Do you worry too much? Try a Worry Box!
Worrying lowers your vibration and energy. It helps no one and actually can BLOCK the solution to your quandary.
But it can become addictive, as if “worrying” about a thing means we are being “productive or good,” especially if it’s around a person or situation near and near to our hearts.
There is a solution though! See below!This is a fun and inexpensive way to release your cares and worries to Spirit so that the energy you spend on worrying is re-directed back to YOU to use for other things that LIFT your soul!
It’s called the “Away Worry Box!” (I trademarked that. Just kidding!)
Materials needed:
- your Intuition
- Empty tissue box
- Sharpie or marker
- index cards, post-it notes or any scraps of blank paper to write your worries on
- optional: choose a power color tissue box or use a marker to color it to one!
Every time you catch yourself worrying about the same thing over and over…
1. write it down on a piece of paper and
2. drop it in the Box, with the intention to completely surrender the situation to Spirit, your Angels, etc.
3. If you want some extra support, write a prayer, mantra or statement of intent on your box to help remind you to LET GO of control. (My box is below so you can see an example).
4. Optional: If you are sensitive to colors and want to get all crazy with your box, consider adding colors to your box to enhance the quality you are wanting to call into your space.
Purple: Spiritual Wisdom, Intuition
Green: Healing, especially emotional
Pink: Love, Compassion
Yellow: Personal Power/Healthy Boundaries
Blue: Communication, Respect
White: Clarity, Peace
Enjoy! And Please let me know how your box is working for you!
Take Action and Announcements:
1) Do YOU have any tips to help you overcome or deal with worry?
Post a comment here!
Special intro rate only available until this Thursday, January 31 (2 days!)
3) Ready for L-O-V-E? Join us!
Love series, “How to Attract Absolutely Anyone” starts February 5! To get the intro rate before it goes up Feb.1, sign up by THURSDAY! 2 ladies who took this course with us last year were in relationships by (and in one case, before) the end of the series! Click here.
Have a fabulous week!
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