The secret to work-life balance (it may surprise you!)

Work-life balance.

Ahhh…that sounds so nice, doesn’t it?

Is it even possible?

What is something you can do to have more time for the things you love but do less stressing, overeating and worrying?

In this video, you will learn:

  • what stops the majority of people from ever feeling like they have time for the good stuff
  • a simple action step to long-term balance that most people don’t bother with (you’re not one of those people!)
  • of a real-life example of the principles in action from a woman who lost 50 lbs, increased her mental and emotional peace and is having her best business year ever!

After you watch, be sure to post your comment to this week’s Soul challenge below!

Q: This week, where will you implement a container to help you get on the balanced n’ happy train? Share with us! Consider it group accountability with the Universe helping you!

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3 steps to master the art of receiving more

Want to increase the level of accuracy of your intuitive messages?

You’ve got to master the art of receiving!

But how do you actually you know…do that?

In this video you will learn:

  • The one belief that blocks you from being able to consistently receive messages and gifts from your intuition (and from life)
  • 3 steps anyone can follow to break the cycle that holds you back from manifesting big
  • A physical mudra (hand symbol) you can do to re-train your brain to receive more

After you watch, be sure to post a comment to this week’s question.

Q: What is one area of your life where you know you’d benefit from receiving fully? What could be different about your life if you were more open to receive?

Want more?

Sign up to get your free audio: The Top 5 Ways You Block Money, Love and Miracles From Coming into your Life (it’s not what you think!) Click right here

An easy script for getting your needs met (esp. with “difficult” people)

Let’s face it.

People can be ehem…difficult sometimes.

Communication can get challenging especially if you tend to be the one to stuff your feelings until it gets really really unbearable and then you explode.

I used to be that type and it just never really worked, so I had to find a new way!

Whether it’s in the workplace with a boss or client, or in the home with a family member, girlfriend or lover, it’s important to feel like you’re getting your needs met in a healthy way. 

This builds self-confidence, self-respect and also opens you up to take creative risks because you trust yourself.

I’d like to share a 4-step process that my clients have used to express themselves successfully even when speaking with some of the most power-driven, type-A intimidating types.

#1 Pinpoint the issue or challenge in a simple way. 

Use “us/we” vs. “you” 

Example: In friendships…

“I noticed that it’s been difficult to find a time to us to connect, even when we set a time.”

#2 State what you need with little to no emotion

(prep work: actually write down what your needs are and what you’d like to see change. This focuses your energy so you take the emotion out of it when you have the conversation).

NOTE: Go for what you really really want/need vs. the bare minimum you’d settle for or you think you can get. This is important! You are important! It’s about being clear and directive with yourself vs defensive and reactive.

“I’d really love for us to speak at least once a month uninterrupted, even if it’s just for 15 minutes and make our friendship a priority, even though life gets crazy.”

#3 Re-direct it back to them: 

Ask, “What do you think?” 

This takes the energy loop back full circle and helps the person feel included in the decision or solution which is always a good thing! Often times, they may have additional information or suggestions that come out once you state your needs and what you want to see. 

“What do you think about that?” 

#4 Last step: Listen, take in what they say and together you’ll most likely find a simple solution that makes it a win: win for both parties involved!

With practice, this becomes second-nature and you’ll be one step closer to getting what you want, without manipulation or weirdness!

This week’s Soul question: Have you ever had to communicate something you needed to a person who was challenging you? What did you do and what worked? Share with us in the comments below!



ps: Want to become exceptional at communicating confidently in your relationships? Click here to book a private session where we will uncover your key blocks to communicating and I can help you put together the words that help you feel respected and loved!

a self-love ritual you can actually stick to

Self-love is a term that gets thrown around in the self-help fields like confetti.

I’m here to make it super simple.

When you love and appreciate yourself, your outer world reflects that feeling.

You feel happier, more confident and yes, more in control of your life.

But it requires practice and consistency.

And let’s face it, you may not always have a free hour or two in your day to dedicate to yourself (it’s something to build towards for sure!).

But we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

The question is: How dedicated are you to up-leveling your inner world?

Here are 4 steps to make it super easy!

Step 1: (Prep) Write down all the things that you know bring you closer to your Spirit.

journaling, pulling Angel cards, going for a walk, dancing in your bedroom, meditating, doing a few yoga poses, petting the dog. you get it. dump it out on a list.

Step 2: Pick one ritual every morning when you first open your eyes. Just one. Make it digestible so you can actually be consistent. Anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes I find is ideal for busy bees!

Say aloud, “Today, the ritual that would most nurture my Spirit is….”

Close your eyes if you like and swirl your finger around. If you aren’t sure, ask the Angels to pick for you. Open your eyes and the ritual that’s closest to your finger is the one you do that morning.

Step 3: Actually do the ritual and celebrate!

That’s it! You’re done!

Want an extra boost?

Say this mantra:

When I am consistent, I am clear.

When I am clear, I create space.

When I create space, I come back to myself.

And anything is possible.

This week’s Soul question: What is an activity that you have been putting off that you know would bring you closer to your Spirit? Share with us in the comments below! Nothing like accountability to get your bootie in gear!

Want more free tips on manifesting, trusting yourself and having rockin relationships? Click here to access your FREE training!



want to sharpen your psychic abilities? keep one of these in your purse!

When I first started learning about intuition and psychic hits, it was really hard for me to bypass that logical side of my brain that said, “If you can’t see it, if you don’t have evidence, it’s not real.”

Maybe some of you left-brainers can relate!

And one little tip from a mentor helped me actually use that doubt as fuel for my intuition.

It’s called simply the “I’m-not-crazy” journal.


What is it?

It literally is a little notepad you can keep in your purse or desk and at the top you write “I’m not Crazy” evidence.

What do you do with it?

Every time you get an intuitive “nudge” or feeling about a certain situation in your life,  you write it down.

Then you put an actual date on it.

After following your guidance (or sometimes just letting time pass naturally), you will start to notice that the thing you were actually feeling not only happened, but was right on the money!

You can put a sticker or a check mark. Anything to “reward” yourself for being right on track (and not crazy!). The logical side loves rewards and checking things off!

At first it could be silly stuff like, “Feeling like if you made a right turn in the parking lot, a spot would open up…and then it does.”

What’s the benefit?

But the more you do it, the more you’ll find that logical, skeptical part of you quieting down and submitting to your intuitive, non-linear part.

The sweet sauce happens when you marry the two.

Intuitive nudge, followed by inspired action from your fabulous logical brain.


That is what the self-help gurus call the “flow.”

And you can start to tap into it right now, today.

All you need is a pen and paper.

Ready? Set….GO!

This week’s soul question: What is one intuitive nudge or gut feeling you got that ended up being spot on? Share with us in the comments below!