is your home repelling love? 3 q’s to ask!

Happy Wed!

Random q: have you had the urge to purge old crap?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in full-on declutter mode this week.

From clearing space on my desktop to deleting old photos on my phone and tossing old receipts while singing Queen songs (Bohemian Rhapsody…must see movie), my puppy Bella thinks I have gone mad!

If you want to call in more romance this year, decluttering is a great place to start.

But taking it a step further…have you taken a moment to check whether or not your bedroom and home are poised to support you or derail you from having healthy relationships?

One of my specialities is helping clients call in more dates, more money and more opportunities using the ancient art of space clearing, Feng Shui and reflective questioning.

I may teach this as a full-on course one day but for now, here are 3 questions to ask yourself when evaluating your space.

Listen here: 

Leave a comment on the blog after you tune in and as always, have an amazing week!

your message for 2019 + january! (wooohooo!)

Happy Happy New Year!

How are you feeling?

Did you enjoy your holiday?

I’m en route back home to AZ after spending New Years in San Jose, CA. It was a nostalgic trip because it was the first place I moved after graduating college and I hadn’t been back in 10 years! Trippppy….

But I digress.

So…what is up with 2019?

I pulled a card for everyone in all time zones (below) + also made a super short audio recording with the channeled message that accompanies it as well as what 2019 themes are.

Zoom IMG_0487.JPG

Check it out here.


After you listen, Q: What is one thing you are excited to express this year? Share with us in the comments!

I look forward to creating and sharing more nuggets this year to inspire you to love yourself, trust yourself and step into your full power in all your relationships!

ps: Want to overcome a belief that there is “not enough?” Abundance mindset is the focus in The Empowered Goddess Society for January and we have a very special guest expert coming in later this month! Want to join us? Check it out here


5 things to ask yourself before 2018 ends

Happy Wednesday!

OMG. I just realized this is the last Wed nugget I’ll be sending you before the turn of the year! 

Seriously, where did 2018, and December for that matter, go?!

note: Thank you so much to all who joined me for the Holiday Rescue Remedy class for Empaths! We had a blast and learned lots of techniques to ward off negative energy and manage holiday overstimulation. Would you like to receive the class recording and materials? It’s not too late! Two options: Get it for free when you join The Empowered Goddess Society or Go here to purchase the class only and we will email you the recording + supplemental materials!

Onward to today!

I don’t know about you but I have found that it’s so easy to focus on what’s coming ahead and skip over honoring and really taking the time to reflect on all that you created/learned/grew from over the past 12 months.

Is that you too?

Like, I’ll say I’m going to reflect and do this nice ritual but then when push comes to shove and I get a second away from family and pets, I have tended to just say to myself, “This year was awesome-yay! Bring on the Next Year and Let’s get back to Netflix!” 

This year I actually did a mini ritual. I sat on my butt as my puppy Bella curled up next to me, stared at my tiny Xmas tree and pulled out my huge journal, the one reserved for my creative ah-ha ideas and asked myself some questions.

It was really cathartic and by the end, I felt like I truly “completed” this year and it also helped me tap into what I really value and want to continue more of next year.

So, over to you now. 

Here are 5 things you can ask yourself as we round the corner to 2019.

Suggestions: Create a distraction free zone. Put pen to paper (this activates your subconscious brain in a way that typing just doesn’t) and complete the following. Soy candles and fuzzy socks optional.

1. The biggest lesson I learned in 2018 is…

2. The thing I’m most proud of in 2018 is…

3. What I will remember most about 2018 is…

4. The thing I’m most excited about for 2019 is….

5. What I’m most committed to focusing on in 2019 is…(ex: feeling healthy and strong in my body, speaking kindly to myself, etc)

Thank you so much for being here + I hope wherever you are in the world, you remember that you are loved, you are enough and you are magical!

one mindset shift to conquer rejection (it works!)

Happy Wed!

Today’s Q is about rejection: “I keep getting rejected by guys I really like. I’m ready to just give up. How can I switch my mindset around this? I know it’s not helping.”

No matter how accomplished you are or how confident, rejection of any kind can feel hard.

It’s so easy to go into a downward spiral of “what’s wrong with me” ….

You contract your energy or try to justify why you don’t actually want what you desire anywayz (you can’t fool your Soul!)

I’ve had my fair share of rejection which led to me writing my best selling book with my friend Maryellen, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again (yay silver lining)

And today I’m going to share my favorite mindset shift that has helped my clients go from downward spiral to manifesting maven with practice and consistency.

The audio is taken from a video I did for an amazing channel called The Commitment Connection. (If you’re on YouTube, check it out)

Click here to have a listen.

PS: Want to join me for free mini readings all month long? 
Join The Empowered Goddess Society! Check it out here

3 steps to become a great conversationalist (woot!)

Happy Wed Goddess and December!

This is going to be an amazing month and if you’ve been feeling like you’re making your way through some challenging waters right now, just breathe.

It’s all going to be okay and as we come to the end of this week, all the Retrogrades will be over (thank. you. goddess), including Venus which is all about love and the spotlight has been on relationships and communication (shocker!!) 

So today’s Q is all about mastering the art of communication. 

Q: How can I improve my conversation, especially if I tend to get nervous?

The #1 thing that both men and women find attractive is confidence.

And one of the best ways to exude confidence is to be an exceptional communicator and conversationalist.

Here are 3 simple steps to do just that.

I’ve used these in my acting career as well as in public speaking AND dates with super high success rates, so I am really really excited to share them with you.

ps: Want some insight this month for FREE? Join me for a trial month in my new virtual circle, The Empowered Goddess Society! We kick off on the New Moon, December 7!