Let your S.O.F.T side out

Want more respect and a winning reputation? Let your S-O-F-T side out!

Aretha sang about it. You want it. More respect. That’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like you are in a one-sided conversation or feeling like your words don’t matter.

Luckily, there is something to help you have better communication with the person of your choice. Maybe it’s your son or daughter, a business partner, your lover or dare I say it, YOURSELF.

When you follow these steps, you have the potential to be known as a “5-star” communicator and you can watch your reputation and your energy skyrocket. I call it let your S-O-F-T side. Get a notepad!

But don’t take my word for it.

Try it out for yourself and remember, the action continues after you watch this video. Be sure to post a comment after you watch and share it with your friends!

In this video, you will learn:


  • How to stop going on the defensive when you’re about to have a difficult conversation
  • My secret tip to getting more respect without DOING anything
  • My easy 4-step, 5-minute process to building an awesome reputation (and relationships!)

Take Action Time: Your Turn!

1. Which of the 4-steps of the S.O.F.T process are YOU going to experiment with his week in your conversations?

2. Did you enjoy this post?
Share it with a friend below and if you’re not already a VIP, get a GIFT when you sign up for updates (it’s FREE)

The most overlooked action to take when you’re struggling with a decision

What’s one area of your life where you’d LOVE some more clarity?

I can feel some of you saying, just ONE, Diana? What if I’m going through a complete life overhaul?!

Usually this place is an area where you have some questions, some confusion, a lot on the line.

It’s also usually something that is near and dear to your heart.

Maybe a relationship. Maybe a place to live. Maybe a job or business opportunity.

When we’re going through any transition and have to make a big decision, it’s easy to feel like we’re going to go totally go off the track and be back at square one if we do this one, simple action.

Can you guess what it is?

Take a Guess!

Take a guess! Let’s play.

No, not just “going for it” for the sake of going for it.

If your heart isn’t totally saying, YES, then ‘going for it’ anyway can be the avoidance of some deeper awareness that you may be in denial about. Go gently with yourself.

On the other extreme, the answer is also not meditating to escape our reality, pulling card after card with the anticipation that we’ll get the answer we want to hear. That is just another form of avoidance of what is bubbling up inside of us in the present.

Got another guess?

A third, often overlooked option is to do nothing.

Before some of you start rolling your eyes at me, let me expand on this a bit.

Have YOU ever..

Have you ever had the experience where you really needed to make a decision (sometimes we put the pressure of a time-table on ourselves) and your brain starts to dart this way and to try and deal with that, you start looking for things to do that seem so important like… cleaning your house, re-organizing your sweater drawer, cooking, meditating, internet surfing. All to avoid the mental chatter inside your mind that is nagging at you, reminding you, ‘You STILL haven’t figured this out.?’

I have too.

My personal brand of ‘I am trying to escape the crazy thoughts in my head?’ updating my website, which side note: honestly, I should really stop trying to do myself!

The Golden Ticket

*Doing “nothing” CONSCIOUSLY is really a simple way of saying to the Universe, “I choose to stop the mental worry around this situation. I totally SURRENDER.” Click here to Tweet That!

Complete surrender.

It’s not that you stop your life or pretend that everything’s rosy when it’s not.

It’s about choosing consciously to stop trying to pretend you have to know exactly what to do right now. You may not. You may already know what to do but there’s fear that comes up.

Okay. Sit with it. Stop trying to escape it or negate it. That voice will just get stronger after you come back from your distraction haze. In my case, html haze. Haha!

What I found is that the moment of COMPLETE and total surrender is when solutions and options unfold that you couldn’t see before.

People come out of the woodwork to offer their assistance.

You get the money you were so worried about to pay off a debt.

Your ‘relationship issues’ seem to dissolve when you simply tune inside and listen more than  you speak.


Now, I’m no guru at this, but I can say that when I am super stressed, and I sit quietly with myself and with every fiber of my being as best as I can in that given moment SURRENDER it to Spirit, the next right action comes pretty fast.

The trick?

You have to stop pre-judging it or have a timeline or way that it has to look.

It takes practice, but wouldn’t you rather be AMAZED than moderately satisfied?

I’ll leave you with that question.

I have to go practice what I preach now.


Take Action: Your Turn!

1. What is ONE thing that helps YOU quiet your mind? Share a resource with us using the “Leave a Comment” button to the lower right of this post.

2. Did you enjoy this post? Want to learn more about how to develop your intuition?
2 ways to do that!

Sign up for updates (it’s FREE)

Join me for a class this month!

Have a blessed week!

Work With Me:
I help spiritually-conscious men and women STOP SECOND-GUESSING their decision-making in their relationships and get back into balance. Are you ready to get your Inner Sparkle back? Click here to see how we can work together!

3 Ways to Deal with Delays

Delays. Miscommunications. Frustration.

