5 signs to know if you’re settling

Have you ever dated someone that was just well, okay? Maybe they weren’t Mr or Ms Fabulous, but they weren’t really Mr or Ms A-hole either.Maybe you were with them because you were afraid of being alone.Or the sex was really great.Or your parents/friends/kids/dogs really liked them.

But deep down, you sometimes wondered, “Am I settling?”

 This happened to me recently not with a man, but an event space. But you can use these 5 signs to let you know you might be settling so you can check yourself and make a different choice if you want to.


Quick back story:

I am holding a fabulous event this May in NYC and was having trouble finding a space to hold it. I found one that on the outside looked great-it was way underpriced, the room was nice, it was near hotels and trains but when I walked into the building and through the halls, I just felt, well…less than fabulous. It wasn’t a horrible feeling and no one was mean to me or anything. But it just wasn’t ME. And being in it just didn’t allow me to show up fully as me. I knew I was settling and soon after I admitted this to myself, I found a truly 5-star fabulous space that I know I can deliver my best work in and give participants way more than they bargained for! (details on that in a few days in case you want to come to New York!!) But here is how it went down before then.



Use these 5 signs to save yourself a lot of unnecessary heartache, resources and energy!


1. Your body or breathing feels heavy, strange or unsettled.

When I first walked into the lobby of the old space, my breathing became very heavy and labored. I literally had to shut my eyes and concentrate on my breath because something well, just felt off and I couldn’t pinpoint it.

2. You catch yourself rationalizing.

This is a sure sign you’ve gone into your mind body. You may have thoughts like, “Well, he/she’s not SO bad. I can deal with XYZ (even if it’s a deal breaker). Maybe they’ll change….Maybe I’m over thinking this.”For me, I started rationalizing why it would work anyway (it was a cheap space, it was a nice room, it’s near trains, it’s available on the date you want..but my whole body just couldn’t wait to get the heck out of there). 

3. Your passion meter starts to wane.

Things that you usually feel super excited to do you’re doing half-assed, not making any time for or just well, you’re just stagnant when it comes to fulfilling your desires. Maybe you love walking in the early am and you just have found yourself checking email and not walking. And you feel guilty about it but the behavior doesn’t change. Your passion meter is going down. The energy it takes to settle can affect every area of your life, not just the area in question. Example: I put up an event page and a FB post about my event but my biz girlfriends were like…um, what’s up with you? You aren’t smiling that much. You seem super stressed out and you are not excited about something (the SPACE!) and it shows! Ouch! They were so right. I hadn’t been going to yoga because I was worried about what the space rental people would say if I told them I wasn’t going to do it there after all. 

4. You don’t want to talk about it (especially not to your close friends). Now this is different than having something come up and wanting to process it before you start spilling the beans and getting second opinions. This is about a low-level, “I don’t want to talk about it” because I want to avoid dealing with the fact that I’m not 100% happy and I don’t want you to point it out to me. You know the difference!


5. Your self-care takes a nosedive.

You may start overeating, not sleeping well and just in general, your moods tend to be all over the place or the opposite . You feel numb. ( I don’t want to tell you how many chocolate cookies I ate until I finally decided to get real with myself about what was bugging me-I needed a new venue and a new date that lit me up and where I felt so confident I could deliver my best stuff!)

Now I want to hear from YOU!

Have YOU ever felt like you were settling (in your love life or life in general?) Which of the signs did you notice? And what did you end up doing about it that helped you move forward? Please share your comments below!


ps: Want to come to NYC this May and step into your Soul’s purpose and pleasures? Stay tuned to your inboxes on Thursday! (See a sneak pic of the lobby of the fabulous venue I found below!)

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Should you share or is it TMI?

Q: I’m dating a new guy. It’s been about a month and the sex is out of this world. We have a lot of fun together and he tells me I’m beautiful. And…I am starting to freak out because I really like him and I am scared that when he finds out some things about me from my past that he’s just going to bail. I thought maybe I should just not tell him but then I don’t want to feel like I can’t be myself. What should I do?


