your magical minute-ish

Q: What’s one simple tip that can help you command more respect in your personal and professional relationships?

This week, I answer this in a 1-minute audio clip I’m calling “Your Magical Minute-ish…”

The more you do this one thing, the less likely that others take you for granted and the more likely it is that you will be appreciated, heard and honored by the people you are closest to in your life.

And who doesn’t want more of that?

Click below to listen.

Have an awesome week!


2018: Year of Love!

2018 highlights:

This is an 11/2 Universal Year in numerology. Key themes highlighted include:


Love (romantic and platonic)


Your relationship to the physical and material world.

Q: What is one thing you are excited to manifest in 2018?

Leave a comment and share!

For more and take my FREE quiz: Are you really over your ex? Click here!

How to hold onto yourself in a relationship

Have you ever had a friend who you never see once she’s in a relationship?

And then when they break up, she’s blowing up your phone?

Maybe you’ve been that person.

I’ve been on both ends!

When you are in love, it’s easy to fall into an all-consuming pattern of making your world all about the other person and in the process, you lose yourself.

Then all of a sudden, your partner starts to pull away, maybe you are having less sex or you just feel like they aren’t appreciating you as much as you want.

90% of the time it’s because you have forgotten to feed your inner fire.

I call it your Goddess flame.

That thing that makes you burn bright (joy, radiance, whatever you want to call it) that attracted them in the first place.

In essence, being yourself and making sure to take care of yourself and your desires.

Maintaining your sense of personal identity separate from the identity of you as a couple.

That’s where the sizzle factor comes in.

And it’s the same energy you can use to manifest an influx of new clients in your business, a new career opportunity, more money, you name it!

To keep that flame burning, it’s imperative that you hold onto yourself even when in partnership.

So…here are…<drumroll>

3 tips to to hold onto yourself in a relationship

    1. Make time for the things that bring you joy. When you are in love, it’s tempting to abandon them in favor of what your sig other wants to do but part of what drew them towards you was because of the aura you gave off from doing things that lit up your world. Keep doing them!
    2. Make time to connect with friends and build new connections. Pick up the phone and call your friends. Make plans to see each other. So often, we lose a sense of balance between socializing with a partner and socializing with our own friends. Even if your partner is disappointed, trust me, they will love and respect you more if you are not around them 24/7 and you will feel lighter as well!
    3. Maintain a bit of mystery. Keep some things to yourself. Important: This is very different than withholding important information that directly affects the relationship. I’m talking about things like every single thing you did in a day or how you feel about everything and anything. Making your partner the be all and end all of your emotional life puts a lot of pressure on the relationship! Allow your partner to be there for you emotionally but resist the pattern of making them a therapist. They aren’t. They are your lover and friend. Emotional responsibility for our own stuff is paramount for maintaining sizzle and spark!

That’s it!

Over to you. Q: Have you ever lost yourself in a relationship or been on the other side? What helped you to come back into balance with yourself?

what would delight you?

How would you like to….

:: go to Italy in the height of the summer season for $100 RT

:: manifest 3 hot dates with quality men in the same week

:: receive podcast and media invitations in 24 hours

The above are true manifestations and all three of them when I look back on the process (if you can call it that!) started with one major question.

Q: In this moment, what would delight me?

You see, there’s a buoyancy to the word ‘delight.’

It’s different than “In this moment, what do I want? What do I need?” Both of those are nice, but they are still so cerebral-too heady to be exciting to our emotional and spiritual bodies.

But delight?

With delight comes…a freedom and detachment from grasp that calms the nervous system, the calculating, well-meaning mental mind and opens you up to possibility.

And when it comes to manifesting love and amazingness in your life, it dials up your subconscious frequency to receive, not just what you are asking for but also subtle information from your intuition that will share what inspired actions you need to take.

And when to chill the f– -out too!

So, this week-try it out for yourself.

Experiment with “What would delight me in this moment?”

And follow your internal nudges.

You may have a lot of fun and when you can let the Universe delight and surprise you, you become magnetic to more.

Want to learn how to manifest like a Goddess?​​​​​​​Image

Join my brand new 10-day challenge: “Manifest Like a Goddess!”
Just before the holiday craziness kicks off!

Click here

It’s FREE and kicks off December 11!


be still

Happy Wednesday!

This week is Thanksgiving in the US and the biggest message I hear is this:

“Blessings are everywhere if you stop to be still.”

But gosh darn it, we live in a society where being still is equated with being lazy.

Or unproductive.

Or frivolous.

Be still? I have too much to do! Who has time to be still?

But if you are desiring love or more spiritual connection, creating time to be still is not just good energy maintenance. It’s essential to building your intuitive muscles, so you can actually hear what it’s trying to tell you and you stop repeating the same unhealthy patterns that don’t get you the results you want.

It’s the voice that says:

“Email that person…let them know about your idea.”…and you do and you end up with a publishing contract for the book that’s been sitting on your hard drive forever!

“Go out with him, even though he doesn’t look like the guys you are normally attracted to..and you do and you end up going on an 8-hour, amazing date!”

“Tell them how you feel, even if it’s!” and you do and end up saving a friendship and coming closer together than ever before.

By the way, all three of those scenarios are based on true accounts from clients and colleagues.

So how do you do it? Be still.

Step 1: Write down a compelling reason.

The logical mind likes tangibles. So get out a sheet of paper and write down exactly what you desire this still time to help you cultivate. As you write it you are sending a strong signal out to the Universe about your intent and your practice has an anchor and point of focus.

Step 2: Decide on a time.

Again, I’m a huge fan in timers-my iPhone makes it super easy to set 3 minutes and have a beautiful chime go off after my quiet meditation time is over. The most important thing is that it be something you can be consistent with daily. So if it’s 1 min, start there.

Step 3: Define your space and stillness activity

If you’re anything like me, sitting still can be really really challenging. So more than the actual physical stillness, is the mental and verbal stillness. Get creative and get into your body if you tend to do the mental spiraling out thing.

Ex: Maybe you decide your “still” time is literally your walk to the mailbox but you don’t bring your cellphone or any other distractions with you. Turn off all gadgets (except for your timer) and remind yourself to just be quiet and mindful as you walk.

That’s it!

Especially during holiday times when a ton of family dynamics or conflicting emotions come up, having a stillness practice can save your sanity!

Q: What is one of your big intentions for 2018? Are you willing to be still to tune into the stirrings and nudges from your intuition to support that? Share with me in the comments!

PS: Are you looking for a spiritual mentor for 2018? Do you know that you are ready to blow 2018 out of the water and learn spiritual tools and practices to help you manifest your dreams in the New Year? I am taking on a limited number of private clients for next year and I’d love to hold space for you if you are ready and willing!

Interested? Click here to schedule a no-obligation, no-cost 15 min consult and let’s chat about your goals and I will share more about the ways we can work together to fulfill them and of course, you can ask me any questions about the programs I share at that time. You are under no obligation to invest in any services by setting this call up but it does get the process started if you are ready!