Any of the above sound familiar to you?

It’s actually a blessing in disguise but if you are new to looking at energetic cycles, the whole thing can be maddening, confusing and make you question yourself big time.

To keep it simple, basically starting the 23rd of this month (Saturday) to March 17, there is a particular astrological shift called Mercury Retrograde. It’s a time when the planet Mercury (which rules communication) basically decides to take a snooze and sit this one out. This period actually gets a very bad rap but I have come to actually embrace and love the Retrograde cycles.

To help you make the most of the weeks to come, I’d like to share some other dates and THREE ways that you can prepare for this (and dare I say, actually ENJOY) the delays!


1. Back-up your systems NOW

(and buy any necessary electronic devices before the 23rd or after the 17th!) 

  • Do you have an external hard drive or back-up system for your computer? If not, consider investing in one NOW before the 23rd. (Wow…I’m also reminding myself as I write this!)

NOTE: If you buy between the 23rd-March 17th,  there’s a high probability that something electronic you buy could have a defect and you’d have to take it back to the store.

  • Consider putting your contact info or taping a business card to the back of important electronics like your cellphone or laptop, especially if you plan to travel during this time.
  • Have a reservation somewhere? Call ahead and TRIPLE CHECK you’re in the books! Things can go awry, paperwork can get lost and the more you can plan for the unexpected and have details handy, the smoother this ride will be. If you have a plane to catch, get there earlier than you would and pack light if possible. Bring a book in case you encounter lines or gate changes, etc.


 2. Listen to your BODY (seriously listen)

  • What foods has your body been asking you to avoid? Are you listening or ignoring?
  • Great time to start a cleanse, eliminate the stuff you KNOW is toxic. Also, if you’re bored with your workout routine, now is the perfect time to change it up and ask yourself, “What would sound like FUN?” Listen to your body vs. the scale or even your head to let you know what type of movement to commit to. The more you move your body, the more energy you release and the greater the space you create for more to come your way.
  • If you are curious about doing a cleanse, check out Tanuja P’s Love your Body Project


3.  Reconnect and Make Amends

  • Has an old friend, lover or perhaps “enemy” that you have been trying to avoid been coming up in your mind? Perhaps it’s time to have that uncomfortable conversation, to let go and to open up space for a new connection (maybe with them or maybe with someone else!)
  • What or who do you perceive has HURT you? That’s the place to look inside yourself for what is still needing to heal. This is a great time to take your energy and power back in that situation by asking yourself, “What was my role in all this? What did I agree to that maybe I would not have agreed to now?” Listen. Learn. And then it becomes a lesson vs. something you have to survive.
  • Great time to see old friends, have an impromptu gathering, swap clothes/objects/anything you’ve outgrown that could be someone else’s treasure. De-clutter + FUN=the name of the game.


To top it ALL off, on the 25th (Next Monday), we have a FULL MOON energy around, so it will be especially important to wrap-up unfinished business with another, yourself and I’m feeling intuitively, anything related to finances and the government (hello tax preparation!). Create a plan, get your papers in order, enlist help where you feel overwhelmed and remember that it’s okay to FEEL the emotions. They are there to inform you but you are more than your emotions. Listen to what they have to say, move with them and they will carry you light and free through this Retrograde. You’ll come out the other side ideally:

  • Clearer in what you want
  • With a clean, open and de-cluttered heart and home/space
  • More compassion and appreciation for the simple things, including your connections with others

 See. It’s actually a GREAT period. Easy does it. I’m rooting for you! 

Take Action: Your Turn! 

1. Which one (#1, 2 or 3) speaks to YOU to work on this week? Why?

2. Post a comment using the “Leave a Comment” on the right side of this blog! Let’s connect! 

3. Did you enjoy this post? 

*Share it below and if you’re not already on my VIP list (it’s FREE), sign up for updates here and I’ll send you a free gift to help you trust your intuition NOW:www.DianaDorell.com/onequestion/ 


Have a fantastic week and I look forward to hearing all about the miracles and manifestations you create during this Retrograde/upcoming Full moon energy cycle. To YOU! 

With Love and Blessings,Diana 


With my orange tree. Mother Nature reminds me that we are ALL abundant!

With my orange tree. Mother Nature reminds me that we are ALL abundant!

ps: Want some 1:1 support?

Feeling like it may be time to let go of a relationship but you’re just not quite sure? Ready to up-level your business or spiritual connection but need help knowing where to start? I’d love to help you!

Consider booking a SINGLE session for yourself or investing in a 3-session or 6-session package here 



Want more success? Make this phrase a regular part of your vocabulary!

Do you want more success?

That’s awesome! You so deserve it. You are after all, a Divine Being.

But first, have you caught yourself (or someone else) saying or thinking any of the following?


  • Things aren’t happening as fast as I want them to.
  • Things are okay. They could be better, but they are okay for now.
  • I plan to leave my (job, relationship, etc) but now’s not really the right time.


