3 Steps to Use Anger to Get What You Want (and manifest like a mo ‘fo!)

Anger can be a powerful way to get what you want, provided it is channeled effectively and without harm to anyone!

In this video, Diana shares:

  • why “faking it till you make it” doesn’t always work
  • how she manifested a lucrative writing gig in less than 24 hours using anger!
  • 3 steps to channel your anger so it works FOR you instead of against you!

After you watch be sure to post a comment to the question below on the blog!


Take Action:

1. What is ONE action or step you can take that SCARES you that you know would help you get what you want?

2. Post it below and let’s support you!

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Want to be adored? Stop doing this!

“How can I get my husband to appreciate me more?”


“I work so hard, and feel like no one seems to even notice.”


“Money comes into my life and it seems to go out just as fast? Why?”


Appreciation. Acknowledgement and Financial Abundance.


Those are the three biggest things that I hear people talking about CONSTANTLY.


How can we get more of THAT?


It’s easy.


Get a pen.


This is super deep.


Are you ready?


My million dollar answer. This is going to make me famous. And it’s going to make you rich and adored.


Here it is: Stop complaining. Not just out loud. But even inside your own head. Just stop it!


It’s so easy to say but between all the media negativity and outside energies, it can be really challenging to put into practice.


But if what you want is a better, richer life with a loving man (or woman) by your side plus the Benjamins in the bank, this is a non-negotiable spiritual law.


The Law (in my own words for you is):


“The strongest energy ALWAYS wins. We all have light and Shadow sides to our psyche, our thoughts and most importantly to the vibration we choose to put out into the world. Whichever energy is dominant is the one that will be responsible for manifesting whatever it is you see in your external reality.” Period.


Are you with me?


So, my invitation to you? Go on a COMPLAINING fast. For the next 24 hours. I double triple dare you!


This is harder than it appears. You’d be surprised how many times you may catch yourself complaining in passing and if you do complain, each time you catch yourself, I want you to:




2. Close your eyes.


3. Breathe in and out and say “I now choose to stop cutting off my financial  flow” (Even if your finances are in awesome shape, there’s something really tangible that hits home when we use the word “financial flow.” But feel free to substitute your own power statement here so that it feels authentic for you and what you want to create more of.


Take Action: Your Spirit Challenge!


1. Will you be a part of our Spirit challenge this week?

If you are a YES, post a YES in the “Leave a Comment” section on here! I want to cheer you on!


2. Prizes!

After your 24 hours are complete (Deadline to post is Friday, April 12) , for anyone who posts a comment with 1-3 sentences of how the Complaining Challenge positively affected your day, I will be emailing a fun prize to!

Note: You MUST post with your full email address or I won’t know where to send your freebie!


3. If you want to learn more about getting respect and feeling adored and understood in your relationships with family, friends and lovers, I HIGHLY recommend my new audio course, Find Your Spirit, Find Yourself. Check it out here: www.URintuitive.com/realms2.html


Have a Blessed week and thank you so much for reading!


ps: If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and if you’re not already subscribed to the ezine Trust Your Intuition, join us (it’s FREE) and I share info with my ezine peeps that I don’t share publicly. Go here: www.DianaDorell.com/onequestion/




Want to be famous? Try this!

3 ways to spruce up your “Fame” space


Do you secretly want to be famous?

Want to be well-known in your field or be known as the one to go to for a particular thing?

I’m a huge fan of integrating intuition with space clearing as I’ve found that sometimes shifting our OUTER world can trigger our subconscious/inner worlds. When the two worlds are in harmony, you experience manifestation and flow.To keep it very simple, choose one room in your home that you’d like to work some “fame” energy on.

*When you walk in the room, look towards the back CENTER. That is your FAME/reputation space. 

NOTE: Before using any of these 3 suggestions, I always recommend a thorough de-cluttering and cleaning of the space for maximum benefit.


1. Use the colors orange, red and yellow/gold to decorate! Get creative!

The element of this space is FIRE, so you want to stay away from black, which represents WATER. And using logic, water puts out fire, so keep your black vases and desks away from this area.


2. Triangles and diamonds rule:

This area loved the shapes that have points like triangles, diamonds, etc. So, if you have a beautiful rug, angle it slightly or if you are on a budget, you can literally cut out triangle shapes on orange construction paper and tape them to the bottom of your favorite desk or chair legs!


