What does Lion’s Gate mean for you? (Love and Money!)

Happy Tuesday and Lion’s Gate (August 8, 88 energy)!

What the heck does that mean?

Good news! I made a short video for you-I’ve been up since 5:30am and Spirit was like, “Go outside right now and make a video.” So I did.

It’s such an important next week for relationships, self-esteem and even money and I want you to take full advantage of it.

Watch below:

Announcement: Also, in celebration of Venus in Leo and the Lion’s Gate portal, it’s the perfect time for adornment. I don’t know about you, but when I am feeling low, not as confident or just when I need an extra boost, my go-to remedy is CRYSTALS, gemstone jewelry and beauty!

In the spirit of expansion and generosity, I’ve partnered with Conscious Items, a high vibe online company known for their exceptional jewelry, crystals and philanthropy. For every purchase, they plant a tree. How cool is that?!

So in support of your self-care practice and tapping into your personal power, check out this gorgeous bracelet designed specifically for that and other gorgeous items!

We’re Off to the Races! (January Message Inside)

Happy 2023 and brand-new month. Woohoo! 

I am so glad you are here!

How was your last week of Dec? 

Did you do anything special for New Years?

Mine was quiet, which is just how I like it!

It may still feel like there is some residual energy hanging around or unresolved emotions from 2022 and that is a-okay!

Energetically, things are still moving around in the cosmos and it may be a few weeks before the dust fully settles and we are able  to see our next trajectory. 

Check out this month’s January message-I share the theme and musings on what you can expect! 

I’m curious after you watch it what one of your intentions is? Share if you feel guided and have a wonderful first week! 

Easy does it. Breathe. You’ve got this, goddess! 

Want to Make Heads Turn? Try This! (Space Clearing Tool!)

Happy Tuesday!

Today’s question: “Diana, is there anything I can do to get guys to notice me more? I know that it’s important to come off as confident and I’m a bit shy. Do you have any spiritual tips that I can try to support me in this?”

A: Love this question! And yes. I’m a huge fan of integrating intuition with space clearing as I’ve found that sometimes shifting our outer world can trigger our subconscious/inner worlds. When the two worlds are in harmony, you experience manifestation and flow. And when it comes to confidence and getting noticed, the Fame corner’s where it’s at!

By the way, you can use these tips to get notice in ay area where you need to toot your own horn and feel bit self conscious! 

Listen below to the audio tips!