
Don’t Believe Everything Your Mind Tells You (Tales From Paris-Part 1)

Happy Tuesday!

So, have you ever been super excited about something to the point where you become obsessive and then anxious in anticipation of it coming?

You’re not alone! Whether it’s a date, an upcoming promotion or in my case, a dream trip, our minds can be our good friend or our foe.

As we prepare for the last lunar eclipse of 2023 on October 28, it’s the perfect time to release old fears, traumas and rest your mind.

I’d love to share a story with you from my travels-it relates to the power of the mind and what you can do if you find yourself in a tailspin! Sound good?

Paris, Paris…BB?!
You guys may know- I’ve recently returned from a dream trip to Paris. My friend planned an amazing, spacious itinerary and I’d literally been counting down the days, packing and repacking and with two days until go, I was finally starting to relax into the joy and excitement of it when I get a text from a friend that there was apparently an outbreak of bedbugs in Paris. Followed by well meaning messages from followers on social media to the same degree. I know it was to inform me but talk about throwing water on my blanket!

Now, I actually experienced this in one of the cities I used to live in and it was a nightmare and very traumatic for me so as much as I wanted to pretend like I was “all good” I wasn’t. I went down the rabbit hole of google and of course in my fearful state of mind, found plenty of articles to back up all my worries. There were bedbugs found in the airport, the trains, the buses, the movie theater – basically we were screwed.

I went into hyper protection mode and devised a plan of how to protect our clothes, packed my own pillowcase, bought expensive travel size bed bug spray, and generally felt paranoid which is so not Goddess.

Delirious D
The first 2 days into the trip, I didn’t sleep well at all and was scared of the pillows (or the bedbug phantoms on them.) And at the first little sight of a scratchy red mark on my ankle, I started crying,resprayed all the surfaces I could and freaked out that our apartment in Paris was infested. I was ready to board a plane and say screw you to the City of Lights. (Turns out- It was an ant bite from walking around for hours by the Eiffel Tower) After my husband and friend reassured me I was fine- bless them for dealing with me in my sleep deprived, delirious state, I finally got some shut eye, surrendered to the experience and started to relax.

Long story short: we made it through the trip and back home bed bug free. I got to enjoy the city and had a wonderful time but man, how I let my beautiful mind take one text message and let it deregulate my nervous system and nearly highjack my entire vacation! Thank Goddess I didn’t listen to it and got to visit the beautiful Versailles (see pic below!)

Lessons (take if it’s helpful!)
1. When you get triggered by a text, stop. Breathe. Don’t immediately react. Get grounded before responding if at all.
2. Take action from a neutral state- yes there were precautions to take but it would have had such a different quality to it if I hadn’t been reliving an experience from years ago and attaching it to this one. Do some tapping when you realize you’re “taken back” to a triggering moment.
3. Get back in your body-walk, shake, run in place. If you’re in your body, your intuition can kick in and share messages that your monkey mind simply can’t. It just takes a few seconds to redirect yourself.
4. Recognize what you’re choosing to focus on- give airs to your fears but then you can choose to focus on what you do wish to create and experience.

Which one of the 4 lessons spoke to you?

Have a beautiful rest of your week, relax as we head into this last Eclipse and remember: you are loved. You are safe. You are powerful! And so it is!

Where Do You Need to Broaden Your Lens in Love?

Happy Tuesday!

Are you ready to receive at a greater level, especially when it comes to your relationships?

As I mentioned in the September oracle video, this is a month where you can see rewards from work based from pure intent and service and I believe that includes the inner work.

How are you speaking to yourself?

Where can you judge another less?

Part of what keeps us contracted with receiving in relationship is our inability or unwillingness to see things from a higher lens.

When you’ve been hurt before, it’s easy to tell yourself a story that things are just “always going to be like this.”

Or “men cannot be trusted.”

Or whatever the narrative is.

But to bust out of that inner prison, one thing that I’ve found helpful is to use mantras along with writing down fears that come up around believing that mantra.

This month’s mantra is “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

When you are open to seeing more than one possibility and receiving, you broaden your lens and potential for intimacy, connection and understanding can increase.

So, if you like journaling, before you use this mantra, I invite you to reflect on the following:
Where have I been pretty fixed on seeing X person/situation/etc in one way?
What could shift if I allowed myself to expand my lens?
Where would I like to receive more but feel unsafe to?
Now it’s your turn (if you want to try this mantra!): “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

How to use it:
In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Have a beautiful week, Goddess!

ps: If you’re ready to expand receiving around abundance and possibilities in all forms, check out this gorgeous amethyst bracelet set by Conscious Items. For each purchase, this company will plant a tree! I love that and am excited to be partnering with them.