3. Post your awards!

Have you been in the paper for anything? Do you have any certificates or diplomas? This is the place to hang them up and display them proudly!  For extra benefit, again, use firey or earth tones vs. black frames to capitalize on the fire elements.

Below is an example of one of my fame corners. Note the geometric shapes in the fabric and in the center is an amethyst, which is all about spiritual knowledge and healing from higher planes. Hindu Goddess and God, Lakshmi and Ganesh complete this cozy fame space. 


Extra tip:

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be known for?” Cut out pictures, make a vision board or add photos or snippets that represent that to put in this area. Example: One lady I know wanted to be on TV, so she literally created a TV frame out of construction paper and put a picture of herself in the frame! Soon after, she landed her own show!


Your Turn!

1. Which do you want to be known for?

2. Do you have any ideas on how to spruce up your space?

Share them below with a comment and if you enjoyed this and want more weekly inspiration, sign up for updates (it’s free) here:



Have a fabulous week!




Do you undervalue yourself?

“I worked for a menial’s hire,

Only to learn dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have willingly paid.”

-Jessie B Rittenhouse


I first read that quote in Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and everytime I re-read it, I find something new (great quotes do that!).


Have you ever done any of the following?


  • Said YES to a friend’s request for a favor even when you really wanted to say NO but you were too afraid?
  • Said YES to the first offer in a job that know you’re overqualified for but you are too afraid to counter-offer and command what you really know you’re worth?
  • Said YES to a lover or spouse and done something (or accepted some kind of behavior) that made you feel less than or frustrated afterwards?


If you say YES to any of those, chances are you are undervaluing yourself in some area of your life. (By the way, you’re not alone in this camp. The reason I wrote those examples is because I’ve said YES to all three in the past and I know how soul-sucking it can be!)


As it relates to your most important relationships, are there places where you see your energy being leaked simply because it’s too scary to rock the boat?


You’ll notice a common theme in all those 3 questions above: FEAR.


Fear of not being liked.


Fear of losing something or someone (sometimes before you even have it!)


Fear of confrontation and not being loved for who you are.


But I don’t want to focus on fear. You are a highly conscious, intuitive being (I love you!) and it’s so easy for us to focus on releasing fears, over-processing and putting energy into how to fix something when my opinion is this:


What if….


What if there was nothing for you to fix?


What if instead you chose to put your focus on ACCEPTANCE and truly loving yourself?


What if you felt afraid and did it anyway?


What’s the worst thing that could be possibly happen?


If we go back to the quote at the top, “…any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have willingly paid.”  I have to ask you the scary question:


What kind of WAGE do you WANT?


And when you think about your most precious relationships, WAGE = The qualities of how you intend to be treated and treat others.


Example: Respected, harmonious communication, powerful, sexy…you get it, right?


See, most people want the Universe to give them a big ole HANDOUT because they are too lazy to take personal responsibility for their failure to say what it is that they WANT in the first place!


The ones like you reading this know better. If you know what you want and you ASK for it, you’re 100000X more likely to actually get it than the person who says, “I don’t know. You decide Universe. Whatever. (But if I don’t like it, I’ll blame you!)


(You can tell this subject gets me riled up!)


Take Action: Your Turn!


So, I’m curious.


1) What is YOUR desired relationship wage?


2) If you’re brave, post your top 3 adjectives that describe how you intend to be treated/treat others using the leave a comment at the bottom of this post.


3) I love you (that’s not an action, but I just wanted to remind you of that!)



If you want to DRAMATICALLY increase your chances of being respected, heard and have relationships with the people in your life that people will envy, I’d LOVE to have you in my brand-new class “What’s My Spirit Realm: How to Rock Your Relationships and Become a Master Communicator!” starting next week!


Check it out here:

Have a fabulous rest of your week/start to SPRING and I look forward to reading your “Relationship Wage” adjectives!


Love and Blessings,




pps: Did you enjoy this post?

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Want to be successful? Banish this word from your vocabulary!

When you are going through a transition or a shift, whether it’s personal or professional, it’s natural to experience feelings of insecurity, fear, indecision and joy all wrapped into one. After all, when you leave behind what you’ve always known to embark on a new path, a new way of BE-ing, a period of adjustment is in order.

But, especially among the highly-conscious, sensitive-to-energy folks like you and I, there is one word that can (at least in my personal opinion) block you from opening up to the full potential of your new chapter change.

That word?


