
Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

3 Signs He’s Just NOT Into You (Move On Alert!)

If you’ve ever been unsure if a guy was just not interested in you anymore, you may be avoiding seeing these 3 simple but clear signs. 

I know because I overlooked them myself!

In my best-selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, I share personal stories from my own dating life and one of them was about a man who I went out with fa few times. We’d been seeing each other for about a month and I couldn’t figure out why things weren’t progressing. 

I kept doing everything possible to get clear answers but looking back, he was showing me all two of the three signs I’m about to share with you, but I just couldn’t admit that he just wasn’t into me. 

It was embarrassing and if I had listened to the signs, I would have saved myself a lot of time and energy! Watch below! 

  1. He hasn’t made any future plans with you (even after you’ve expressed that you had a great time and would be open to seeing him again.)
  2. He stops asking you questions/taking an active interest in communicating with you. He may answer questions you ask vaguely or not at all…
  3. He tells you! (But you’re in denial or you convince yourself it’s temporary, so you try harder).

The more that you can listen the first time when these signs present, the easier it will be to stop pouring energy into this connection, free yourself and create space for someone who is interested in you. 

No more second-guessing, wishing or wasting valuable time, goddess.

If you’re ready to move on and attract the love of your life, go here to schedule a complementary coaching consultation with me. 

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

What You Desire, Desires You!

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever heard that to call in a partner, a home or anything that you’d like to, you must first be a vibrational match for what you’re requesting? 

If you aren’t at the same vibrational frequency as what you’re asking for, it’s like the Universe gets its wires crossed and you may not see much come your way.

One of my favorite ways to raise frequency is to use mantras to fine-tune your mindset away from a space of scarcity, lack and longing vibes… to that of grounded, calm, receptive vibes! 

One of my favorite mantras to play with for this is… What I desire, desires me back! 

Imagine that what you desire also desires you. 

That home, that perfect person for you…they are on the other end just so dang excited to find you. 

Really take that in.

No chasing.

No worrying.

No stress.

Yes, you do have to meet the Universe half way (you must put in a % of effort/appropriate action and do things to signal that you indeed are doing your part and also % receptivity/allowance and letting go so the Universe can have space to deliver things to you).

Are you open to using this mantra to calm your logical mind and slip into that space of receptivity and assurance that what is truly meant for you also wants you? 

How to use it: 

In quest moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above: What I desire, desires me back! Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Will you play with this over the week and let me know how it goes? Leave a comment below! 

PS: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here: 

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

3 Helpful Tips for Moving in Together for the First Time

Happy Tuesday!

If you’re in a relationship and looking to move in together soon, it can feel like a huge milestone. 

You’re combining energy and space and there are so many emotions that can arise during this time. 

When I found myself moved in much earlier than expected to my now husband’s home during the pandemic, I wish I would have know the 3 tips I’m sharing with you today!

By the way, they also apply to new roommates and will make that transition way more enjoyable and sustainable!

I recently contributed an article on this very subject for Elephant Journal, sharing my personal journey through this experience too!

Check out the tips here on Elephant Journal!

After you read, leave me a comment on their site or my blog. 

Here’s to happy moving-in! 

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

My Favorite Mudra to Keep Your Energy Clean ASAP

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever felt energetically over-loaded on a date? 

Today’s Q+A time!

Today’s Q: “Diana, what is the best way to stay in your own energy in public places? I find myself over stimulated when I go on date where there are lots of people around. I’m an empath, no surprise, but am really curious, short of telling my date I would prefer to go to quieter environments, is there anything I can do in the moment to keep myself grounded?”

I love this question and as I was reading it, I was intuitively guided to share a Sudra I learned from Sedona many years ago. 

A mudra is literally a physical posture that you can do to support you with a specific intention-in this case, releasing any energy that is not yours.

It’s one of my favorites – watch below to learn it! PS: Check out my blast from the past hair! 

After you watch: Did you try it? How did it feel? Do you have any tips that have helped you manage your own energy? Share with us by leaving a comment! 

It’s Time to Take Back Your Personal Power!

Happy Tuesday! When it comes to your closest relationships, do you feel like there’s a healthy give and take? 

Are you always the one giving in for the sake of peace or do you feel safe to express yourself and voice your preferences? 

When it comes to romantic relationships, especially in the beginning, a lot of my clients have shared that they feel this unspoken need to prove themselves and “be enough” for that other person. 

You may feel pressure to do a lot of the activities that other person wants to do that you would never want to do on your own.

Or keep your mouth shut when something really bothers you.

All in the name of ‘keeping the peace’ and ensuring that the connection continues…

This can sometimes come from past relationships  where the power dynamics and boundaries/expectations were unbalanced (or in some cases, never solidified).

In healthy dynamics, compromise is natural. 

But when compromising comes at a cost to your personal energy, self-esteem and confidence. It can become toxic. 

It’s time to take back your personal power! 

In line with March’s theme of “personal power”, I’d love to share a mantra to help you feel more balanced in your relationships, especially if you have already identified that you have a tendency to hold back how you really feel and want to change that! 

Here it is: “The only person I have to be enough for is myself. It is safe for me to express who I am and how I feel. How others respond to that is out of my control.” 

When you remind yourself that it is safe to express who you are, you also give that other person unspoken permission to express who they are too, without all the pressure and filter of needing to be perfect. 

You create space to have more connected, meaningful communication with the people you love, because you aren’t trying to prove yourself. 

You already know you’re enough and that even if you have a different opinion than them, both of your opinions are valid. 

That engenders self-respect which leads to others respecting you and who wouldn’t want to be around someone like that? 

How to use it: 

In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel. 

Will you play with this over the week and let me know how it goes? Drop a comment below!   

PS: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out here: