How to Take a Risk from your Heart with Guest blogger, Amy Logan

“Taking a Risk from My Heart” by Amy Logan

Have you ever had the feeling that something was not right in your life? Even when from all vantage points, things seem pretty good? Good marriage, beautiful children, nice home, good college education, booming home business….etc.

This was me. From all intents and purposes, my life was on track. Perfect. I had it all. Life was good. 

But for years, I had a little something nagging at me, telling me things are just not right. I kept pushing it away. All was good, why listen?  

I was afraid of the answer.

The time had finally come when I could no longer ignore the feelings inside me.  I had to address that little something. As it turns out, that little something was my intuition nudging me about my life long faith. My head was full of doubts about the truth claims of my religion, for years, of it being not true. After finally giving myself permission to do some investigating and really address my lingering doubts, I found that for me, my religion was not what it claimed to be.

This not so little realization, changed my life, as I knew it. 

I want to share with you the biggest life lesson of my life……

The Lesson + Being Mormon

LISTEN to your intuition. It is always right. Always.

Sometimes following your intuition is not easy. In my case, my whole life changed. I was breaking away from my family faith tradition. I started thinking differently. Everyone around me was Mormon. My whole family, my husband’s family, my friends and community. I felt so different all of a sudden. Because of my decision to leave my faith, some relationships remained and some did not.

Did I make some mistakes along the way as I tried to navigate a new life for myself? Yes. Did I go through some painful moments? Yes. Would I change it? No. 

Now, each day, no matter how big or small, I listen. I listen to what my soul is telling me. It may be something as little as taking a few extra minutes to look into the eyes of a stranger and say hello or maybe something bigger like creating a blog to share my story with the world because I know there are people who need to hear it. Whatever it is, I listen.

I have learned that my heart is happier when I listen to my soul. When I follow my heart and lean into what it is telling me, I can’t go wrong.

We have all had those little thoughts run through our head and nudge us to do something. Sadly, we often push them away or shrug them off as being silly. I want you to stop and listen to them. Be quiet and still for a few minutes each day and act on those thoughts. You will start to not second guess your intuition. So, today, I would love you to sit still for 5 minutes. Listen to your heart. You will be given a little nudge of someone who needs to hear from you or a way to better your business or a way to better yourself. Be still in those thoughts and then write them down and act upon them.

I would love to hear about your experiences. Leave a comment below and share your story. We are all in this together and hearing and sharing our stories builds a bridge of community and makes us all stronger. 

~Amy Logan, your Soul Searching Girl

About Amy


Amy Logan knows that churches can be wrong, outcasts can be right, and life is rarely black & white. As the creator of Soul Searching Girl, she offers soft landings & love for those who are falling awake — reframing their stories, identities and faith. Through inspiring blog posts, provocative questions & 1-on-1 counseling, she opens a space for healing conversations to unfold — with been-there-survived-that truisms to soften the fall. Find a new tribe. Redefine freedom.
And make peace with the tension of spiritual reinvention, at
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YOUR TURN: Have a question for Amy? Want to share a story about a time when YOU took a risk and followed your heart? Post a comment + please share this post with friends!

To the end. And the beginning. Join me for my last radio show on SoulsJourney tonight at 10pm EST.

“In the end is my beginning.”-T.S Elliot

Have you ever reached a point in your life where you knew that it was time to say goodbye/venture out into the unknown, even though there was no clear reason for doing so? Just a quiet, consistent knowing?

Sometimes it shows up as a whisper. Other times, the message seems to be mirrored in everything around you.

If we don’t listen, there could quite literally be a billboard above you with the very thing you need to see before you act on the inevitable. That change is about to happen. In a major way. With us at the driver’s seat. Sometimes with no guarantee of a direct route to point B. (Sometimes it’s more like Point A to Point C, then Point B1 and then back to A to get to the real B.) 

I couldn’t sleep last night and so instead of giving in to monkey mind about how the brain needs X hours to function (true but not a particularly useful thought in the moment), I simply closed my eyes and channeled a message on the subject of endings. This message comes from the Hindu Goddess of Knowledge and Creativity, Sarasvati. She hangs in my living room and if you ever find yourself in a place of imbalance or confusion, she’s a wonderful Guide to call on to help you calm nerves and come back to center. To do so, just close your eyes, call her name with intention, share what you’d like her help with and then follow any guidance you receive. It may take some time but she’s very receptive.

