The simple rule to re-vamp your relationships (or any part of your life for that matter!)

Diana DorellCredit: Peek Photography

Diana Dorell
Credit: Peek Photography

“Step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act.”-Dr. Seuss

Do you ever feel called to do a complete Soul overhaul or life makeover?

So often, we think that once we’ve declared what we want to be different in our lives that we must go through every single area and change everything to achieve results.

Like if you want to attract a new relationship, you also feel the need to lose ten pounds, get a new website for your business and move to a more fabulous apartment. All at the same time. With a 4-page list of how we are going to achieve each one.

I see this a lot with my amazing friends and clients who tend to be over-achievers and action-takers to a hilt. (hmmm…is that you too?) We tend to attract each other.

It’s really exhausting to try and do it that way.

And honestly, it could be a lot more enjoyable and fun!

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be so hard.

And it doesn’t have to take so much of your mental, emotional and physical energy.

The solution: Just focus on shifting ONE thing.

And by the law of Spirit, once you radically shift one area of your life, it’s like all the moving parts have to shift to create something new, but you don’t have to manually move the pieces into place. It just happens as a by-product because who you are BE-ing requires that you take different actions and behave differently than you did before.


*names have been changed for privacy.

My client *Sarah recently shared with me that her focus has been to re-vamp her self-talk in relationships. (no easy feat but yes, she is a rockstar and super awesome!) She used to really struggle with taking everything personally when date plans would be cancelled or changed and she had a really hard time speaking up and stating what she wanted without getting defensive or falling into thinking like..”I’m just not good enough. I wonder who they are really going out with tonight..This always happens to me, etc”. So we started working together and she learned how to manage her monkey mind using spiritual tools, taking the focus off this other person and back onto what she could control: her thoughts to herself. It wasn’t easy, but she has been practicing everyday and just reported that she was able to stay grounded and neutral during an event in which someone was putting out some seriously weird vibes. And the results? She’s being treated with a lot more love and respect in her relationship. “It felt amazing…and weird…but I was so proud of myself!” From this powerful place, she’s also taking better care of her physical health and has increased energy there and consequently, she’s being offered more work! Win:win:win. And all she focused on shifting was ONE THING: her self-talk space.


Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing a 3-part series of what I’m calling “Mind Your Mind” tips that you can use to calm monkey-mind/mental stress + come back into alignment with yourself so you can go out there and rock your relationships, career and life!

For now, I want you to answer this question: 

“What is ONE area you are committed to shifting in your life? What is one powerful action you could take right now to begin?”

Example: Maybe it’s to mark a date on your calendar, to write in your journal, to call/email/text someone. To get supplies you need for this. You get it. Pick one thing!

Share with us in the comments!

Remember: To change your life, all you have to do is shift one thing at a time. The rest will fall into place. Click to Tweet This.

ps: Are you coming to Sedona this November?






Ready to leave monkey-mind behind and have more energy, love and connection than you know what to do with? Put your name on the priority list! Registration opens next week!!!

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