The Art of Money (Exclusive Interview with bestselling author, Bari Tessler!)

It’s no secret that the word ‘money’ can bring up all sorts of interesting emotions and values.

Shame. Success. Freedom.

Worthiness. Secrecy. Love.

I sat down with bestselling author and money therapist, Bari Tessler to shed some light on questions such as:

What is the first thing you can do when you feel money weirdness come up?

Do you have to have this money thing “all figured out” before you can attract your soulmate?

Is the common saying, “As an entrepreneur, you should charge what you are worth?” really true?

And more!

Grab a yummy cup of tea or coffee and join us for this thirty-minute exclusive Goddess-to-Goddess dialogue!

Bari Tessler

Bari Tessler



Diana Dorell

Diana Dorell

To learn more about Bari’s work and The Art of Money, visit her website at

the biggest roadblock to love (or anything you’re trying to manifest but aren’t!)

The biggest roadblock to love is….<drumroll>…. linear thinking.

Erroneously believing that just because something didn’t work for you in the past, it means that it will never work for you.

Or conversely, because something you tried did work, believing that it’s always going to work if you do it that same exact way.

I hear things from my girlfriends and clients’ mouths like:

“I just don’t do blind dates! I went on one in college and it was the most boring experience of my life.”

“I am done putting myself out there. If this (current relationship) isn’t The One, I’m just done…I guess I’m supposed to be single forever.”

And my personal favorite…

“I just hate online dating…it’s so superficial and I’m just not into it.”

Usually when I probe a little deeper, there’s a story there-sometime a man hurt them…or they got close and it just didn’t quite pan out the way they thought it would….or they tried online dating, got crickets for responses and got fed up…

But here’s the thing.

When you declare to the Uni-verse that you just “don’t do XYZ”, you’ve already cut off a possibility.

It’s a weird form of trying to control your environment and the outcome.

Usually because the fear of being rejected, used, abused, left, etc is driving your decision-making.

I felt the same way about dating online.

I felt like it was so incredibly superficial.

And maybe there’s some truth to that putting your best pictures up and neat paragraph description of who you are on display, but I still put myself out there as a symbol of my intent.

I was going to go all in and if “he” didn’t show up, I chose to stop assuming that it was the medium (being online or being on a blind date) but instead chose to see it as an experiment where Divine timing, my level of commitment to what I said I wanted…and synchronicity were also important factors.

In short, it’s about going all in, following the signs as you receive them…and lovingly nudging your fear and doubt voices to calm down. Your worthiness and value is not dependent on the outcome of the experiment.

The experiment is simply that….an experience where you can see what shows up and most importantly the energy in which you are choosing to show up for yourself.

And looking purely at the results, two of my most profound, Soul-shaping relationships came from meeting them online.

My aunt, who had just gotten divorced and had never done the online thing let me help her with her profile, despite hemming and hawing about not being technology-saavy or into the whole thing.

She’s been happily hooked up with the same loving partner for almost 4 years now that she met.

But if she hadn’t considered that what she was fighting against could actually be an avenue to support her in meeting her match, she may have been spending her nights at home with the TV hoping he would just appear.

You just never know.

This week’s Soul question (deep!) Where could you be setting up a roadblock for yourself? Helpful hint: If you aren’t sure, look at places where you have felt resistant or emotional or extra opinionated around. Would you be willing to try that “thing” again with an experimental energy vs a reactionary one? What could be possible for you?

Ps: Are you signed up for my FREE training, 3 Online Dating Secrets to Stop Wasting Your Time…and Get The Guy?

3 Online Dating Secrets to Stop Wasting Your Time...and Get The Guy-

a new moon, a new you (ritual inside)

Great news!

If you have been feeling heavy energy, had waves of emotional confusion or indecisiveness, the Leo New Moon is here to change all that!

When it comes to your most important relationships, this looks like:

  • Saying the thing you really need/want to say to someone, even if it ruffles a few feathers
  • Setting firm boundaries that put your needs first for once …you have to look out for Numero Uno! (guilt-free!)
  • Boldly declaring your love for another…or declaring that you are done, once and for all!

Leo energy rules the heart and also the back, so right now you’re being asked to really go there with people you care about. And build a new, more solid foundation for the connection…or have the courage to let it go and trust that others will come in to take their place.

Communicate openly, share how you feel and most importantly, let yourself be vulnerable again.

For it’s really only when your heart is open and receptive that you get to experience life at the highest level…and love at the highest level.

And isn’t to be truly loved for who we really are, flaws and all really what we all want deep down?

It starts with self-acceptance. Here is one of my favorite New Moon rituals you can check out for yourself.

A New Moon Ritual

One of my favorite things to do on a New Moon like this is to take a sheet of paper out and light a yummy smelling candle.

Write down 1-5 wishes you’d like to create/develop/manifest, etc during the New Moon period (generally two weeks).