Message for you/The collective YOU from Sarasvati:

“Time is an illusion of the Human Mind. What appears to be an ending is a beginning but even the words ‘end’ and ‘beginning’ are constructs of the logical mind. Your Spirit knows that when you release the charge of language and words and instead, tune into a subtle frequency, your Divine Wisdom, you become free of this thing you call Time. You can see a vast space, a landscape, on which you may create whatever you wish. It begins with your thoughts. What will you choose to create today for yourself? Begin there. Or end there. It makes no difference. But go with all your heart.”

My Big News and a Thank YOU:
Will you please join me this evening at 10pm EST? (That is 7pm for those on the West Coast)
Tonight (Tuesday, September 25) I am having a virtual FAREWELL/CELEBRATION of NEW BEGINNINGS party on It is my FINAL show on-air after almost FOUR beautiful years and it would mean so much to me if you could be there to help me celebrate and close out an important chapter/open a new one. Some of you have known me since the very first show I did and others of you may be new to my community, but regardless of how long we’ve known each other, I am so incredibly honored to know you.
3 Reasons Why You Should Come :
  • hear fun, inspirational stories from celebrity guests I have interviewed to bloopers and behind-the-scenes tid bits 
  • get a FREE LIVE Angel card reading for yourself and possibly win a FREE gift from me!  (Angel card readings is where I got my first start as a professional intuitive, so I’m going to honor that and have fun with it!) for those who call in LIVE (the number is 724-444-1325) or you can tune in online at
  • If you’re going through your own transition, I promise you’ll be in a high-energy, playful, FUN space with like-minded people who are probably going through something similar. You never know who you could meet.
Ok, that’s all.
I love you and I hope you can make it. 10pm EST. Call in/listen from your phone: 724-444-1325. or online at
And either way, experiment with releasing the need to focus on the HOW something should come in (or leave) your life and instead consider this:
“What will I create today for myself starting in this moment?”
Post your response on the blog! When we write it and say it, we declare it. And then really cool things can happen. Unexpected. Magical. And truly aligned with the energy of YOU. Remember to smile and I’ll “see” you on air tonight!
ps: Can you do me a HUGE favor and forward this post on to a friend or two who may be navigating a difficult transition or change? I’d love it if they could make it to my party and get inspired! 

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The 4-step process to having an uncomfortable but necessary conversation with anyone

You know the feeling right?

Your stomach is tight. You may even get a headache or find it really hard to breathe.

You start distracting yourself by cleaning, checking email or doing a million other “important” things to avoid having the inevitable “talk” with someone that has been a long time coming. Your mind races with thoughts like:

What if they HATE me?

What if I shoot myself in the foot and say the wrong thing?

What if I’m just being ridiculous and unreasonable?


Try my easy, 4-step process below to having that uncomfortable but necessary “talk” with anyone and be sure to leave a comment on the blog when you’re done!

Step 1: Set your space and be real.

“Hey, (insert their name).

I really appreciate you for listening right now/taking a few minutes to hear me out.

I have always admired (insert genuine compliment here or say nothing!)

Optional: “This is uncomfortable for me to share with you but I need to say this.”


Step 2: Lay out what you want without emotion

“I want (to end our relationship, a divorce, a raise, to change directions in this project, to reconsider my initial offer, to feel heard in this relationship, etc….”)


Step 3. Spell out your feelings (no one can argue with them!) AND any actions that you will be taking as a result

“This doesn’t feel right anymore and I need to honor that. Because of that, I/we will be _____________ OR,

“In order for this to feel right, I need to see the following things happen: _____________(state anything they can do to make it right)___________ .


“This doesn’t feel right anymore and I need to honor that. Because of that, I will (moving on, moving out, etc.).


Step 4: Appreciate them again and Choose your ending

*Do you want to hear them out and continue the discussion? If so, choose this:

“I appreciate you listening to me and I’d love to give you space now to share anything you’ve been wanting to say to me. I’m all ears.” (Then you REALLY have to listen and do your best to avoid interrupting or getting defensive. Follow through.)


*Do you just want to wrap up the conversation and end the discussion gracefully? If so, choose this:

“I am sharing this with you because I respect you and am just doing what feels true for me. (appreciate them and set the boundary).

I understand you may have more questions but I’ve shared what feels right for me in this situation and am unwilling to continue discussing it at this time. (set your parameters. notice the word “unwilling” has a different vibration than “I can’t” or “I don’t want to”. It’s more powerful!) I’m choosing to move on and again, thank you for listening. That means a lot to me.”

