is your ‘wisdom corner’ set up for success? find out!

Are you feeling the winds of change coming? 

They may already be here for you-the themes of relationship restructuring, boundaries and creating a bigger, newer vision for your life are all present in the Universal energies right now.

There is so much happening and you may be asked to step up and face some uncomfortable but necessary-for-your-spiritual-growth stuff!

And this week I am hooking you up!

#1: Thursday:

I am so so excited to be interviewing Theresa Reed, known internationally as “The Tarot Lady” on my radio show this Thursday. She’s amazing and hilarious. Mark Thursday @5pm Pacific on your calendar and for call-in-deets go here:


Have you signed up for my Angel Reiki I certification class yet (online?) Registration closes Sunday! Click here:

#3 Today:

Can I invite you inside my home? (check out this week’s video below!)


Your Spiritual Nugget

How did you spend your Labor Day?

I had every intention on plopping myself on the couch and watching movies but instead, I was called by Spirit at the crack of dawn to start space clearing and re-vamping my space.

I find that each time I do it, it brings up something new for me that I couldn’t have seen otherwise.

And right in line with the Universal energies, I decided to try something new.

Have you heard of Periscope?

It’s a new app that lets you tune in in real-time videos/lessons/musing with people anywhere in the world.

*If you’re on it, please add me: @dancinggoddess (Periscope)

Yesterday, impromptu I shot my first video for it (which you get to see right here! Yay!)

If you’re not manifesting as consistently as you like, look at your Wisdom corner!

The space I re-vamped was the “Wisdom” corner of my home and even if you don’t know a thing about space-clearing or Feng-Shui, this week I want to show you and offer some tangible tips to help you

  • locate your Wisdom corner + change its vibration so it helps you
  • help you hold onto the awesome things you create (more money, a solid relationship,a new exercise routine, etc)
  • stop reverting back to your old pattern Ex: money comes in, money goes right back out. 
  • increase your self-confidence in building a strong foundation for what it is you want

Sound good? Click here to check out my Periscope video!

the unconventional action I took that got me to NYC

If you’ve been on here awhile, you may know that last year, I manifested one of my burning desires to live in Manhattan (NYC). The whole live sex-and-the-city fantasy mixed with nostalgia you can say. (my parents fell in love in the city and our family history goes way back there.)

And last year, I manifested it. From a beautiful place to live, to amazing new friends (literally within 48 hours of moving) to getting signed on a new Sirius XM podcast station at the Plaza hotel (while I was just messing around in flip flops and drinking a Bellini!) It was one of the most synchronistic, Divinely-ordered life experiences I have ever had. 

And today I want to share with you one step that helped me create this with the intent that it helps you manifest with more confidence.

Sound good?

Yay! So…I was living in Kansas City at the time and I was feeling super conflicted because well, I had to leave the man I loved to pursue this insistent dream that just wouldn’t go away. Even when I kept pushing it to the side, it kept coming up until one day I snapped.

Soul-based desires are like that. They just don’t care how much you try to lie to yourself because they see the real you.

I remember it vividly. I was at home and was suddenly struck with the feeling that I needed to paint. And I kept getting a specific visual of what to paint. My whole body was tingling and I grabbed some old newspaper, my watercolors and a blank canvas I had forgotten about, plopped down on the hardwood floor in our tiny living room and went to town.

Disclaimer: I hadn’t painted in years. But it’s like Spirit and the Angels were guiding my brushstroke.

As I furiously mixed the colors and filled the blank canvas, I started to cry. Uncontrollable, deep, gut-wrenching sobs. 

Keep painting, a quiet voice said.

So I did…a taxi, a skyscraper, even the damn Kodak billboard.

I was painting Times Square…. Goddess style.

Then I started laughing because the final stroke was of big black Old Hollywood-style sunglasses out the taxi cab. No face. Just the glasses and a hand.

It was so me.

And when the painting was done, the tingling didn’t stop.

It got stronger.

I said aloud, “I’m going to New York. I AM going to New York. I will tell him (bf) tonight. It’s happening.”

To make a long story short, I told him that night.

And within 3 weeks, I packed my bags and headed for the Big Apple.

Everything fell into place like magic and with a bucket of uncertainty about my relationship and a heavy dose of faith and optimism, I kissed him goodbye and boarded the plane.

Sometimes it takes Spirit literally taking our hand and helping us see in a very literal form like a painting what is important to our Soul’s journey.

Even when it scares us.

So, that’s my big secret.

I painted. 

But it was no ordinary painting.

I had Spirit in the driver’s’ seat and an unwavering intention and commitment to surrender to whatever was waiting for me on the other side. 

Now let’s take it to you.

  1. What’s something you’d like to manifest in the next 30 days? SHARE IT WITH US in the comments as social proof!

For the brave:

  1. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what would you say your level of commitment is to your manifestation? 
  2. If it’s less than 10, ask yourself why. What’s missing? What’s holding you back? Figure out why it’s not a burning desire because unless you want it bad enough, it can’t really come to you. Once you’ve solidified it, go to step 4.
  3. Paint. Dance. Write. Choose a creative activity and surrender it over to Spirit. See what happens! Follow the next right action!

Want more? 


Tune into my BRAND NEW Radio Show “The Dancing Goddess Show” on BlogTalk for a mini-healing and intuitive insights! Premieres July 30 @5pm PST. Click here to follow the show!

The secret to work-life balance (it may surprise you!)

Work-life balance.

Ahhh…that sounds so nice, doesn’t it?

Is it even possible?

