Happy Eclipse Week! (True Story Inside)

Dear Goddess,

I’m sure you may have heard a lot about the Solar Eclipse on Monday, but truly the entire week is wrapped in that potent energy, very prime for flashes of insights, unexpected releases and information and miracles.

Just a nudge to pay attention to the strong nudges and signs you get from your intuition and the Universe right now. It can give you insights into areas that you are still healing and what will help you tune back into your authentic self. So you can magnetize your desires, especially in relationships.

Can I share a story with you?

Just the other day, I was guided to take the day completely off for self care and recalibration. I scheduled a massage for myself in the morning and let myself watch the new historical mini-series,The New Look, on Apple TV
2 “signs” that came to me:

#1-Reconnecting to my passion
My massage therapist found lots of tension wrapped around my big right toe joint. I was in a lot of pain and he asked the question, “have you been dancing on your toes lately?” And I felt tears come to my eyes even though the literal answer to his question was “no.” And afterwards, I reflected on why I had such a strong emotional reaction to his question.

My first love/passion is ballet. And I used to dance en pointe when I was younger and had such a grand time. But I gave it up as a profession when I was 16 due to an eating disorder that I eventually overcame. The “right” big toe has to do with our outward direction in life/our Purpose and “fire.” I have been missing dance and so this is my first strong nudge to get back into ballet, however I can -it is actually the name of my company too, Dancing Goddess LLC, so it was a remembrance. I’ve been really reflecting on how my body wants to move these days and allowing all the emotions to arise and be witnessed.

#2-Remembering a past life + another pastime

The New Look on Apple TV is all about fashion, specifically the back story of Christian Dior and Coco Chanel during WWII, an era I am certain I had several past lives in. I was guided to pull out an old sketch book (I used to draw and paint a lot-haven’t done it in forever!) and reconnect with yet another past time and my strong value of beauty.
So…all this to say, if you’re getting strongly guided to revisit something from your past, pay attention. If emotions come up this week, allow them. And always remember that you are being supported 100% by the Universe!

Q: What has been a “sign” or nudge you’ve received this week? What do you think it’s trying to tell you about your life right now, even if you’re not sure?

Leave a comment below!

Much love and happy Solar Eclipse/new beginnings week!

ps: Would you like to join us for tonight’s Goddess Circle Collective New Moon call? I’ll be pulling oracle cards for the ladies and we will be doing a powerful healing journey to activate your personal power to harness this solar energy!
Go here to check it out!

Instead of Beating Yourself Up for Having Fears, Do This Instead…

I’m afraid it’s too late for me.

I’m afraid I’m going to make the wrong decision and I’m going to regret it.

I’m afraid what I want is just a pipe dream.

Happy Tuesday, goddess!

Do any of the fears above ring a bell?

When you’re in the middle of changing a belief, a way of operating and maybe even your appearance, relationship status or address, shi& can come up!

It’s so easy to think that you are a bad “attractor” or to fall into believing that the fears are something to be banished for good in order to manifest what you want.

There is a kinder, simpler way to be in relationship with your fears.

And when your fears aren’t something to be erased, they can actually help you!

Watch the under 2 min short video below!

ps: Are you ready to stop doing it all yourself? Manifest easier by joining us in the Goddess Circle Collective! Enrollment is open. Go here!

How to be More Productive at Home and Work (My Secret Weapon!)

Happy Tuesday!

Would you like to be more productive and energized so you have time to be with the people you love?

Me too!

Today, I’m taking your question and this video actually comes from a conversation I had with one of my Goddess clients.

She’s putting herself out there not just in love but also in her business and in one of our sessions, we identified an energy leak (something that is either happening or not happening that drains your energy).

For her, it was around setting boundaries with her time and when she was “off the clock” and on the clock.

And one “plug” that came up as a solution beyond the obvious time blocking was to create a simple end-of-day ritual for herself.

Join me on my walk with Bella for a super short (less than 90 seconds) video about the practice of creating the closing ritual and ideas on what you may consider incorporating into your own.

ps: If you would like to learn how to set Boundaries like a BadAss, that is the topic of our first Goddess Circle Collective monthly call-starts later tonight and you can sign up and get the replay if the time doesn’t work for you! Learn more and join the Collective here.

How to Decline an Invite From a Strong Personality (With Grace)

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever gotten repeated invitations from a friend or acquaintance and wanted to decline but didn’t have the words?

It can feel even harder when the person is what I call a “strong personality” and you may feel compelled to say yes, when you really want to say no.

Today, I’m taking your direct questions from the community and here’s the situation:

Q: “Diana, I have a friend who I met years ago at a business event. She keeps asking me to hang out in person, but I just don’t feel like it. It’s nothing personal against her, but I just have other priorities and I’m being super intentional where I spend my energy this year. I just keep saying, “it’s not the right time for me,” but she’s a strong personality and keeps pushing me to know why and proposes another date or question. I don’t want to be rude, and I don’t want to burn bridges but I don’t really know what to say so she “gets” it. Help!

A few things come to share with you!

1. Clarity is kindness. Q: What is it that you do want out of this relationship? Do you want to keep this person in your life but in a different capacity? Do you really want to not have any ties because it just doesn’t feel good or make sense? Be honest with yourself and allow all the feelings that arise to come up. That will inform how you eventually respond.

2. Ask yourself this: If the situation was reversed, how do you think they would act? This is more about getting curious. Chances are high that with a strong personality, if they didn’t want to hang out with you (or they wanted you to stop communicating), it would be very, very clear and there probably wouldn’t be a lot of wiggle room. So, ask yourself, what are you afraid of (if anything) could happen or how they would react if you were just really honest about what you wanted?

3. Once you know what you really want, and you’ve allowed the feelings and fears to surface and get to neutral, then you are ready to communicate neutrally and clearly.

Here are some potential responses (feel free to adapt/edit using your tone and what you want out of the relationship!): 

  • Brutal, but clear approach: Hey there-I appreciate you reaching out to hang out, but to be honest, I don’t have the bandwidth for that. If that changes in the future, I will let you know. Thank you for understanding and respecting that.
  • If you’ve identified you do not want a friendship but really want to help each other out in another capacity based on the event you attended: “Hi (x)-I am so glad we met the XYZ event years ago. If there is something specific I can support you with as far as business goes, feel free to email me and I will respond when I can. My calendar is super full right now for in person committments.”
  • If you do want to build/maintain friendship but just really don’t have the time or desire to hang out right now: Hi X, I really appreciate you consistently reaching out to connect with me. I realize my responses may have been a bit unclear-I truly value our connection and the truth is, right now my energetic capacity to hang out with friends in person is pretty low. It’s not personal-I just have other competing priorities at the moment. I am, however, available (if you really are!) to (fill in the blank-speak on the phone, text, etc). I understand if that doesn’t work for you, but I wanted to be honest and let you know where I’m at!
    The more you can practice being clear, getting to emotional neutral and communicating from that space, the easier it will be to deal with a strong personality (or any personality) and decline or accept invitations!

Q: Have you ever been in a similar situation? How did you handle it and what tips can you share around this? Leave a comment on the blog!