are you making a decision from fear or inspiration? 3 signs to tell.
When you have to make a decision, it can be really hard to tell whether it’s the right one. Especially if there is a lot riding on the decision, we can easily downshift into fear because well, we need to make some decision, don’t we?
But there’s a huge difference between making a decision from fear and making one from inspiration.
Here are some clues to tell:
Fear looks like:
-feels heavy in your body, and you tend to be in your head trying to figure out all the reasons it can’t come together or that it will be hard.
-the decision moves you away from something you don’t want
-making a move to defend against an outcome that hasn’t happened yet (based on the past usually)
Inspiration looks like:
-feels light in your body, even if you’re not sure how it will all come together
-the decision moves you towards something you want
-making a move from a desire or curiosity based on who you want to be (not who you were or what current circumstances show you are possible). There’s still a desired outcome (we are human!) but you trust that whatever happens after taking this inspired action will be in service to your growth and your Path.
An example of this when it comes to relationships and taking care of yourself:
You have a date with someone and text them to confirm the night before.
You haven’t heard back from them within the hour, so you cancel the date before they do.
(because that’s what always happens before, so why not beat them to it?)
You have a dinner date with someone and text them to confirm the night before.
You haven’t heard back from them within the hour, so you make a decision within yourself. You will reach out to them one last time in the morning and if you don’t hear back by 12noon, you will just make other plans. No biggie. Your time is valuable. There will be other dates with people who value it.
Do you see how one puts you in the victim role and one puts you in the driver’s seat?
It’s never about the other person, although that’s the easy thing to do!
The more you can check in with your own intuition before making a decision and ask, “Hmmmm, could this be coming from fear or inspiration?” you will save yourself a lot of time and energy!
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Stay tuned because next week I will be sharing more self-care and love tips to help you understand what you need as a unique Soul to stop sabotaging. I’m really excited to share this groundbreaking work with you.
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