is your ‘wisdom corner’ set up for success? find out!

Are you feeling the winds of change coming? 

They may already be here for you-the themes of relationship restructuring, boundaries and creating a bigger, newer vision for your life are all present in the Universal energies right now.

There is so much happening and you may be asked to step up and face some uncomfortable but necessary-for-your-spiritual-growth stuff!

And this week I am hooking you up!

#1: Thursday:

I am so so excited to be interviewing Theresa Reed, known internationally as “The Tarot Lady” on my radio show this Thursday. She’s amazing and hilarious. Mark Thursday @5pm Pacific on your calendar and for call-in-deets go here:


Have you signed up for my Angel Reiki I certification class yet (online?) Registration closes Sunday! Click here:

#3 Today:

Can I invite you inside my home? (check out this week’s video below!)


Your Spiritual Nugget

How did you spend your Labor Day?

I had every intention on plopping myself on the couch and watching movies but instead, I was called by Spirit at the crack of dawn to start space clearing and re-vamping my space.

I find that each time I do it, it brings up something new for me that I couldn’t have seen otherwise.

And right in line with the Universal energies, I decided to try something new.

Have you heard of Periscope?

It’s a new app that lets you tune in in real-time videos/lessons/musing with people anywhere in the world.

*If you’re on it, please add me: @dancinggoddess (Periscope)

Yesterday, impromptu I shot my first video for it (which you get to see right here! Yay!)

If you’re not manifesting as consistently as you like, look at your Wisdom corner!

The space I re-vamped was the “Wisdom” corner of my home and even if you don’t know a thing about space-clearing or Feng-Shui, this week I want to show you and offer some tangible tips to help you

  • locate your Wisdom corner + change its vibration so it helps you
  • help you hold onto the awesome things you create (more money, a solid relationship,a new exercise routine, etc)
  • stop reverting back to your old pattern Ex: money comes in, money goes right back out. 
  • increase your self-confidence in building a strong foundation for what it is you want

Sound good? Click here to check out my Periscope video!

it’s your time to own it + kick these 3 beliefs to the curb


It’s officially September and I don’t know about you, but I woke up with a zing in my energy, and a fun combination of creative restlessness and a strong desire to focus and really get down to business with my Purpose and my mission

:: to help even more people like you to feel confident + connected to your intuition

::to release blocks that are holding you back from creating a high-quality, inspiring life and 

:: to find great love…first and foremost with yourself.

That’s why I’m here in a nutshell.

How about you?

The Angel’s message to you this month, “It’s time to OWN who you are. All of you.”

No more pussy footing around!

No more procrastinating.

No more “thinking” about it. 

Pardon my pushiness, but in short-it’s time to get f–going already on that Soul desire you’ve had for a long time.

Even if you’re not sure where you’re going, you probably know where you’re not going, right?

Starting with some behaviors, thoughts or actions that you’re just…well…over.

*Here are 3 of my favorites that I’m inviting you to kick to the curb so you can make room for some new energy.*

#1 If I share my gifts and show people who I am, they won’t like me. 

Ex: Are you a healer who’s hiding, not telling people about your gifts for fear of being judged or ridiculed?

#2 It didn’t work before, why would it work now? It’s too late.

Ex: Maybe you’re beautiful Goddess who wants to find her soul mate but you feel terrified because it didn’t work so well before and you wonder if it’s too late?

#3 It’s not safe to want something different than my family/friends/etc. “They” won’t love me if I really go for “it” (it could be anything. An amount of money, a lifestyle, a relationship, etc).

Ex: Or maybe you know deep down that your vision for your life is totally different than your family tribe’s and you’ve been trying to squeeze into a box to be accepted, but it’s getting damn uncomfortable and you don’t know what to do.

All 3 of these core subconscious beliefs are rooted in fear, shame or a lack of internal confidence.

The Good News: September is THE month to start to turn it around.

Here are 3 steps to start with.  