(notice the end with a genuine compliment or nothing at all and FOLLOW THROUGH on what you say! They may try to test you and continue the conversation and in that case, just keep going back to “I’m unwilling to continue discussing this at this time…” or walk away if need be.) You do NOT have to over explain or defend your choice.

Congratulations! You did it!

Side suggestion:

It’s always nice to have something special planned for yourself after having any uncomfortable “talk.” It does not need to be expensive or fancy or even anything that requires money. You can go for a walk to your favorite park, schedule some time to do paint your nails or just browse at your favorite bookstore that you never got a chance to go in because you were worried about this conversation! Self-care is SO important at the end of the “talk.”


Take Action!

1. What is ONE suggestion YOU have that helps you prepare for an uncomfortable conversation?

2. Post a comment here and let’s connect!


ps: Are YOU going through a break-up (personal or professional) or want to release an ex but have no idea how?

 Sign up to get weekly updates (it’s FREE) and I’ll send you actionable spiritual and relationships wisdom that WORKS!


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You are never alone.



3 Steps to Stop Feeling Like a ‘Fraud’ in Your Life

So, today’s post comes from a comment one of my favorite clients shared with me and I have a feeling that you may vibe with it (or know someone who would).

She is a very successful consultant and she is dedicated to helping her clients bring order and organization back to their business. But despite all her success (she practically has a waiting list because she’s so awesome at what she does!), there was a nagging feeling she couldn’t shake.

Q: “Diana, how do I deal with this feeling of guilt for helping my clients organize their business when I don’t have my own shit together?”

(Translation: How do I stop feeling like a fraud?)


This is a BIG and very common feeling that I hear running rampant, especially with super freakin talented (and successful!) service-providers and it’s time to address this.

I’m super passionate about this, so I’m going to offer insights in two parts over two weeks.

Today, you get Part One.


A: (Part 1) How to Deal with Feeling Like You’re a Fraud in your Business (Or your Love Life)


Step 1: Recognize the Pattern
In my experience, this “fraud voice” usually comes up when you are about to make a BIG change, leap or transition that you KNOW is right
(it’s actually been a long time coming) but there’s fear because there are no guarantees that it’s all actually going to work out.) You just FEEL it. (And the thought of NOT doing it feels like you’d be selling out on yourself/out of integrity.)

Ex: Raising your rates, Having the “Talk” with your significant other or finally starting your own spiritually-based business.

Is this you?
Step 2. CALMLY acknowledge the voice
If so, after taking a few deep breaths, state ALOUD: “I recognize that I am currently experiencing fear around __________(insert your BIG leap here). I see you. I feel you. And I acknowledge that you are here to protect me. Thank you for sharing.”All that voice really is is the Ego and it stems from the belief that you are somehow separate from another or the world. You aren’t. That’s an illusion. But for the love of Goddess, acknowledge the voice or it’s just going to be like a 4 year old and get louder and more annoying until you give it attention 🙂


Step 3: Go back to your WHY (Vision)
What was the reason you got into your business in the first place? What drew you to want to be close to that person? Write it down. Dance it out. Sing about it. Heck, I even had one client RECORD her own voice for what her WHY was and she plays it every morning on her fancy i-phone!

When we re-visit our WHY (or vision), our bigger intention, all of a sudden, the subconscious remembers, “Oh yea, it’s not about Me (Ego). It’s about being in service and using my gifts to the fullest extent of my potential.” (or your own version of that!)


Take Action Time:

I want to hear from you:

1. What helps YOU tame that “fraud” voice? Post a comment on here!

2. Try out the 3 steps if you’re serious about shifting your energy for the REST OF THE WEEK and post your findings of this experiment by posting a comment here!

 3. Need help? Consider this first.
Sometimes (more often than not), the “voice” is not actually ours. It could be the voice of our well-intentioned parents, old lovers, even lineage or past life patterns that are running the show and squashing your capacity to move beyond certain income levels, loving partnerships or optimum health that you know you deserve. The good news? You have the power to release it. Completely. Like. For. Good.

Part of my WHY is to help you feel powerful in all your relationships, to help you make the kind of money you know you could be making in your business (without it leaking out the other end!) and to help you feel like you have as much energy as you had when you were little so you can go live out your dream. But it takes courage. It takes effort. And if it’s a pattern that’s been ingrained in your subconscious for a long time, you need help. (otherwise you would have already seen the kind of results you wanted, right?) Now is the time. And if you’re feeling the call from within, I’m here for you, but you must take action.

Go here to book

With Love,


ps: Did you like today’s post?

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