Can you attract love if you don’t have your financial shit together? Q+A with Diana!

Q: I feel like I don’t have my financial shit together, so I don’t feel like I’m a good match for someone until I figure that part out first. I want to put myself out there, but I’m afraid that if I do meet someone they will just judge me for not having it all together like them. I know this is stopping me from being fully open to love, but what can I do?

Click here to watch what I told her + even if you are already in a relationship, check it out because the advice shared is all about empowering you to allow in more of the good stuff!


Want more?

Sign up for my Summer of Love FREE Series starting this June!

are you tired of settling for crumbs? i’ve got you covered!

Do you know that you deserve better in a relationship?

Do you wonder why other people seem to thrive and get all this attention and adoration from a partner (or the world at large) when you seem to give and give and get crumbs back?

Do you feel frustrated, annoyed or just plain dumbfounded at how to break the cycle?

I’d love to share a story with you about this with the intent that it helps you see what could be running the show and how you can begin to break it for good.

I was speaking with a woman recently who we will call *Samantha. Samantha is beautiful, smart and has one of the most generous, loving hearts of anyone I know.

She’s super tuned into the spiritual world and being of service.

She had her own business and was in a relationship with a guy she really loved but when we peered behind the curtain of small talk, some uncomfortable Truths came out:

-She was working all the time and barely making ends meet. She was wondering if she should just go back to her old job even though she really hated it.

-She hadn’t had sex with her partner in a loooong time and admitted that she often felt irritated or too exhausted to bring it up. They weren’t connecting and she didn’t feel special or adored. He was treating her more like a roommate than a cherished lover.

I asked her some more powerful questions and more came out..

-She wasn’t making money in her business because she felt terrible asking for the sale. She low-balled her rates so much that she’d end up paying herself less than minimum wage with all the hours she put in. But she was terrified her clients would go elsewhere if she charged what she really wanted to and was assuming they couldn’t afford it.

-In her relationship, she admitted the work stuff was getting in the way of her energy levels and desire for intimacy. Her whole body felt contracted and tight and she felt uncomfortable asking her partner for help (even if it was just to let her vent and to hold her while she shared what was happening). She didn’t want to bother him or be too much trouble and besides, she should be able to deal with this on her own, right? She was a grown woman after all.

“I feel like I’m failing even though I am working so hard. He’s not seeing my Goddess side because even I have know idea where she went!!! I work all the freakin time it’s like she’s numbed out!”


Now we were onto something.

Soul Truths:

When the shell finally cracked, Samantha realized that she had been allowing herself to settle for crumbs. She was almost proud of it that she could do things on her own and that she could survive on so little affection and resources. (This shocked her but that ah-ha came straight from her!) It was almost as if she had a program running inside her that said, “The harder life is, the more you’ll feel proud of yourself. And the less you ask for, the more spiritual you are.”

In short…in her old mindset,.settling for crumbs=getting more spiritual gold stars.

Her eyes got really really wide as she took in what she just uncovered.

After the initial shock wore off, she blurted out:

“OMG! No wonder I’m not letting him in. No wonder I’m barely making enough money to support myself! I’m so done being on that rollercoaster. That was fun in my 20’s but not anymore! I’m so so done! Done done!”

And we had a really good laugh!

And from that point of vulnerable Truth, the actual healing work could finally begin.

The Golden Take-Away Tip:

The key was in identifying what mindset, self image, stories and fears were running the old program. And from there, it was about getting clear on what self-image she intended to project to the world and most importantly to herself. And coming into energetic alignment with that new image. That’s what it takes to break the pattern of settling for crumbs. In any area of your life and especially relationships.

This is the core of the Soul healing work I help my VIP and private clients with.

Now, it wasn’t an overnight change, but last time I heard from her, she had raised her rates to reflect the awesome service she provides (which was ‘terrifying and liberating’), had opened up to her partner which was very healing for them both and actually ended in an amicable ending as he was not really in a place to be in a committed partnership (again, truth telling leads to more truth telling!) and she’s started dancing and dating again, clear on how she wants to be treated and also never settling for emotional or financial crumbs again.

“My Goddess is running the show again and it’s so much fun!” she told me.

She’s creating a life based on honoring herself and there’s no bigger high.

This week’s Soul question: “Have you ever settled for crumbs? What helped you to break free and create something different for yourself?” Share with us in the comments below!

Want to get more, for FREE?

Sign up for Soul Mate: A 5-day e-course to attract love, and feel happy, adored and free!

It’s FREE and I’ll share more exercises to help you anchor into what it’s going to take to attract great love into your life!


are you in a toxic friendship? 5 signs to know for sure

When a romantic relationship ends, it can be heart-breaking, but when you are questioning a friendship that has been in your life for much longer, it can bring up a lot inside because well, there is a lot at stake.

Some friendships simply fizzle over the course of time, but then there are other ones that may teeter on the edge of unhealthy but for whatever reason, you’re afraid to cut them loose.

Am I just being too needy?

Am I expecting too much?

Am I just freaking out about nothing?

These are some of the questions that can run through your head and it can be really hard to sift through those thoughts and determine whether you’ve just hit a bump in the road or it’s a friendship turned toxic.

Here are 5 signs to know for sure. Read each of them and pay attention to your body’s first response. If you have a particular reaction, take note!