What is something you can do to have more time for the things you love but do less stressing, overeating and worrying?

In this video, you will learn:

  • what stops the majority of people from ever feeling like they have time for the good stuff
  • a simple action step to long-term balance that most people don’t bother with (you’re not one of those people!)
  • of a real-life example of the principles in action from a woman who lost 50 lbs, increased her mental and emotional peace and is having her best business year ever!

After you watch, be sure to post your comment to this week’s Soul challenge below!

Q: This week, where will you implement a container to help you get on the balanced n’ happy train? Share with us! Consider it group accountability with the Universe helping you!

Want more? Go here to get weekly updates to help you ramp up your love life and rock your intuition!

my fav mercury retro* story (it changed my life)

Mercury Retrograde.

A time when computers crash, road rage can abound and miscommunications manifest out of nowhere.

I used to dread the inevitable slow down of this time and if you’re reading this, you’re probably super sensitive to energy and have been feeling it maybe a few days before it happened.

That email never got sent.

The address you wrote down was wrong by 1 number.

Your ex comes back and wants another shot and throw your hands up at the sky and think WTF is going on?

I thought I dealt with that crap already.

But I’ve now come to appreciate the snail pace and test on my patience level.

Whenever I get the urge to flip out, I try and remember this story I’m about to share with you that was very Mercury Retro-esque that literally changed the course my life.

It all started in my kitchen in Oakland when I was contemplating my path and what the heck to do.

Nothing felt certain and I had never felt so alone in my life.

My boyfriend and I had broken up, I didn’t know how I was going to pay rent that month and I had just come out of the ER with a mounting bill for scans that I didn’t even need.

I was raw.

So I did what any normal person would.

I decided to go on Facebook.

Only my browser kept freezing.

And I got the rainbow spinning wheel of death on my Mac.

I wanted to cry.

Just let me have my damn distraction!

Then finally a breakthrough came.

The wheel stopped and I saw the facebook logo at the top.


thank. you. dear Lord.

And then something weird happened.

It never went to Facebook.

It skipped Facebook.

And opened up a browser for a college in Arizona.


I tried to reload, but it wasn’t having it.

It was called Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

The last thing I wanted to do was go back to school.

Was this a joke?

But my intuition started kicking in.

My tummy got all hot.

And I started getting Angel goosebumps up and down my body.

The message I kept getting?

“Call them.”

I didn’t want to call them.

But what the heck else was I going to do?

So the next thing I know I’m speaking with a woman who tells me that they have a program for coaching certification and yoga and all sorts of wonderful metaphysical classes.

She said that I was in the system as having an Americorp award for pretty much the amount of yearly tuition for not one but both programs. (I had done Teach for America years before and for some reason, this school accepted those service funds I had totally forgotten about because I was dead set against going to grad school.)

And that it expired in a year.

Was I interested in coming out for a visit to the desert?


To make a long story longer, in short I left California, my entire practice that I’d built up to go to school and build a new life for myself. I got my coaching certification and yoga teaching certification fully paid for and I had my first clients within the first weekend of starting my new life.

Nothing is an accident.

All from a frozen computer screen during the Retrograde.

So, pay attention to what your intuition is telling you right now.

You never know where it could lead you.

Or how life can surprise you!

Q: Do YOU have a fun Mercury Retrograde story?



Share it with us in the comments below!

ps: Want to learn how to manifest for FREE? Take my free training right here!

you have to let go of good if you want great

Have you ever known that it was TIME to let go of something that was “just okay” so you could make space for something amazing?

I recently had a session with someone who was letting go of a man who she’d had an on and off again relationship with.

They had both been playing cat and mouse for over 3 years and when we went to do the karmic cord cutting (a powerful energy release I do with my private clients), tears rolled down her face as she felt his presence in the room. “My whole body is vibrating!” she said, looking at me with wide eyes.

She got to share with him all the things she’d been too proud to say when they were face to face. To start the letting go process…for real.

And the next day (full moon) she texted me to let me know that she just wanted to go to a park and just be with herself…and sift through all the emotions that came up instead of going to a party.

“I never do that!” she laughed.

She cried. She laughed. She raged. But she had freed herself. She was starting to accept that she had always held the keys to her freedom. It wasn’t with this guy. That’s real power.

But her take-away? She was done settling for just okay. She was ready for great.

And in order for great to arrive, we have to be willing to let go of the crumbs. To let go of just “good enough.”

It’s not gonna cut it anymore Goddess!

The real secret: shhhh

And to be open to GREAT, you have to learn to tolerate and accept the space. The void. The discomfort.

You have to be strong.

It’s so easy to try and fill that space that that person, job, or habit left, but you want exceptional right?

Mindblowing, OMG-this-is-my-life amazing, right?

Then you’re going to have to be able to sit with yourself in the discomfort for awhile without rushing to replace it.

Does it hurt or suck sometimes?


Is it easy?

Hell no!

But it’s what it takes.

A firm will to say “I will only accept the best. I’m done with crumbs.”

The Universe will test you.

You may think you’ve screwed up when that person comes back or you encounter a similar situation as before.

No no no sister.

It’s just the Universe testing your resolve to GREAT.

Be strong.

You’ve got this.

Q: Where have you been settling for “just okay or good? What does AMAZING or great look like? Brave souls, share with us in the comments! There is power in your words. Just by sharing it you are already putting it out there that you deserve more. Because you do.




ps: Curious about CORD CUTTING and karmic release sessions?

These are a specialty of mine and I’d love to help you! Click here and put in the email “cord cutting” and I’ll get you all the info for these special sessions!