  1. Acknowledge how you really, deeply, truly feel about a certain area that keeps getting highlighted for you to deal with. Even if it’s uncomfortable, annoying, embarrassing or hard. Say it aloud. “With regards to X situation, I feel _____________…go until you’re empty.
  2. Get clear on what you’re getting by staying in this situation aka what’s the payoff? There’s always something! Ex: If you continue to believe it’s too late, then you don’t actually have to put yourself out there and go on that blind date your friend wants to set you up with…. and risk getting hurt.BAM! Truth is power.)
  3. Give yourself permission to want what you want (even if you don’t know how to get there) Ex: I really want to be in a soulmate relationship. I really want to start my own business. I really want to ______. There’s power in what you want. Write it down.

Now over to you: Which one of the 3 subconscious beliefs below have you ever struggled with? What advice can you share for someone who may be struggling with one of them? Share with us in the comments below!

#1 If I share my gifts and show people who I am, they won’t like me.

#2 It didn’t work before, why would it work now? It’s too late.

#3 It’s not safe to want something different than my family/friends/etc. “They” won’t love me if I really go for “it” 



Angel Reiki Certification Level I (online) starts September 14.

*Last chance this class will be offered in 2015 with Diana!

Perfect for you if:

  • credit:


    You’ve been told you are a healer before/healing hands

  • You want to learn how to direct that energy in a way that actually helps people overcome physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges.
  • You have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges that you’re ready to release using your own energy 
  • You want to learn how to have on-call healing available to you at the drop of a hat, to relieve stress, raise your energy level and feel more connected and at peace with yourself

Check it out and sign up here

Want to get my FREE training: Top 5 Roadblocks to Creating Your 5-Star Life (and how to avoid them!) ?  Click here!

one of the biggest spiritual lessons I had to learn

Happy Tuesday!

As we near the end of August, you may be reflecting like I have on the summer.

Maybe holding out for one final vacation, midnight swim or lazy Netflix marathon.

I celebrated my birthday on Friday and amidst all the usual hoopla and moments with my man, dear friends and close family, I made sure to carve out some me time to reflect on my life.

Maybe you can relate.

Where you feel you are.

Where you want to be.

And the gap that’s in between those two destinations.

I’ll be the first to say it.

I’m not perfect.

I make mistakes just as much as the next person.

And this thing called intuition-trusting it has become my daily practice.

I’ve gotten to the point now where I rarely doubt my inner voice and I can tell very clearly when I’m out of alignment and how to get myself back on track.

I’m a powerful manifestor and I can say I have co-created some seriously cool things in my life and so have my clients but I wasn’t/ they weren’t born that way as Lady Gaga sings.

It’s taken quite a while to get here.

And one of the first (and biggest!) spiritual lessons I had to learn was the difference between passive in-action and active stillness.

Let me break it down for you.

When I first got on the spiritual path, I seriously believed that if I made a vision board and wrote down what I wanted, even if it was super vague, all I had to do was look at it every now and then (more like once) and the Universe would be my bitch.

ala “The Secret” mentality.

And then I’d get so so pissed when I wouldn’t get my way.

Ring a bell?

I was practicing “passive in-action

Looks like:

  • making no (or vague) requests like “I want a hot body”- “I want success”-”I want love”
  • expecting the Universe to be your delivery boy and constantly changing your mind about what you want (The Universe can figure it out!)
  • taking zero to minimal action towards what you’ve asked and expecting it to all fall in your lap

But then I learned about “active stillness” and through consistent practice of this, I started manifesting with greater ease and speed, eventually teaching the techniques in intuitive classes and private sessions with awesome results!

Looks like:

  • getting super clear and intentional on what you request + being willing to change certain parts of your lifestyle or habits that are out of alignment with that request
  • seeing the Universe as a faithful partner (what you put out you will get back)
  • consistently generating feelings and emotional connection with that thing (s)
  • consistently listening to your intuition and nudges to drop into stillness
  • being willing to WAIT for inspired actions to present themselves….and then actually taking them, even when it makes little sense or doesn’t necessarily guarantee the outcome you want.

Yea, I know, it’s not as sexy or easy as passive inaction.

It requires you to take full responsibility for what you are requesting. (no handouts from the Universe and no victim-talk allowed!)

The big word I want you to see in what I shared was CONSISTENCY.

Just like going to the gym, your intuition is a muscle that must be exercised on the regular or it gets weak and flabby!

And your ability to trust your intuition affects how rapidly you can create the life you want…and maintain it. 