All 3 of the phrases above have something in common:

They are all based on passivity-thoughts or seeing some external force as the thing that’s keeping you from what you want. 


These thought patterns are most likely based on fear. 

Fear of rocking the boat.

What if I take action and it doesn’t work out?

What if I make the wrong choice?

What if (insert a person’s name, etc) won’t like me anymore?

Who am I to (insert what you REALLY want)?

These aren’t rational fears. No fear really is. 


5-word phrase to help you break through this way of thinking:

MANTRA: “I act with Unwavering Commitment”

This came to me from a quote I read in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker from the explorer W.H Murray who said the following during a trek to the Himalayas. (.71)

“Until one is committed, there is a hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.”




The Lesson: 3 Steps to Success

In short, if you want something to change in your life,

1) You must acknowledge your fears but you must have the courage to act in spite of them.

 The limiting thoughts that are based upon the idea that there is a “Luke-warm Plan B. A Fallback Plan that really makes your Soul cry or that you can’t possibly find any joy in. An escape route that is there simply to make you feel ‘comfortable.” Because given the opportunity, your subconscious will choose Comfortable Plan B over Uncomfortable, Risk-Taking, Ego-crushing super high SUCCESS-potential Plan A. 

Once you COMMIT to Plan A ALL THE WAY, even if you fail, you will have won giving it your best shot. Only then can you clear the energetic space for the Universe to truly deliver on its promise to help you manifest your true intentions.


2) Follow the guidance you are given through your intuition without question.

Even if it’s hard. 

NOTE: Part of “Plan A” may involve creating a strategic exit route from a job, relationship, etc that takes your basic needs into account. That’s different than defaulting to a Plan B. That’s just making a calculated risk and that’s smart and sometimes necessary! When it becomes an issue is when you say you want Plan A, but really you don’t want to let go of Plan B (so you don’t!). 


3) Stay Open

Once you are committed, you take action when nudged from within, then you need to stay open to receive! That means if you encounter worry, try something like the WORRY BOX to help manage your fears when they come up! You’ll be ready to receive your gifts with open arms and a feeling of peace and ease and that is truly the recipe for lasting success!


With my orange tree. Mother Nature reminds me that we are ALL abundant!

With my orange tree. Mother Nature reminds me that we are ALL abundant!


1) What is ONE thing YOU are committed to this February? Post a comment!

2)  Did you enjoy this article?

Sign up for updates (it’s FREE) here or Share this post with your friends on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons below!

Have a fantastic week!



ps: I still have just a FEW SPOTS LEFT for my tele-series “How to Attract Absolutely Anyone!” that starts TONIGHT! (If you can’t make it live, we have all the recordings available for you to become an ATTRACTION MAGNET in all your relationships!) 

Click here to learn more!


Do you worry too much? Try a Worry Box!

Worrying lowers your vibration and energy. It helps no one and actually can BLOCK the solution to your quandary.

But it can become addictive, as if “worrying” about a thing means we are being “productive or good,” especially if it’s around a person or situation near and near to our hearts.

There is a solution though! See below!This is a fun and inexpensive way to release your cares and worries to Spirit so that the energy you spend on worrying is re-directed back to YOU to use for other things that LIFT your soul!

It’s called the “Away Worry Box!” (I trademarked that. Just kidding!)

Materials needed:

  • your Intuition
  • Empty tissue box
  • Sharpie or marker
  • index cards, post-it notes or any scraps of blank paper to write your worries on
  • optional: choose a power color tissue box or use a marker to color it to one!


Every time you catch yourself worrying about the same thing over and over…

1. write it down on a piece of paper and

2. drop it in the Box, with the intention to completely surrender the situation to Spirit, your Angels, etc.

3. If you want some extra support, write a prayer, mantra or statement of intent on your box to help remind you to LET GO of control. (My box is below so you can see an example).


4. Optional: If you are sensitive to colors and want to get all crazy with your box, consider adding colors to your box to enhance the quality you are wanting to call into your space.

Purple: Spiritual Wisdom, Intuition

Green: Healing, especially emotional

Pink: Love, Compassion

Yellow: Personal Power/Healthy Boundaries

Blue: Communication, Respect

White: Clarity, Peace




Enjoy! And Please let me know how your box is working for you!


Take Action and Announcements:


1) Do YOU have any tips to help you overcome or deal with worry?

Post a comment here!



Special intro rate only available until this Thursday, January 31 (2 days!)

Check it out!


3) Ready for L-O-V-E? Join us!

Love series, How to Attract Absolutely Anyone” starts February 5! To get the intro rate before it goes up Feb.1, sign up by THURSDAY! 2 ladies who took this course with us last year were in relationships by (and in one case, before) the end of the series! Click here.

Have a fabulous week!



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