
It’s Time to Take Back Your Personal Power!

Happy Tuesday! When it comes to your closest relationships, do you feel like there’s a healthy give and take? 

Are you always the one giving in for the sake of peace or do you feel safe to express yourself and voice your preferences? 

When it comes to romantic relationships, especially in the beginning, a lot of my clients have shared that they feel this unspoken need to prove themselves and “be enough” for that other person. 

You may feel pressure to do a lot of the activities that other person wants to do that you would never want to do on your own.

Or keep your mouth shut when something really bothers you.

All in the name of ‘keeping the peace’ and ensuring that the connection continues…

This can sometimes come from past relationships  where the power dynamics and boundaries/expectations were unbalanced (or in some cases, never solidified).

In healthy dynamics, compromise is natural. 

But when compromising comes at a cost to your personal energy, self-esteem and confidence. It can become toxic. 

It’s time to take back your personal power! 

In line with March’s theme of “personal power”, I’d love to share a mantra to help you feel more balanced in your relationships, especially if you have already identified that you have a tendency to hold back how you really feel and want to change that! 

Here it is: “The only person I have to be enough for is myself. It is safe for me to express who I am and how I feel. How others respond to that is out of my control.” 

When you remind yourself that it is safe to express who you are, you also give that other person unspoken permission to express who they are too, without all the pressure and filter of needing to be perfect. 

You create space to have more connected, meaningful communication with the people you love, because you aren’t trying to prove yourself. 

You already know you’re enough and that even if you have a different opinion than them, both of your opinions are valid. 

That engenders self-respect which leads to others respecting you and who wouldn’t want to be around someone like that? 

How to use it: 

In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel. 

Will you play with this over the week and let me know how it goes? Drop a comment below!   

PS: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out here:

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

What Will You Choose?

Happy Mantra Tuesday!

The other day, I was rushing back home to make it to an in-person appointment and got a call from the person I was supposed to be meeting. 

They told me they’d decided to go to a movie with their friends instead and that they couldn’t make our meeting (which was happening in about an hour).

I was seething

I had cut a trip to see my extended family short so I could make it back to town for this. 

It had been on the calendar for weeks. 

I felt so disrespected, annoyed and angry. 

I wanted to lash out from my Ego, but thankfully I said, “Next time if you choose to cancel our appointment, you need to let me know the day before.” 

We rescheduled and after we hung up, I took a deep breath and remembered that in every moment, even the ones the frost our cookies like this one, we always, always have a choice. 

People will be people. 

Not every situation will go your way.

But you can always choose. 


This month’s mantra: I choose happiness and happiness chooses me. 

When happiness becomes something you choose as opposed to something someone gives you, you’re in your own power. 

The outside world can do its thang and you’re still alright within yourself. 

Try it and let me know how it works for you this month!

How to use it: 

In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel. 

Will you play with this over the week and let me know how it goes? Hit reply or share a comment on the blog! 

ps: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here:

Don’t Skip This!

As we approach the last week of 2022, and into the home stretch of Holiday craziness, I invite you to give yourself the space to reflect on the past year in a simple, yet powerful way. 

One of my favourite things to do is have a journal session with Spirit. 

I get my holiday spice tea ready, I shut my door and light a candle, ready to dive deep. 

I know you may not feel like you have a lot of time to journal or may even encounter resistance around this, but even finding a few minutes of quiet time can benefit you! 

Some of the prompts that you may consider journaling on:

  • A moment that tested me this year was…
  • I am so proud of myself for…
  • Something I now realize about myself is…
  • When it comes to relationships, a lesson I learned this year was…

A few tips to have the most impactful session with yourself: 

  1. Write by hand vs. typing (it actives your subconscious mind) 
  2. See how it feels to just go for about a paragraph. Go beyond just the surface answer to the prompt. 
  3. Release judgements of what you write-give yourself  permission to be honest and just express what you need to express!
  4. Set the tone: get a yummy beverage, shut off distractions and notifications and let your family, friend, roommate, etc know you will be unavailable for the next 15-30 minutes, etc. 

Have a beautiful holiday week and no matter where you are in the world, I want you to know that you are exactly where you need to be. 

You are loved. 

And you are enough.

See you next year and thank you for being in my Goddess world! 

It’s Time to Make Space (Dec Message)

Happy Tuesday and Last Month of 2022 to you!

We are officially rocking and rolling into December and I don’t know about you, but I have felt an excitement and rush of new energy-in many ways, it feels as if 2023 is already here. 

If you’re reading this, chances are that you are very intuitive and may have already picked up on the new vibes of the upcoming cycle. 

If I were to sum up December in one sentence it would be: Make Space for What Matters. 

Plain and simple. 

Check out this month’s Oracle video below!

PS: If you’ve been wanting support to 10x your energy around relationships and self confidence, go here to book a complimentary intro call to learn more about how I can help!

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

When You’re Out of Your Comfort Zone…

So, the words just fell out of my mouth. 

“We’ll host Thanksgiving this year!” 

I’ve never hosted holidays I’m mum entire life and I’m excited and also like…omg, what did we just agree to???! Can I just close my eyes, hide under the covers and come out on November 25th and have someone feed me leftovers? 

But…life would be super boring if it was a straight line and we never did anything out of the ordinary.

For me, being outside my comfort zone this year looks like hosting Thanksgiving. 

For you, it may look like getting on dating app when you swore you were never doing the app thing.

Or telling someone how you actually feel about them, thus opening yourself up emotionally.

No matter what it is, that underlying combination of anxiety and excitement is the same. 

And when you’re face with a situation you’ve never been in, or one that creates that energy, it’s key to keep the following in mind: 

  1. Each time you do something outside your comfort zone, you build your self-trust muscles. 
    • The more you trust that you can do something that scares you, the more confident you will feel when life throws you for a loop (and it will!). You’ll be more resilient and capable of moving through both the highs and the lows. 
  2. On the other side of your fear is your power. 
    • Fear may always be there to a certain degree and the ,more afraid you are, the more power is available to you on the other side of doing the scary, uncomfortable thing. Who doesn’t want to feel their full power? Move with the fear and let yourself be surprised!
  3. You’re making space for your next-level self to show up.
    • The most empowered, fabulous version of you is already inside of you. When you do the things that push you outside your norm, it forces you to tap into new thought patterns, resources and ways of being. Instead of saying, “Oh, I never (fill in the blank),” try saying “I used to never (fill in the blank)…but now…” Give yourself permission to write yourself a new narrative! 

Now, I’ll keep you posted next week on how Thanksgiving rolls out (ooo Hawaiian rolls-couldst’ resist, had to go there!). 

I’ll be taking the principles I shared with you above to heart myself. 

Q: Which one of the 3 speaks to ou the most? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Have a magical week wherever you are in the world!