How many times have you heard someone share their intention with you or maybe you’ve even included it in a statement of intent/mantra or repetitive thought yourself.

“I just want to feel or BE comfortable.”

“I want X experience to be peaceful, easy and comfortable.”

“I just want to make enough money to be comfortable.”

You’ve shot yourself energetically in the foot right there.

Because let’s face it.

You are a powerful Be-ing.

The words you say DO have energy and vibration behind them.

Golden Nugget:
Very often you don’t get exactly what you ask for. 99% of the time, you get what your subconscious is programmed to believe is possible.

Click here to Tweet that!


And if you are using the word COMFORTABLE, here’s my take on it:

1. If you had the intentions above AND you acted in full alignment with it (no couch-sitting!), you would probably feel peaceful, you will probably draw in enough money to pay your bills. Things may even feel easy..at least for awhile.
2. But you’ll most likely stay exactly where you are. Where you probably are right now. Comfortable.


You’re Different


But if you’re reading this, I have a feeling you don’t just want comfortable. You don’t just want “okay.” You want superstar success and sparkly energy and the whole shabang!  You probably know that there is something MORE for you. There’s something you’re not FULLY stepping into. Maybe because of what someone told you growing up, maybe because of a fear of failure or even more common, a fear and expectation of success and what could come with that! You have to move past that if you want a different result in your life.

3. When you’re living your Purpose, when you are acting from your Goddess/God space, and you are EXPANDING and GROWING, it is NEVER comfortable! It’s downright UNCOMFORTABLE, painful and Ego-shattering. (I know, I made it sound very not fun!) The pain is the EGO dying and the Truth being brought to the surface so you can make a different choice.

Want some help so you stop going at it alone?
I’d love to support you and help you feel confident NOW.
Book a reading or intuitive session here:


Discomfort in Action: 3 real-life examples

#1 A funny thing has happened to me each time I go through a major transition.

My low back would go out. Like I’m talking on the floor, can’t walk, feel like I’m 1,000 years old stuff. Painful stuff. Crying in the middle of the night because it hurts so bad. And it almost ALWAYS happened during a crazy big overhaul of my life.

Some of the ones off the top of my head? Leaving a thriving practice behind in California to venture to Arizona with no real guarantee it was going to work out. Surviving a painful breakup with a man I thought I was going to marry and having to get real that it wasn’t going to happen and I was alone again. And finally, every time I’ve massively up-leveled my income/business, my back decided to sit this one out. It would always pass (sometimes it lasted a day and other times, it lasted a few weeks!) But it ALWAYS passed. My heart and intuition was in exactly the right place, but my body and subconscious were freaking out and needed time to catch up and know it was going to be okay!

#2 One of my clients shared with me that after she decided to let go of what she felt she HAD to do and stepped fully into what she really WANTED, she felt like her whole body went through a crazy shock. Shaking. Nausea. Headaches. (The body was freaking out, but it was temporary).

#3 Another mom confessed to me that when she got clear on what she knew to be true in her relationship (it had run its course and she wasn’t receiving what she really wanted-a deep soul connection), she felt a big fear storm come upon her. It required her making some BIG choices that would affect her and her family. And it required fast action from her gut.

Did she feel comfortable? Absolutely NOT. But she hung in there and even amidst the rampant fear thoughts like “Can I really do this?” “Who am I to do this?” “What will everyone think of me?”
she is on the other side. I got an email from her Friday and she’s feeling more expansive and alive than she has in a long time! But it wasn’t overnight. It required her going through the DISCOMFORT trusting that she’d get to a better place.

The Point and Your Turn:
If you KNOW you’re at a crossroads right now, and you know you’re in the middle of a fear storm, my invitation is to banish the word COMFORTABLE from your mantras, affirmations and intentions and remember this:

“If I am uncomfortable, I’m growing. I choose to swap being comfortable for being ALIVE and fully ME.”

Click here to Tweet that!


1) What is YOUR intention for this week?
Brave souls, post away using the “Leave a Comment” button to the right.

Remember: everything is energy and posting it in a way is energetically announcing that vibration into the Universal field. Watch and listen for what happens after that!


2) Did you enjoy this post?

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3) Want to feel HEARD?


Sign up for my upcoming class to help you ROCK your relationships!

Learn more here



Have a fabulous week and I look forward to reading your INTENTIONS!

With Love,


For more and to schedule an appointment with Diana, please visit www.DianaDorell.com