How to Be More Attractive To Men (And Anything You Desire!)

Happy Tuesday Goddess!

How was your weekend? Did you get a chance to do something relaxing for you? I recently went shopping which is something that I usually don’t enjoy that much, but I had SO much fun activating my inner goddess and buying a few key pieces that make my heart sing. I got to reconnect with a few girlfriends and of course, the topic turned as it often does, to men and relationships!

When it comes to feminine magnetism, if you’re used to being in your masculine, I know for a lot of my private clients, it can feel a bit fake or weird to implement a lot of the conventional tips on how to access that feminine energy.

So, in this week’s video, I share a personal story of magnetism in action and also a simple, but powerful tool for being magnetic and attractive to men (and anything you desire!) After you watch, share in the comments: Did you try it out? What happened?!

How to Let the Divine In (Manifesting Secrets!)

Happy Tuesday!

What do you do when you’ve done all you think of towards manifesting your heart’s desire?

You know you shouldn’t attach to the outcome and you want to surrender, but what does that look like?

I call this last step, Inviting the Divine in.

Basically, getting out of your own way.

Want to hear a true story of the Divine in action + two tangible things you can do to invite in surrender? Watch below:

Q: What is 1 insight that came up for you as you watched this? Share by leaving a comment and if you’d like to manifest and release energy from 2023 to make space for an amazing 2024, go here to join Winter Magic: A Winter Solstice virtual retreat! There are still a handful of spaces left.