Let’s play a game. I call it “have you ever.”
Have you ever…
I’ve been there!
True Story:

With my orange tree. Mother Nature reminds me that we are ALL abundant!
I want to share a true story with you in the hopes that it helps you see that no matter what has gone down, there’s something that you have inside of you that trumps anyone’s opinion, your own fear and dare I say it, even your supposed “destiny.”
One of my secret (and not so secret anymore!) dreams has been to travel to Italy. It’s been an obsession of mine since I can’t even remember. I’ve never been there but you know how sometimes a place just calls to your Soul and you don’t know why? You may have grown up in a different culture entirely but still, it’s like this gnawing desire that grows stronger the older you get? That’s Italy for me. And now, many many years later, I am FINALLY going! It’s all arranged and for ten glorious days in June, I will be indulging in all things Italian.
And it’s funny. When I told people that I was going to Italy, most of them were like, “Oh my gosh! Italy is soooo beautiful! I went when I was younger. How romantic! You’re so lucky! I remember when….
And then after all the positive stuff wore off, they’d throw in, “But you know plane tickets to Europe in the summer especially are ridiculous, right?”
“I bet you can’t get time off from your job.
Well, you’re lucky you don’t have kids or a husband yet.” (Uh…thanks?)
Talk about a downer on my dream. Other stuff that people said to me included:
“The men there are shameless flirts! You are going there by yourself? And you have a boyfriend back home? Watch out!”
When You Doubt Yourself
But the most interesting comment ended up becoming a big lesson for me in listening to myself. I was at an event in Los Angeles with two very well-known intuitives whose work I respect so much. We did a meditation exercise about Abundance and Joy. After that meditation, I ended up doodling a few things on my notepad, two of which were a heart and the word Florence! I hadn’t said a word to anyone and I got SO excited that I started sharing how I really wanted to go Italy and put on a workshop about love and intuition. The ladies at my table were so supportive and excited for me!
Anyhow, later in the event, there was a rare opportunity to stand at the mike and ask a question we wanted the intuitive“hits” on and I didn’t know what I was going to ask. I just wanted to ask something. Anything! (Looking back, I know that was probably my Ego talking and I could have just sat that one out, but there are no accidents!)
So I asked all smugly, “Would this summer be a good time to go to Italy? I really want to live there for a little bit and put on a workshop.”
There was a long pause. One said, “Oh no! You will have more money NEXT year because you will be in an “8” abundance year. Wait.”
The other agreed.“Your ducks will not be in a row if you go this year. You have to take care of the basics first. Wait until next year.”
“Well, alright then. Thank you.” I begrudgingly went back to sit down at my table and my good friend and founder of the Reinvention Channel, Vidette, who I introduced you all to awhile back slid a piece of paper across to me like we were in school.
It said, “Diana, why are you doubting yourself? Your intuition said Florence and you told me this summer. Why are you letting someone tell you otherwise?”
She’s an awesome friend and she was right. I love Vidette.
What Now?
But I shouldn’t shake what I had just been told. I tried to look at the situation objectively and rationally.
Side note: That lasted about two seconds because well, if you’ve ever tried to look at your own stuff objectively, it’s pretty hard to do. We want what we want! That’s why people hire me, so they get an outsider’s perspective when they can’t see through the fog of their own thoughts.
Here’s what mine were back then:
1. Yes, I do numerology too thankyouverymuch and I know that next year (2014) the numbers show that yes, if I’m following my gut, abundance should flow pretty freely more than this year (yay!).
2. But, I don’t care. I still want to go to Italy.
3. I may not have all my ducks in a row, but I never understood that expression and frankly, I find it more satisfying to see what happens when there IS no row and the ducks are happy to go wherever they want to. What’s fun about being in a straight line?
ps: In case you didn’t hear me Spirit, I really want to go to Italy. Really badly. (Soooo rational, right?)
I got MAD and like I wrote about in an earlier post, I used that anger and later that insatiable DESIRE and asked myself, “If I didn’t care what ANYONE said and I had no fears about limitations on my time or resources, what would I WANT to do?”
The answer that came? Use your travel miles, Diana and go to Italy.
My intuition directed me to the United.com site and I saw that I had 80,000 unused miles! It takes 60,000 to get to Florence, so there goes the “airfare is too much” objection . And soon after I booked my airfare (literally within 45 minutes), I found a beautiful room to stay in through a secure travel site and I also got a strong hit that I will be writing like a mad Goddess while I’m there. I am SO excited to be doing sessions with my clients from Italia over gelato! And the rest will figure out itself.
3 Golden Nuggets for YOU:
1) Your consistent soul-driven desires TRUMP everything else. Listen to them.
Even when you choose to cave in and NOT follow your intuition, your soul-driven desires nag at you in the middle of your workday, they pop into your head or your thoughts late at night or first thing in the morning. You may even get signals of other people doing stuff that reminds you of your latent desires that you’ve put on the back burner.
Let your soul-driven desires have a voice. Hear them out. They may have some pretty amazing plans for you that you couldn’t have thought up no matter how many psychics you went to or how many pieces of advice your friends or family members give you about what’s “for your Highest Good.” Listen. Stay open to their whispers.
2. Just START. You don’t have to have the whole plan. (Boring!)
You just have to know what you want and do the next immediate action. Then you get the next set of steps. Kind of like what happened with me. First, I had to negate my own intuition only to get mad at myself, which fueled me going to United.com, then to the travel site and finally I was so on fire that my creativity and intuition were doing the happy dance together.
3. Be Discerning. Naysayers are inevitable, but listening to them is a choice.
Most people are well-meaning and when you can remember that we’re all doing the best we can from our own unique life experiences, you can chill out and let the outside negativity or the fears that aren’t yours just slip off your aura. Replace it with compassion and loving detachment and do what you want to do anyway! (It’s more fun and takes a lot less energy!)
Your Turn:
Q: What’s a place you’ve always wanted to travel to? Why?
1. Post your answer using the “Leave a Comment” button down right!
2. Did you enjoy this post? Sign up for updates (it’s FREE) right here: and join me over at my Facebook page here: www.Facebook.com/DianaDorell
3. Interested in learning more about what could be really be holding you back from what you want?
Fora limited time, I am scheduling 15 complimentary 30-minute “Sparkle” consultations with those of you who are committed to your personal development. These are conversations designed to SPARK you and help you learn more about yourself.
You are:
committed to learning more about yourself and have an open mind
open to receiving spiritual coaching and never blame anyone or anything for your current circumstances
an action-taker who has a desire to grow
Is that you?
Very very important: Read this before you say YES!
1) These are different than intuitive readings. The intention for these Sparkle consults are to help you discover what is really going on or blocking you from what you say you want in one area of your life. So if you come to this call wanting answers or wanting my “intuitive hits” on your life, I will kindly direct you back to my services page to book a reading.
2) I will ask you questions, get to know you better and based on what we uncover together, I will make specific suggestions of ways that we work together to help you achieve your goals. This could be suggesting that you apply for one of my training or coaching program, consider a Soul reading or I may get a sense that a numerology report and an audio course I have would be of greatest benefit. It varies per person.
3) You also have time to ask questions about how I work and see if I’m the right person for you!
I am always amazed what happens in these Sparkle consults and I’m SO Excited to be speaking with fifteen beautiful souls.
Want to be one of my 15?
OOPS. Looks like I only have a few left! Book fast!
Go here
All my love,