5 signs you’re in a toxic friendship

  • You feel worse about yourself or physically drained or “off” within the first 5 minutes of them leaving your space or you leaving theirs.
  • You hide parts of yourself because you know you will be judged.
  • You have shared something intimate with them that you asked to be kept in confidence and they betrayed that trust
  • You only hear from them when there’s something catastrophic or dramatic going on in their lives (with you in the starring role as unpaid therapist).
  • You only hang out with them because you are worried that if you break up with them, they will feel so terrible (putting their needs above your own)

What next?

Once you’ve assessed your friendship, the next step is to consider how you want to address it.

If you’ve determined you have a toxic friendship, one option is to distance yourself from that person. Another is to have a conversation with them and set some boundaries or in some cases, have the “friend breakup” talk.

Need help with knowing what to say? Check out one of my most popular posts: 4 Steps to Having an Uncomfortable Conversation

The bottom line is this: We teach the people in our lives how to treat us. The more you can spot red flags early on, the more space you create in your life for awesome friends who treat you right!

Your turn: Have you ever been in a toxic friendship? What did you do to come out of it or what is one thing you learned about yourself through that? Share with us in the comments (down below and to the right!)

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Click here to sign up for free weekly updates and get a free gift on me to help you trust and love yourself!

New Moon Reading Special (until February 1)

What does this New Moon mean for YOU?
New Moons are a time of birthing new conditions, re-setting your foundations for lasting success in 2017 and re-aligning spiritually.
When you mix your unique energies with the energies of the planet, it is easier to call in what your Soul wants with grace and ease.
And the Angels can help you find peace in your heart around the issues that arise during this powerful time. So you can let go of what’s held you back, see the lesson and begin to heal. I know how easy it is to feel alone or scared during this time, like things aren’t going to get better or how easy it is to get stuck in worry, wondering what’s coming up or why stuff is happening!
One of my greatest pleasures and Purposes is to help amazing Lightworkers like YOU to tune into the natural cycles of your journey, help you pin-point the possible roadblocks and to help you use the energies that are coming up to help you move forward courageously!
And so until 6pm Pacific February 1, I’m offering a special email reading/healing combo to support you during the New Moon shifts!
Click here to book yours! I’m excited to connect with you.

a mudra (body symbol) to help you ward off negative vibes + still let people in

I learned this simple mudra from a healer in Sedona and you can use it

    • In a public place where you feel energetically overloaded
    • In the middle of someone venting at you
    • Whenever you need to pull your energy back to yourself and tune out the energies around you.

Why it works: For the curious 🙂

      • Each interlaced index finger/thumb represents the masculine and feminine energies within you coming together.  The “infinite Source.” Basically, you are in a space of balance within yourself and nothing can come inside that loop. This is to help your upper chakras feel balanced and in tune (Chakras 4, 5, 6, 7)
      • The crossing of your ankles mimics the same pattern as your fingers and helps your lower chakras feel balanced and in tune (Chakras 3, 2 and 1).

Try it out and see how it works for you!

Q: What is one place you know you will try this out? Share with us in the comments below!

Ready for more? Sign up for FREE weekly updates and tips to help you trust and love yourself. Click here

in a rut? take this phrase out of your vocabulary…

Do you feel like things are stagnant in your life right now?

Are you in a relationship rut?

You are not alone!

A few years ago, I woke up at three am with cold sweats and a piercing awareness that my relationship with the man that was lying beside me was no longer healthy for my Soul…and it was time to go.

I didn’t want to know this information and sometimes our intuition gives us messages we really really would prefer to ignore.

But it was clear as a bell and I remember going over this one phrase in my head that not only kept me up at night but also delayed me moving forward.

I felt powerless, confused, alone and guilty.

But it wasn’t until I was able to take back my power and scrutinize the words I was obsessively looping in my head that I finally felt ready to break free, have the uncomfortable conversation and start to move forward.

It all boiled down to two little words.

And these two little words usually come up when we are feeling stuck or powerless to move through a situation or relationship in my case that’s taken the wind out of sails.

It’s time to cut them out.

Watch the video below to learn what they are and a one-word solution to start taking your power back ASAP.

This week’s Soul question: Have you ever struggled with this? What is one thing has helped you get out of it? Share with us below!

Are you ready to bring some magic back into your life and a lightness in your heart?

I am a relationship healer and I’m here to help you trust and love yourself at the highest level.13086866_701728107387_5427378868050236871_o.jpg

One of my special gifts is helping my clients let go of their ex and other subconscious-level blocks that are stopping you from attracting your soulmate.

I am currently enrolling just a handful of action-taking, ready-for-love Souls (are you one of them?) for private, 1:1 intuitive coaching and massive energy healing.

If you are ready to make some major changes in your life but aren’t sure where to start, I am happy to announce that I have opened up my calendar to take a select number of complimentary consultations (15-20 minutes) to

1. Get to know you and your desires better. Are you looking to get married? Just out of a breakup and looking to heal? Wanting to work on yourself and self-love so you can get back in the dating game? Fill me in!

2. There are 4 core blocks I see that stop you from being a love magnet. With your permission, we can do an energetic Love Assessment to see which of the 4 or which combos of the 4 are your primary blocks.

3. We can chat about solutions to help you unblock and work together and I will of course answer all your questions about that! By booking a consult you are never obligated to purchase any services. It is simply the first step in helping you make a decision to move forward.

Click here to book yours!