A: Okay, this is a really great question. There comes a time in a new relationship when you may want to reveal stuff from your past but it’s scary because you’re not sure they can handle it. Here’s the deal…

In this video you will learn:

  • The one simple question you can ask yourself before you share something questionable
  • The extra step most people miss that can save you from unnecessary relationship drama
  • Why sometimes sharing can be a positive thing and how to know for sure!


After you watch, be sure to post your answer to the question below! 


48_button_purpleGet clear on your why and the rest will fall into place. Tweet that!

Love Question for you: Have you ever said something that was TMI? How did it affect your relationship? Or have you ever heard something TMI from someone you just started dating? Did it bring you closer or turn you off? Share you insights below!

PS: not on the newsletter? I would love to send you a FREE gift! Pop in your email here + I’ll send it you ASAP!



How to decipher the “I love you but I’m not IN love with you” line

“I love you, but I’m just not “in love” with you anymore.”


It’s the most frustrating thing to hear and let’s face it, in our head it basically translates to “OMG he doesn’t love me anymore! What’s wrong with ME?”Been there.And today I’d like to reveal the truth behind that commonly used line. First, it has nothing to do with you. This is not a ploy to make him/her the bad guy. It’s just the truth.It’s not even really about the relationship itself.(What? you may think. Diana has lost it! Stay with me…)


I’ve worked with many many singles and also couples, both happily married and not so happily married. And from all the happily married and long-term loves I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with over the years, including couple that has been together over 43 years!  the verdict is the same.

In this video you will learn:

  • the real meaning behind the “I love you but I’m not IN love with you” line
  • the one thing all happily married couples have that separates them from the unhappy ones
  • the truth behind what happens after the honeymoon phase that makes or break your relationship 

After you watch, be sure to answer the Soul Love question below!


So now you know. And now I’d love to hear from you!



Have you ever had someone say that they loved you but they weren’t “in love” with you? Have you been the one to say it? What was that like and what insights did you learn about yourself? Share your stories and tips with us! Love hearing from you!


Want more?

Click here and I’ll send you my free class: Top 7 Spiritual Secrets to Unblock your Love Life


Use this Sanskrit mantra to help you open to love with ease

Do you desire more love? You must shed the belief that attracting love is the result of struggle. First we must practice acceptance of the present moment and the easier your life becomes. -paraphrased from Deepak Chopra


Wow. So simple, but true isn’t? The Buddhists believe that our suffering comes from the pain of our attachments to anything and the addiction to struggle.Let’s face it. When it comes to matters of the heart, it can be incredibly difficult to buy into the idea that we deserve for love to come easily and with very little effort. We are almost programmed to feed into the belief that there is something wrong with us if we just show up as we are naturally, the way we look, talk, etc. Why didn’t he call? What was the subliminal message behind that text? What does it say about me that he/she didn’t reply to my email?


Stru…ggle.It’s exhausting. I’m so done. I’m going on a struggle strike.Want to join me? I’ll bring brownies (gluten-free of course) and sangria. Just kidding. Although that would be fun.There is hope! I recently learned a powerful Sanskrit mantra from Deepak Chopra specifically designed to help you open to receive more and create more (of anything not just romantic love) with zero struggle and minimal effort.


Now, I want to be clear. Effort and taking action is required. Discomfort may happen when you venture outside those safe little bubbles you’re used to operating in. No one gets a free pass on that highway. But using this mantra is intended to help you step into the flow of your heart and be inspired to receive, listen to your intuitive nudges and then take natural actions vs. struggling internally and pushing through with actions that leave you feeling more needy and exhausted. Capiche?


SANSKRIT MANTRA: Law of Least Effort

“OM -DAKSHUM- NAMAH” (written as it’s pronounced)


Translation: “My actions achieve maximum benefit with minimal effort”


Directions for using the mantra:

1. Get centered and take a few deep breaths. It’s best to be in a place where you will undisturbed for at least 5-10 minutes.


2. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. With every inhalation, visualize yourself receiving love or whatever it is you want to call in. On every exhalation, visualize yourself letting go of the need to control the outcome, to force or to struggle. Do this at least 3X or until you feel completely present.


3. With your eyes closed, repeat the mantra, OM DAKSHUM NAMAH. You can set a timer if you like for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this with intention to let go of struggle and call forth your heart’s desires with grace and ease. You can do this aloud or mentally silently if you are in a public place.


4. Close by slowing bringing yourself into the room, taking one final deep breath and opening your eyes. Bring your hands together at heart center or prayer position, which is a symbol of acknowledgement and connection to your Higher Self. You’re all done! Repeat as often as you like!


Did you enjoy this exercise? Share it on Facebook, Twitter or share with a friend!


Want more free exercises and weekly spiritual love insights? Click here and I will send you a free class, The Top 7 Spiritual Secrets to Un-Block your Love Life when you subscribe to my newsletter!


Work with Me:

I help you release subconscious blocks that are keeping you from calling in a soulmate relationship and help you to become a more confident decision-maker in all aspects of your life so you stop second-guessing yourself. I offer one-on-one coaching, intuitive Soul readings and courses to help you be your most authentic, powerful and lovable self. Click here to learn more and book a session!

Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell

Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell

Why you’re not getting what you want (a simple but powerful shift you can make to change this)

Declaring what you want can be one of the most powerful things you ever do.It takes a certain conviction and trust to really step up to yourself and say, “This is exactly what I want.” It puts you in the drivers’ seat of your life and then Spirit can support you, sending you people, creative ideas and unexpected delays and opportunities to bring it to you.So often we water our original desires down because of reasons like…


—how could that ever happen? it’s never happened to me before

—I asked for what I wanted before and I got hurt or I didn’t get it so why even bother?

—that’s for ‘other people’, more spiritual, wealthy, beautiful, etc than I am


So we ask for something smaller. Something more comfortable. Or something super ambiguous, like, “I want to be more happy. I want more love. I want more money.” It’s general enough that we believe we’re being clear, but the reason you may ask for things like that and not see them in your life is 

that the underlying subconscious feeling behind your request is not truly aligned to what you really, really desire.So, why do we water down our desires, especially when it comes to love and relationships?




Fear of not being good enough.


Worthy enough.


Deserving enough.


That’s where we trip ourselves up all the time, isn’t it?


But if you want to prepare to meet a soulmate relationship or even to just feel more alive and beautifully aligned in your relationships with others, you have to do something differently than you’ve always done. Be in a different energy with yourself than you’ve always been. Believe that something other than the way it’s always been is actually possible and your Divine right.


So, this week, I dare you to be clear about your true desires.



1. Look at the reflection questions for this week. Pick one to focus on.


2.  Get grounded (take a few deep breaths, go for a walk, grab a cup of tea) and create a distraction-free zone for yourself for 5-10 minutes.

3. Write (hand-write vs typing) what flows naturally out of you. When we hand-write it is said to connect us with our subconscious mind, which is where the fears lie.


Crystal clear. Even if you’re afraid. And see what happens. Because love is who you are. The world needs you to be fully you and embrace the calling and stirrings of your heart. Let’s start a dialogue about it!


This week’s reflection questions:

  • What do you want more than anything right now in your life?
  • What would having this thing give you more of?
  • What fears come up when you think of having this in your life? Share your insights with me and our love community on the blog!


Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell

Your Intuitive Relationship Coach, Diana Dorell


And if you’re ready to make a change in your love life and want to learn specific, practical behaviors you need to shift in order to call in a spiritual partner, sign up for my free class, “5 Reasons You’re Still Single And What to Do About it Right Now!”  this Thursday! (it’s recorded, but you must RSVP to get the replay!)



Have a blessed week!

