what would delight you?
How would you like to….
:: go to Italy in the height of the summer season for $100 RT
:: manifest 3 hot dates with quality men in the same week
:: receive podcast and media invitations in 24 hours
The above are true manifestations and all three of them when I look back on the process (if you can call it that!) started with one major question.
Q: In this moment, what would delight me?
You see, there’s a buoyancy to the word ‘delight.’
It’s different than “In this moment, what do I want? What do I need?” Both of those are nice, but they are still so cerebral-too heady to be exciting to our emotional and spiritual bodies.
But delight?
With delight comes…a freedom and detachment from grasp that calms the nervous system, the calculating, well-meaning mental mind and opens you up to possibility.
And when it comes to manifesting love and amazingness in your life, it dials up your subconscious frequency to receive, not just what you are asking for but also subtle information from your intuition that will share what inspired actions you need to take.
And when to chill the f– -out too!
So, this week-try it out for yourself.
Experiment with “What would delight me in this moment?”
And follow your internal nudges.
You may have a lot of fun and when you can let the Universe delight and surprise you, you become magnetic to more.
Want to learn how to manifest like a Goddess?
Join my brand new 10-day challenge: “Manifest Like a Goddess!”
Just before the holiday craziness kicks off!
It’s FREE and kicks off December 11!