It’s an Island Ma’am (True Love Story)


Happy Tuesday, 

In the spirit of Valentines’ Day week, I want to chat about the E-word. 


On the one hand, expectations can help us clarify what we no longer wan to tolerate but taken to the extreme can create stress in relationships. 

I learned this the hard way on my honeymoon in Hawaii this past week! 

Listen below to hear my story! It’s my intent that by sharing this it empowers you to examine your relationship to expectation and deepen your connection to yourself and those you love. 

After you listen, I would love to hear from you-what resonated? Where could you benefit from more surrender?

Hit reply and leave a comment on the blog. I love hearing from you!

PS: Want to call in LOVE? Deepen the connection you already have? I’ll be hosting a LOVE Message Circle right after the New Moon on Feb 21! More details to come I the next few days to watch your inbox!

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

What Will You Choose?

Happy Mantra Tuesday!

The other day, I was rushing back home to make it to an in-person appointment and got a call from the person I was supposed to be meeting. 

They told me they’d decided to go to a movie with their friends instead and that they couldn’t make our meeting (which was happening in about an hour).

I was seething

I had cut a trip to see my extended family short so I could make it back to town for this. 

It had been on the calendar for weeks. 

I felt so disrespected, annoyed and angry. 

I wanted to lash out from my Ego, but thankfully I said, “Next time if you choose to cancel our appointment, you need to let me know the day before.” 

We rescheduled and after we hung up, I took a deep breath and remembered that in every moment, even the ones the frost our cookies like this one, we always, always have a choice. 

People will be people. 

Not every situation will go your way.

But you can always choose. 


This month’s mantra: I choose happiness and happiness chooses me. 

When happiness becomes something you choose as opposed to something someone gives you, you’re in your own power. 

The outside world can do its thang and you’re still alright within yourself. 

Try it and let me know how it works for you this month!

How to use it: 

In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel. 

Will you play with this over the week and let me know how it goes? Hit reply or share a comment on the blog! 

ps: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here:

Feel Shy When Meeting New People? Wear This!

Happy Tuesday!

I’m all about simple things you can do to help you enhance your best self.

Today’s Q&A is about communicating with new people.

Q: “Diana, I’ve just started dating again and although I consider myself to be a pretty social person, on dates, I tend to get really shy and quiet. What can I do to help me relax and speak with new people without feelings so hyper aware of myself?”

And when it comes to dating, it’s normal to feel shy or awkward when communicating with someone new.

Color is your best friend and colour therapy is real thing.

If you want to exude a confident, relaxed vibe that makes people want to naturally talk to you, you should wear…

Listen below to find out!

After you listen, I’d love to hear from you!

Did you try wearing this colour? What happened? What tips can you share that have worked or you when you feel nervous meeting someone new? Share with us by leaving a comment on the blog and for more, please visit for more goodies to help you trust and love yourself!

PS: Are you ready to make 2023 your best year ever? Join Diana and other goddesses for her new course that starts on January 22nd: Goddess Reboot: 10 Days to Divine Self Care for Your Soul! Click here to sign up! 

Don’t Skip This!

As we approach the last week of 2022, and into the home stretch of Holiday craziness, I invite you to give yourself the space to reflect on the past year in a simple, yet powerful way. 

One of my favourite things to do is have a journal session with Spirit. 

I get my holiday spice tea ready, I shut my door and light a candle, ready to dive deep. 

I know you may not feel like you have a lot of time to journal or may even encounter resistance around this, but even finding a few minutes of quiet time can benefit you! 

Some of the prompts that you may consider journaling on:

  • A moment that tested me this year was…
  • I am so proud of myself for…
  • Something I now realize about myself is…
  • When it comes to relationships, a lesson I learned this year was…

A few tips to have the most impactful session with yourself: 

  1. Write by hand vs. typing (it actives your subconscious mind) 
  2. See how it feels to just go for about a paragraph. Go beyond just the surface answer to the prompt. 
  3. Release judgements of what you write-give yourself  permission to be honest and just express what you need to express!
  4. Set the tone: get a yummy beverage, shut off distractions and notifications and let your family, friend, roommate, etc know you will be unavailable for the next 15-30 minutes, etc. 

Have a beautiful holiday week and no matter where you are in the world, I want you to know that you are exactly where you need to be. 

You are loved. 

And you are enough.

See you next year and thank you for being in my Goddess world!