how to boost your intuition in under 10 seconds

I did a podcast interview a few years ago on self-care and trusting your intuition and the woman asked me

Q: “What is something super simple that we can all do no matter how busy life gets to start off our day right to hear our intuition?”

If you are like most people, you may feel like aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on intuitive-development or self care.

What typically happens is we go go go like little hamsters and then when we can’t take it anymore, we overindulge in food, drink, even spa services and vacations when if we just implemented some simple strategies into our daily life, we wouldn’t go into what I call, “self-pampering binges.”

So I’m going to share the same simple but powerful offering you can do right when  you open your eyes to set yourself up to tune into your gut feelings throughout the day.

It takes less than 10 seconds once you get some practice.

I call it…The Soul Word.

Right when you open your eyes (before your monkey brain starts to take over), ask yourself, “What’s my Soul word today?”

Listen to the first things that come.

It could be thematic like “peace” or an adjective describing how you want to feel “centered,”

Just go with one.

And let that be the word that choose to embody for the next 24 hours.

Why this is so powerful:

When you embody that word, you get to make sure that your actions and choices throughout the day match that energy.

 It helps you ‘check’ yourself and you can more easily make decisions by asking, “Hmmmm, does this request/opportunity/invitation support my word?”

As you align your actions and choices and even your body posture (back straight!) with the energy of that Soul word, your monkey brain gets to relax…it feels safe because it doesn’t have to work so hard to sort through this and that.

The Soul word acts as an energetic guard-rail to allow you to feel more clear throughout the day and therefore, tune into the subtle nudgings of your intuition.

This week’s Soul Q: What is your “Soul word” today? How will you embody this throughout your day?

Want more? Click here to get FREE access to Soul Love, a 5-day ecourse to attract love + feel happy, loved and free!

Diana Dorell

ever been afraid of giving the Universe the ‘wrong’ signal? I’ve got you covered!

Have you ever been confused by the Law of Attraction and felt worried that you would give the Universe the “wrong” signal?

A woman wrote in and asked me, “Diana, I know I am not meant to stay in this job much longer, but I don’t want to put things out that indicate that I’m staying. My energy is so heavy and I feel so uninspired and tired. What should I do?”

This is a GREAT question!

In this video you will learn:

  • The real thing the Universe responds to
  • The easiest way to get into the flow of drawing an opportunity to you
  • The simple solution to send a clear signal that you are ready for the “next thing”

Q: Have you ever struggled with giving the Universe mixed signals about what you wanted? What is one thing that helped you move through that? Share with us the comments below!

Want more?

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Click here to get free weekly updates!

the biggest roadblock to love (or anything you’re trying to manifest but aren’t!)

The biggest roadblock to love is….<drumroll>…. linear thinking.

Erroneously believing that just because something didn’t work for you in the past, it means that it will never work for you.

Or conversely, because something you tried did work, believing that it’s always going to work if you do it that same exact way.

I hear things from my girlfriends and clients’ mouths like:

“I just don’t do blind dates! I went on one in college and it was the most boring experience of my life.”

“I am done putting myself out there. If this (current relationship) isn’t The One, I’m just done…I guess I’m supposed to be single forever.”

And my personal favorite…

“I just hate online dating…it’s so superficial and I’m just not into it.”

Usually when I probe a little deeper, there’s a story there-sometime a man hurt them…or they got close and it just didn’t quite pan out the way they thought it would….or they tried online dating, got crickets for responses and got fed up…

But here’s the thing.

When you declare to the Uni-verse that you just “don’t do XYZ”, you’ve already cut off a possibility.

It’s a weird form of trying to control your environment and the outcome.

Usually because the fear of being rejected, used, abused, left, etc is driving your decision-making.

I felt the same way about dating online.

I felt like it was so incredibly superficial.

And maybe there’s some truth to that putting your best pictures up and neat paragraph description of who you are on display, but I still put myself out there as a symbol of my intent.

I was going to go all in and if “he” didn’t show up, I chose to stop assuming that it was the medium (being online or being on a blind date) but instead chose to see it as an experiment where Divine timing, my level of commitment to what I said I wanted…and synchronicity were also important factors.

