A great mantra if you struggle with speaking your truth

You will piss people off but…


Ps: it’s the perfect time to release and clear out the old! Join me for Full Moon Healing Salon happening on the Full Moon, Sunday, April 29 @5pm PST!

What you get:
*I will be leading everyone through a full moon energy blessing and energy bath with the Angels (think sparkly high vibe tingly energy and releasing all the shit that’s been piling up in your cells over the retrograde and past two weeks!)

*a group channeled Angel message

*everyone who signs up gets a Full moon Angel card pull!

 When: Sunday, April 29 @5pm PST

15 is the number of Divine alchemy and it is the number I’m maxing this at.

How much is it?

$33 USD. That is my favorite number and is also the number of the Master Creative! Everything is intentional!

Want to join the Sparkly Full Moon Goddess Spiritual Salon?

Go here: www.paypal.me/dianadorell/33

ps: I will put a message at the top of this post when the spots are filled! These will go quickly.

It will be recorded and you can email in your question if you can’t make it live 

your april message from the angels

Happy Wednesday and April!

I don’t know about you but coming off the heels of the Libra Full Moon, you may have sensed new beginnings are in the air! 

I went to ballet class for the first time in a long time and I am so sore but grateful I went! 

Nothing like tapping back into a creative outlet you haven’t explored to remind you what’s available outside your comfort zone.

One of my personal goals has been to pay more loving attention to my body and focus on radiant health. 

What is one of yours?

Did you happen to see the free interview series I am a part of? If not, please click here to check it out. I had so much fun being a part of it and if one of your goals is to also be more conscious about your health and body love, I know you will love it too!

April: Angelic Grounding. Stability. Collaborations.

Whenever the season changes, connecting with your Angels and revisiting your desires can be such a healing practice. 

Often times, I myself forget that I don’t have to go at it all alone and there are these wonderful Beings of Light that want to help you, if only you ask them! 


To kick us off, I’m delighted to share that the first week of every new month, I’ll be sharing a 3-card past-present-future Angel forecast reading for everyone so you can get a feel for the different themes the month holds!

Watch the video below + hear April’s message!

Love and Angel Blessings for a fabulous April!


ps: Are you ready to sharpen your intuitive abilities and call in more with greater ease? I’m super excited for the new course, Bullet Proof Intuition that kicks off April 15!

It is the first time in three years that I have taught an intuitive training course like this! Now more than ever before we need more people who are shining their light and not letting doubt, insecurity or second-guessing get in the way of their Divine Purpose.

Check it out here and consider joining me and some amazing Lightworkers!

it’s full moon time-are you feeling it?

Happy Wed!

As we approach Saturday’s Full Moon, have you found yourself purging old stuff?

I ended up decluttering my entire home and finding three gift cards and a NYC metro card (still good!). 

It’s the perfect time to let go of bad habits, turn the ships around internally and externally and trying on new habits and ways of be-ing.

This week is Spiritual and Relationship TIP time!

This one I’m about to share with you is one of my favorites as you can implement it today and is perfect if you want to:
:: magnetize that special man or woman to come your way
:: draw in more opportunities without pushing hard
:: be more attractive to money 
and more.

I call it the LB.

Click below to have a listen.




To finally make the permanent shift into “a warm community” of high achievers and truly happy, contributing and fulfilled people? It is with honor that I invite you to join me in this completely FREE action packed, information filled and truly transformational interview series HEALTHY WEALTHY AND SLIM; Because YOU Deserve it ALL! with myself and a diverse lineup of transformed and now successful entrepreneurs who have risen against the odds and the status quo to achieve incredible things. I truly hope that YOU value YOU as much as I value YOU and you’ll take my advice and tune in!

Sign up Free right here!

the universe rewards you when you reward yourself

What are you grateful for right now in your life?

I just got back from a solo healing journey to New Mexico and everything from the moment I committed to go on the trip has been magical and Divinely orchestrated. I can’t wait to share more about it with you soon!

But in this week’s love note, it’s spiritual lesson time!

Are you ready to dive in?

I have been loving making short, inspirational audios for you in real time, so click here to check out this week’s episode: The Universe rewards you when you reward yourself!

I share another manifestation story and shed light on how the Universe responds to your requests!

Click below


ps: If you missed last night’s free training: 3 Intuitive Secrets to Bullet-Proof Your Decision Making, the recording is available until FRIDAY and then it’s gone! Click here to sign up for this invaluable info and download the replay to your computer.

Love, Blessings and Magical Manifestations to you!

How can you strengthen your intuition?

Happy Wed!
It’s Q+A time!
Today’s question comes from Kim on Facebook:

“How do I get better at trusting my intuition? I’m so fearful of being wrong that I ignore myself sometimes.”

The good news is that you can improve your intuition. It’s not some gift for the chosen few!

Click below to learn a simple tip to start strengthening your intuitive muscles and get out of fear!

Love and blessings!

ps: Want more? Join me!