
A Simple Mantra to Help You Calm Yourself When Relationships Get Cray!

Hi Beautiful!

How is your heart feeling?

If you’re reading this on Tuesday, I am in gorgeous Paris, France on the last few days of a dream vacation I’ve been planning for years. It’s weird being thrown into a totally different environment and language, but change is so good for our Soul.

One of the things I’ve been asked a lot in my private coaching practice is “how do I calm my nerves when I feel uncertain about where the relationship/situation/etc is going?”

It can be really easy to want to go into the mind and try to control things, but that’s so exhausting, isn’t it?

One of my favorite mantras you can say aloud by putting your hand over your heart is from Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion.

She helps us to be more centered with ourselves and come from a space of grounded grace vs. reactivity.

It is “Om-Mani-Pad-Me-Hum.” Pronounced as “ohhhhhhm-manee-padmeh-hoom.”

Try it.

Three times. Let it vibrate through your chest and being.

My clients have shared that it feels like a huge release. Relief. And reassurance. Warmth.

What does it feel like for you?

Give it go next time you feel anxious.

Have an amazing week and remember to take good care of yourself. That’s the easiest way to magnetize high-quality relationships and opportunities!

I’m sure I’ll be sharing some pics from my trip next week, so for now, breathe, reboot and I’ll see you then.



What to Expect for the Upcoming Eclipse (Relationship Focus!)

Happy Tuesday!

A lot of you have been asking me about the upcoming Oct 14 solar eclipse in Libra and what it means for relationships, since it is the quintessential sign of relationships, balance and harmony.

Here’s my take on it + I also pulled some oracle card messages for you.

Check it out below:

ps: If you’ve been ready to call in love, check out the self-paced course, Amplify Your Love Energy.

October Oracle Message

Happy New month to you!

This month is a powerful one as we have not one but two eclipse moons.

Eclipses bring sudden, sometimes unexpected endings, beginnings, and information.

Relationships are spotlighted as we are also in Libra season, a sign that is known for its balance, diplomacy and harmony.

Watch below to learn important dates to watch out for and the overall vibe of the month so you can navigate all your important relationships with gusto!

What does Lion’s Gate mean for you? (Love and Money!)

Happy Tuesday and Lion’s Gate (August 8, 88 energy)!

What the heck does that mean?

Good news! I made a short video for you-I’ve been up since 5:30am and Spirit was like, “Go outside right now and make a video.” So I did.

It’s such an important next week for relationships, self-esteem and even money and I want you to take full advantage of it.

Watch below:

Announcement: Also, in celebration of Venus in Leo and the Lion’s Gate portal, it’s the perfect time for adornment. I don’t know about you, but when I am feeling low, not as confident or just when I need an extra boost, my go-to remedy is CRYSTALS, gemstone jewelry and beauty!

In the spirit of expansion and generosity, I’ve partnered with Conscious Items, a high vibe online company known for their exceptional jewelry, crystals and philanthropy. For every purchase, they plant a tree. How cool is that?!

So in support of your self-care practice and tapping into your personal power, check out this gorgeous bracelet designed specifically for that and other gorgeous items!