The tool I just shared is one way that’s worked consistently for me that I’d love to teach you more about in a free training I’m hosting tonight that I’m super excited about!!!!


I’m calling it “5 Roadblocks to Creating Your 5-star Life”



Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Identify the top 5 most common roadblocks that keep you stuck in your relationships, finances, career and even spiritual life.
  • The real reason why people get stuck at a certain income level or unhealthy relationship dynamic
  • The obvious signal most people choose to override or ignore that impact your ability to feel confident in your decision-making
  • 3 easy fixes you can make in your living space to dramatically increase your energy level
  • Finally you’ll learn of an opportunity to completely un-block and create a plan to help you feel more confident, more aligned with your Soul Purpose and on track to realizing that dream in your head.

Click here to join me.

Can’t wait to see you on the call!

You get what you’re aligned with, not what you ask for

*names have been changed for privacy

Have you ever heard the expression, “Is Cupid taking a piss?”

Or felt like, “Man, I am doing all the right things. I have my vision board in place, I’m saying mantras till I’m blue in the face and I’m getting crap back. 

What’s up Universe?”

You are not alone. I’ve been there and gotten the T-shirt as my friend Helen says and so have my amazingly talented and super intuitive clients. 

*One client, Angela, kept saying she wanted a spiritual soulmate, someone to share her life with.

Someone who treated her with respect and kindness.

She hadn’t always respected herself and in the past, had willingly given away her power to men in her life.

Uh, been there done that.

But she was ready for that to change. 

What happened: 

She attracted men easily and the men that came into her world after she declared it were interesting, handsome….and wanted something casual. Sex. Or conversation. Sometimes both. A good time.

But unlike the men from her past, these men did accept her for who she was and never judged her. That was a new feeling.

At first, she kept saying, “What the heck Universe? What’s going on? What am I doing wrong?”

But after digging deeper into it, she got clear that at this particular time in her life, she didn’t really want something committed and lasting. 

She wanted to have fun with men who treated her with respect and kindness. 

To experience her power as a female from a healthy place with a man. 

That would be a massive breakthrough for her and it was in complete alignment with her Soul.

That was more of her Truth than the whole till-death-do-us-part relationship she swore she wanted.

And as soon as she saw that she created exactly that, she laughed heartily!

“I got exactly what I wanted! The Universe is awesome!”

She was free.

Yes, you too are that powerful.

Let’s break it down, okay?



3 Core Spiritual Principles:

  • You have to be a vibrational match for what you’re asking for.
  • We don’t always get what we ask for.
  • We get what we believe we can have and are aligned with at a cellular level.  Tweet that!

So, what do I, you know, do Diana? I get asked a lot. 

My down and dirty response:

If you want to work on strengthening something, work on strengthening your “alignment and faith” muscle. Then all the other stuff-the vision boards, the mantras, the meditations, the yoga will supplement that. 

Otherwise you will sabotage your good when you get it.

Or you’ll draw in things that validate what you think you deserve on a subconscious level.

Want to learn how to get out of your own way?

I’d love to help!

Sign up for my FREE class that’s coming up August 25! 



How to tame that “Yeah, BUT……” feeling

Have you ever tried to make a list of things you are grateful for only to have this sneaky little voice pop up and say, “Yea, that was nice, BUT ________

-I would have preferred _____

-I really wanted more of ______

-I wish that it would have had ______

Let’s face it.

We want what we want, right?

And while you probably already know the power of gratitude, that little voice can create a snag in your manifesting mojo.

But it doesn’t have to.

In this video you will:

  • Learn why that voice is actually helping you get closer to being a vibrational match for what you want
  • The simple 3-step process you can take to be totally real with your gratitude and honor the part of you that wants something different than what you got
  • Learn of an opportunity to let go of roadblocks to having the 5-star life you’ve always dreamed about! (it’s not the same for everyone. you are a unique Soul!)

This weeks’ Soul question: What is one desire or one thing you are truly grateful for that you want to call in more of this week? Share with us in the comments below!

Want more? Sign up for the FREE upcoming training, “5 Inner RoadBlocks To a 5-Star, Fabulous Life!”. Can’t make it live? No problem! Sign up anyways and I’ll send you the recording!

Register Here!