moment, you have a choice of how to think about something that happens to you.

1. You can see it as the Universe conspiring against you and play the victim. Ex: Look at the symbolism-maybe the Universe is trying to tell me that there’s never enough love to go around. I can’t enjoy myself and have more. Who am I kidding?


2. You can see it as the Universe conspiring for you and play the grateful receiver. Ex: Look at the symbolism-maybe the Universe is reminding me that no matter what happens, love is always present. It can change form, appear to be broken/taken away/scattered/gone, etc, but it’s all in the air and all around and within you.

So, are you going to choose lack and limitation, taking every single thing that happens as a personal sign against your desires OR are you going to choose lavish abundance and an attitude that everything that happens is a sign meant to help you grow, open your heart even more, love deeper and look deeper at the big lesson showing up?

Your choice.

Whatever you choose will inform what you see…what you recognize out in the world and how you perceive the messages your intuition is trying to send you.

And what you get more of.

Life will throw you curve balls.

Love won’t always look the way you expect it to.

Puppies will chew up your CD covers.

But love isn’t something for the chosen few.

It’s for you because you are love.

Q: So, whatever happens this week, will you remember to choose the mindset that moves
you in the directions of your desires?

That’s today’s little love nudge for you.

Ps: Going through a tough situation or decision that you’d love some clarity on?

Click here to book a private reading or energy healing session with me!

is it fear or a red flag? 3 steps to tell

Have you ever been a situation where you aren’t sure if your intuition is telling you to move ahead and push past an old fear…or if you’re avoiding a bright red flag to stop and pay attention?

An awesome question came in from a woman who wrote:
“Diana, I’ve gone on a few dates with this guy and I’m not sure I should go out with him again. I really like him and I don’t know if I’m just being crazy and getting in my own way or if it’s my intuition warning me to stop dating him. How do I know for sure?”

Now, first off, no matter what the situation (relationship or otherwise), high fives for asking the question!

Really-our intuition is a muscle that can be accessed at any time and it can be really confusing when you are learning how to trust it again and know what it’s trying to tell you.

So to make it super easy, I’ve broken it down into three simple steps for you!

Click below to watch the video + know if it’s just resistance and old fears… or if you should walk!

And after you watch…
Q: Have you ever struggled with whether to proceed forward or not? What helped you trust your intuition? Share with us in the comments below!

Want more? Sign up for free updates right here.

are you making a decision from fear or inspiration? 3 signs to tell.

When you have to make a decision, it can be really hard to tell whether it’s the right one. Especially if there is a lot riding on the decision, we can easily downshift into fear because well, we need to make some decision, don’t we?10371443_10152110639312361_7115493803932630590_n.jpg

But there’s a huge difference between making a decision from fear and making one from inspiration.

Here are some clues to tell:

Fear looks like:

-feels heavy in your body, and you tend to be in your head trying to figure out all the reasons it can’t come together or that it will be hard.

-the decision moves you away from something you don’t want

-making a move to defend against an outcome that hasn’t happened yet (based on the past usually)

Inspiration looks like:

-feels light in your body, even if you’re not sure how it will all come together

-the decision moves you towards something you want

-making a move from a desire or curiosity based on who you want to be (not who you were or what current circumstances show you are possible). There’s still a desired outcome (we are human!) but you trust that whatever happens after taking this inspired action will be in service to your growth and your Path.

An example of this when it comes to relationships and taking care of yourself:


You have a date with someone and text them to confirm the night before.

You haven’t heard back from them within the hour, so you cancel the date before they do.

(because that’s what always happens before, so why not beat them to it?)


You have a dinner date with someone and text them to confirm the night before.

You haven’t heard back from them within the hour, so you make a decision within yourself. You will reach out to them one last time in the morning and if you don’t hear back by 12noon, you will just make other plans. No biggie. Your time is valuable. There will be other dates with people who value it.

Do you see how one puts you in the victim role and one puts you in the driver’s seat?

It’s never about the other person, although that’s the easy thing to do!

The more you can check in with your own intuition before making a decision and ask, “Hmmmm, could this be coming from fear or inspiration?” you will save yourself a lot of time and energy!

Want more?

Stay tuned because next week I will be sharing more self-care and love tips to help you understand what you need as a unique Soul to stop sabotaging. I’m really excited to share this groundbreaking work with you.

To get those free exclusive videos please go here to get regular updates and receive another free gift from me.