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

What To Do When He Doesn’t Text Back [Texting Tips]

Q: Diana, I was seeing this guy for three dates. I thought things were going great, but he hasn’t responded to my last text and it’s been almost a week. I feel like I’m going crazy-what is going on? What can I do?

It’s super frustrating when you text someone you really like stops texting you back.

It’s very confusing and even the most confident person can get thrown by the abrupt lack of communication.

Here are texting tips to help you stay sane when he (or she) isn’t texting you back:

  • Avoid making assumptions. Don’t assume it’s about you. There are all sorts of reasons why someone doesn’t text back. Maybe they didn’t see it. Maybe they saw it and forgot about it or thought they responded and didn’t. And yes, maybe they saw it and did not want to respond, for a number of reasons. You are not in control of whether or not he texts you, but you are in control of the stories you tell yourself about what’s happening.
  • Redirect your energy. Do something else. Even if you keep thinking about it, redirecting your energy will create space for you to calm your nervous system and perhaps, for him to text you back!
  • Accept it. No response is a response. Accept it. You don’t have to like it but the sooner you can accept that you may never get a response, the easier it will be to move on. Actions (and in action) speak volumes. Trust that if you are meant to connect, you will and if not, then the Universe is doing you a favor and it’s time to let go.
  • Resist the temptation to put him down or text him repeatedly to get a reaction. This will not bring him closer-if anything it will most likely push him even further away.Those are the actions of a little girl throwing a tantrum. You are a Goddess! Instead, you can write him a letter and burn it or even leave yourself a voice memo of all the things you want to say to him. Let it out in a healthy way and honor how you feel.

Bonus tip:
If he does text back and you feel upset….The Goddess way is to respect yourself-and if he does resurface, it’s perfectly okay to express concern or confusion, or to choose to not respond at all. Each situation is different. Your intuition will guide you to the right thing to do, but first get yourself in an emotionally neutral space. Get grounded. Breathe. Then respond (if you choose to) vs react.

It’s not easy, but the more you can implement the tips above, the easier it will be to manage your emotions when someone doesn’t text you back. Stay strong!

ps: Would you like to get support with a specific relationship? Book an Intro to Coaching consult to connect with me here.

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

The Secret to Getting Clarity (Monthly Mantra)

Happy Tuesday!

The other day, I experienced total brain fog. No matter what I did, I felt like I was at a standstill. Could barely put two thoughts together and felt totally unmotivated to do anything.

Has that ever happened to you?

It was like walking through molasses. It sucked.

I finally gave into it and let myself space out for a bit.

They say that when you get still, that’s when the answers come and I’ve found this to be true. I got this nudge to write (even though I had no idea what).

So, I grabbed my laptop and well…showed up at the page so to speak. A lot of nonsense flowed out of my fingertips and I felt like I was just whining. But I let myself just be with the moment. And then, after a bit, this mantra came:

“Clarity comes when I create space for the things that matter to me.”

I got chills when I saw it. I said it aloud the way I encourage you and my clients to do with mantras that resonate.

And I reflected on all the places that I was filling my day, our home and my schedule with things that didn’t matter at all to me.

Stuff, commitments and relationships that I was keeping in my life out of guilt, obligation or just laziness.

It was eye-opening.

My body’s response was brain-fog.

For others it may be something else-fatigue, frustration, etc.

I made a short list of what really matters most to me right now.

I gave myself permission to adjust the list as needed.

And although the brain fog was still there, the moment I made a decision to take a look at what I needed to shift in my life, even just one thing that was taking up too much space, I felt lighter.

I felt clearer.

I took a deep breath. And smiled.

Now it’s your turn (if you want to try this mantra!)

“Clarity comes when I create space for the things that matter to me.”

How to use it:
In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Journal questions to go deeper:

What matters to you?

What doesn’t matter to you?

What is one action or change you are willing to make to create more space for the things that matter? Hit reply and share with me.

ps: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here:

When Things Aren’t Going Right: What To Do!

Happy Tuesday!

What can you do when things aren’t going right?

We’ve all been there, where you feel like you’re taking all the right actions, but nothing seems to happening.

It’s frustrating, confusing and it can cause you to completely doubt yourself.

If you’ve been feeling like the Universe forgot your address, you’ll love this video!

PS: Would you like more clarity for what could be happening in your life right now? Book a reading here.