In short, it’s about going all in, following the signs as you receive them…and lovingly nudging your fear and doubt voices to calm down. Your worthiness and value is not dependent on the outcome of the experiment.

The experiment is simply that….an experience where you can see what shows up and most importantly the energy in which you are choosing to show up for yourself.

And looking purely at the results, two of my most profound, Soul-shaping relationships came from meeting them online.

My aunt, who had just gotten divorced and had never done the online thing let me help her with her profile, despite hemming and hawing about not being technology-saavy or into the whole thing.

She’s been happily hooked up with the same loving partner for almost 4 years now that she met.

But if she hadn’t considered that what she was fighting against could actually be an avenue to support her in meeting her match, she may have been spending her nights at home with the TV hoping he would just appear.

You just never know.

This week’s Soul question (deep!) Where could you be setting up a roadblock for yourself? Helpful hint: If you aren’t sure, look at places where you have felt resistant or emotional or extra opinionated around. Would you be willing to try that “thing” again with an experimental energy vs a reactionary one? What could be possible for you?

Ps: Are you signed up for my FREE training, 3 Online Dating Secrets to Stop Wasting Your Time…and Get The Guy?

3 Online Dating Secrets to Stop Wasting Your Time...and Get The Guy-

krishna + a magical story about stepping into your ‘queen’ self

So as you may remember, not so long ago, I finally listened to my back’s signs and bought a new mattress.

What I didn’t share in that post was that I got myself a full size even though I really wanted a queen size.

I’ve had a full size for as long as I can remember but something kept saying, “Diana you are totally ready for a queen. Why are you holding back?”

Part 1: Being Comfortable

I ignored my intuitive hunches.


I’m not quite sure. A full was…fine. It was… comfortable. I was used to it. I also just didn’t feel like getting a new box spring or deal with putting together a new frame, blah, blah, blah. Excuses.

You: This is how it can be with love.

We get so used to what is comfortable, even though it has stopped serving our Path anymore.

We stay far too long in a relationship (or invest in being single even though we want to be with a partner) because we’re afraid.

Afraid of the changes we’d have to make, or that we perceive we’d have to give up in order to have what we truly desire.

Part 2: Being Aware of Mirrors

But the funny thing was that once the full arrived, it literally was too big for the frame and box spring I had! It spilled out on the sides and was too long! Almost like I’d bought a queen, but not quite. I called it an “Almost Queen.”

And I laughed out loud, because I had just had a conversation with a girlfriend about how it’s time for us to step into our fullest Queen Self to empower even more women…but that I still felt like I wasn’t quite ready. I had long left my “Princess-damsel-in-distress-come-rescue-me” self behind but Queen? I still felt a teeny bit out of my league.

And my bed reflected that! It was too big for what I had, too small to be in a queen!

You: Reflecting on yourself, perhaps in one of your relationships you may be in the same place. Clear on where you want to go, but not quite feeling worthy/ready/sure you’re ready to be the woman you need to be to have it.

Pay attention to the mirrors in your life. Where is your environment reflecting your current self-image? What does it say? Is it what you want?

Simply notice. Be aware.


Part 3: Being the Queen…and accepting more than you bargained for

Like you may feel with your own relationships, I didn’t plunge head first into anything after I became aware of the mirrors the bed choice was reflecting back to me.

Sometimes nothing really happens until what we tolerate becomes intolerable (or we get so annoyed by the insistent nudge of our desires that something has to change/leave/come in).

Just the other day, I was literally moved with every fiber of my being to contact customer service about exchanging the mattress.

I bought it on Amazon, so it wasn’t as easy as just having them change it out at the store and I had thrown out the box…so I wasn’t sure how it all worked.

But I was so clear that I wanted a queen, even if there were changes and charges involved. It was fully aligned with my desire and had been for quite some time.

And yet, I was strangely detached from the whole thing, choosing to just simply ask questions and show up to see what they said.

Long story short, I spoke to a woman named Rachel and a man who called himself (get this) Krishna! As in the Hindu supreme God of love! I laughed so hard at the irony.

Between the two, Divine embodiment of the feminine/masculine if I ever saw it, a miracle happened.

They immediately issued me a credit for the full amount of the full size so I could get the queen size…and told me to please keep the full size! No need to ship it back or return before getting a refund.

I thought I read the screen wrong. Nope. They were serious. I was getting not only the exact mattress I wanted…but also getting to keep the super comfortable, practically brand-new one as well for my guest room!

Now, I’m sure that to some people, you could rationalize it logically, saying, “Well, they figured it wasn’t worth their trouble to try to take back a mattress out the box, etc..” but…

To me, it was a symbol of the spirit of ABUNDANCE and the magic that comes when we step fully into our desires.

I learned that a big part of manifesting miracles is that you really do have to be prepared to put yourself ALL IN.

No room for wiggling, half-assing or bargaining with your desires.

No back doors.

All in. Then the Universe storms the gates and bends over backwards to help you out.

I was prepared to pay for both shipping and a new mattress in order to get what I really wanted.

But it turns out, I didn’t have to do that.

But I was 100% willing.

Your turn: Where in your life have you been tip toeing, dipping your toe in towards what you want, but really keeping one foot firmly planted in your single life or your current circumstances?

How would it feel to be all in?

How would it feel to be your own version of the Queen?

What would you stop tolerating and what is one action you could take that would be your Queen/King self leading?

Feeling brave? Leave a comment and share!

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I am an intuitive relationship coach and master energy healer whose mission is to help you trust and love yourself more than you ever have before…so you can attract that soulmate, land that great speaking gig or simply just stop second-guessing yourself when it comes to decision-making!

Click here to take me for a test-drive and book a complimentary 15-minute call where we can chat about your goals, I will help you get clarity on what could be holding you back and we can see if we are a good fit to work together to help you get there!

how to love your body and up your manifesting mojo

I’m so so excited to introduce you to one of my favorite women on the planet.

But before you meet her, let me ask you a few questions.

Do you love your body?

Do you love the way you feel in your body right now?

Do you feel alive and excited about your life in this moment?

If you answered no to any of the above, know that it’s okay.

During the summer especially, I have noticed that it is especially important for me to speak kindly to my body and keep those “you’re fat” thoughts at bay.

The way we feel in our own skin either draws or repels people from you.

Especially if that person is someone you’d love to date on the regular.

It has nothing to do with your actual size and everything to do with the energy you carry in your body temple.

As a recovered formerly anorexic ballet dancer, I know the shame story very well. If you haven’t ever read my story, click here.

And I also know the other side of acceptance, deep self love and compassion.

Today I’d love to introduce you to Tanuja Paruchuri, a past client of mine and also a brilliant business owner and women’s health and empowerment coach.

She has a fascinating story we can all relate to on some level, so block out 25 minutes, grab a yummy cup of tea or refreshing beverage and join us for a virtual “cafe” chat.

Photo credit: | © divya pande 2014

Here are some of the things we cover in the interview:TanujaP.jpg

  • Going from size 10 to size 0 and and her journey to coming back into balance
  • Feeling disconnected and depressed to turning her life (and relationship to food) around
  • Her secret behind what it takes to manifest a sustainable self-care practice and thriving business (it does not involve hours and hours of sitting still meditation!)
  • Her indulgent recommendations that are healthy and actually taste yummy that are gluten-free, grain-free, non GMO etc. (think chocolate chip cookies, muffins, cupcakes..)
  • Inspirational words on finding your purpose, trusting yourself and loving yourself

And more!

One of my favorite quotes from her: “When you have a spark, or an idea…it’s important to listen to those little whispers that come up, because it could lead to your Purpose, even if it’s just your Purpose for right now. It will lead you to your happiness.”

——->Click here to listen to my interview with Tanuja Paruchuri, founder of Love Bites. ←—–

Want to learn more and connect with Tanuja?

Click here to connect with Tanuja and receive free gifts from her!