Because it’s in Leo, it’s important that whatever you write down be something that you feel truly passionate about. Something you know will help you move forward. Be specific.

Example 1: Instead of saying…”I wish for more money”, maybe when you search your heart, you find that you don’t really trust yourself to manage the money that is coming in already….so you’re afraid there is never enough.

On your list, “I wish for more money” may become, “I AM an excellent steward of my money” or “Thank you for assistance with helping me be an exceptional manager of the money in my world.”


Example 2: Instead of saying, “I want to get asked on more dates”, maybe you search your heart, and you find that you keep filling up your calendar with work, so you don’t have any time to date!

On your list, “I want to get asked on more dates” may become “Thank you for helping me create space in my heart and my schedule to go on 3 dates a week”

Do you feel the difference?

It may take a bit longer than a regular “Manifesting” List, but when you take the time to really sit with your heart and ask what the deeper desire really is, you’ll create space for miracles to rush in!


Are you looking to find true love but feeling less than excited about putting yourself online?

I’ve been there and I’d love to share some secrets that no one talks about that will save you so much time and valuable energy!

Sign up for my FREE online training: “Top 3 Online Dating Secrets To Stop Wasting Your Time…And Get The Guy!” coming up August 16!

Click here

in a rut? take this phrase out of your vocabulary…

Do you feel like things are stagnant in your life right now?

Are you in a relationship rut?

You are not alone!

A few years ago, I woke up at three am with cold sweats and a piercing awareness that my relationship with the man that was lying beside me was no longer healthy for my Soul…and it was time to go.

I didn’t want to know this information and sometimes our intuition gives us messages we really really would prefer to ignore.

But it was clear as a bell and I remember going over this one phrase in my head that not only kept me up at night but also delayed me moving forward.

I felt powerless, confused, alone and guilty.

But it wasn’t until I was able to take back my power and scrutinize the words I was obsessively looping in my head that I finally felt ready to break free, have the uncomfortable conversation and start to move forward.

It all boiled down to two little words.

And these two little words usually come up when we are feeling stuck or powerless to move through a situation or relationship in my case that’s taken the wind out of sails.

It’s time to cut them out.

Watch the video below to learn what they are and a one-word solution to start taking your power back ASAP.

This week’s Soul question: Have you ever struggled with this? What is one thing has helped you get out of it? Share with us below!

Are you ready to bring some magic back into your life and a lightness in your heart?

I am a relationship healer and I’m here to help you trust and love yourself at the highest level.13086866_701728107387_5427378868050236871_o.jpg

One of my special gifts is helping my clients let go of their ex and other subconscious-level blocks that are stopping you from attracting your soulmate.

I am currently enrolling just a handful of action-taking, ready-for-love Souls (are you one of them?) for private, 1:1 intuitive coaching and massive energy healing.

If you are ready to make some major changes in your life but aren’t sure where to start, I am happy to announce that I have opened up my calendar to take a select number of complimentary consultations (15-20 minutes) to

1. Get to know you and your desires better. Are you looking to get married? Just out of a breakup and looking to heal? Wanting to work on yourself and self-love so you can get back in the dating game? Fill me in!

2. There are 4 core blocks I see that stop you from being a love magnet. With your permission, we can do an energetic Love Assessment to see which of the 4 or which combos of the 4 are your primary blocks.

3. We can chat about solutions to help you unblock and work together and I will of course answer all your questions about that! By booking a consult you are never obligated to purchase any services. It is simply the first step in helping you make a decision to move forward.

Click here to book yours!

3 tips to maximize a full moon

Happy Full Moon in Capricorn!

Full Moons are times of release and completion, but this moon specifically is going to help you with setting new frameworks for your relationships!

Watch this video to learn:

  • What must be reset in your energy to have this full moon support you and your desires
  • A clarifying question you can ask yourself to stop distracting yourself and get you what you want in your relationships!
  • A crucial step to making decisions that most people skip to bring you closer to what you want.

After you watch: Which one of the 3 tips will you implement for yourself during this full moon? Leave a comment below!

Thanks again for watching!

Want more? Click here and I’ll send you my free audio: Top 5 Common Ways You Block Money, Love and Miracles from Coming Into Your Life (it’s not what you think!)


Are you ready to stop going at it alone and feel free, adored and most importantly, happy with yourself and your relationships?

Let’s connect!

I love helping you to release blocks that are keeping you from the things you want most: a soul mate relationship where you can be yourself, peace of mind so you can free up mental space for the things you’ve been putting off…and confidence to manifest a life of freedom, joy and FUN!

Sound good? Join me for a zero-pressure 15-minute Love Assessment call where I will intuitively dive in (with your permission) to help you see where you may be blocked in getting what you want. I’ll learn more about your goals and send you a few questions before we hop on so we’re ready to roll and if it feels like a fit, I will happily answer your questions about working together privately or recommend resources to help you.

Click here to book your complimentary Love Assessment call.