What’s one area of your life where you’d LOVE some more clarity?
I can feel some of you saying, just ONE, Diana? What if I’m going through a complete life overhaul?!
Usually this place is an area where you have some questions, some confusion, a lot on the line.
It’s also usually something that is near and dear to your heart.
Maybe a relationship. Maybe a place to live. Maybe a job or business opportunity.
When we’re going through any transition and have to make a big decision, it’s easy to feel like we’re going to go totally go off the track and be back at square one if we do this one, simple action.
Can you guess what it is?
Take a Guess!
Take a guess! Let’s play.
No, not just “going for it” for the sake of going for it.
If your heart isn’t totally saying, YES, then ‘going for it’ anyway can be the avoidance of some deeper awareness that you may be in denial about. Go gently with yourself.
On the other extreme, the answer is also not meditating to escape our reality, pulling card after card with the anticipation that we’ll get the answer we want to hear. That is just another form of avoidance of what is bubbling up inside of us in the present.
Got another guess?
A third, often overlooked option is to do nothing.
Before some of you start rolling your eyes at me, let me expand on this a bit.
Have YOU ever..
Have you ever had the experience where you really needed to make a decision (sometimes we put the pressure of a time-table on ourselves) and your brain starts to dart this way and to try and deal with that, you start looking for things to do that seem so important like… cleaning your house, re-organizing your sweater drawer, cooking, meditating, internet surfing. All to avoid the mental chatter inside your mind that is nagging at you, reminding you, ‘You STILL haven’t figured this out.?’
I have too.
My personal brand of ‘I am trying to escape the crazy thoughts in my head?’ updating my website, which side note: honestly, I should really stop trying to do myself!
The Golden Ticket
*Doing “nothing” CONSCIOUSLY is really a simple way of saying to the Universe, “I choose to stop the mental worry around this situation. I totally SURRENDER.” Click here to Tweet That!
Complete surrender.
It’s not that you stop your life or pretend that everything’s rosy when it’s not.
It’s about choosing consciously to stop trying to pretend you have to know exactly what to do right now. You may not. You may already know what to do but there’s fear that comes up.
Okay. Sit with it. Stop trying to escape it or negate it. That voice will just get stronger after you come back from your distraction haze. In my case, html haze. Haha!
What I found is that the moment of COMPLETE and total surrender is when solutions and options unfold that you couldn’t see before.
People come out of the woodwork to offer their assistance.
You get the money you were so worried about to pay off a debt.
Your ‘relationship issues’ seem to dissolve when you simply tune inside and listen more than you speak.
Now, I’m no guru at this, but I can say that when I am super stressed, and I sit quietly with myself and with every fiber of my being as best as I can in that given moment SURRENDER it to Spirit, the next right action comes pretty fast.
The trick?
You have to stop pre-judging it or have a timeline or way that it has to look.
It takes practice, but wouldn’t you rather be AMAZED than moderately satisfied?
I’ll leave you with that question.
I have to go practice what I preach now.
Take Action: Your Turn!
1. What is ONE thing that helps YOU quiet your mind? Share a resource with us using the “Leave a Comment” button to the lower right of this post.
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Have a blessed week!
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I help spiritually-conscious men and women STOP SECOND-GUESSING their decision-making in their relationships and get back into balance. Are you ready to get your Inner Sparkle back? Click here to see how we can work together!