You get what you’re aligned with, not what you ask for

*names have been changed for privacy

Have you ever heard the expression, “Is Cupid taking a piss?”

Or felt like, “Man, I am doing all the right things. I have my vision board in place, I’m saying mantras till I’m blue in the face and I’m getting crap back. 

What’s up Universe?”

You are not alone. I’ve been there and gotten the T-shirt as my friend Helen says and so have my amazingly talented and super intuitive clients. 

*One client, Angela, kept saying she wanted a spiritual soulmate, someone to share her life with.

Someone who treated her with respect and kindness.

She hadn’t always respected herself and in the past, had willingly given away her power to men in her life.

Uh, been there done that.

But she was ready for that to change. 

What happened: 

She attracted men easily and the men that came into her world after she declared it were interesting, handsome….and wanted something casual. Sex. Or conversation. Sometimes both. A good time.

But unlike the men from her past, these men did accept her for who she was and never judged her. That was a new feeling.

At first, she kept saying, “What the heck Universe? What’s going on? What am I doing wrong?”

But after digging deeper into it, she got clear that at this particular time in her life, she didn’t really want something committed and lasting. 

She wanted to have fun with men who treated her with respect and kindness. 

To experience her power as a female from a healthy place with a man. 

That would be a massive breakthrough for her and it was in complete alignment with her Soul.

That was more of her Truth than the whole till-death-do-us-part relationship she swore she wanted.

And as soon as she saw that she created exactly that, she laughed heartily!

“I got exactly what I wanted! The Universe is awesome!”

She was free.

Yes, you too are that powerful.

Let’s break it down, okay?



3 Core Spiritual Principles:

  • You have to be a vibrational match for what you’re asking for.
  • We don’t always get what we ask for.
  • We get what we believe we can have and are aligned with at a cellular level.  Tweet that!

So, what do I, you know, do Diana? I get asked a lot. 

My down and dirty response:

If you want to work on strengthening something, work on strengthening your “alignment and faith” muscle. Then all the other stuff-the vision boards, the mantras, the meditations, the yoga will supplement that. 

Otherwise you will sabotage your good when you get it.

Or you’ll draw in things that validate what you think you deserve on a subconscious level.

Want to learn how to get out of your own way?

I’d love to help!

Sign up for my FREE class that’s coming up August 25! 



How to tame that “Yeah, BUT……” feeling

Have you ever tried to make a list of things you are grateful for only to have this sneaky little voice pop up and say, “Yea, that was nice, BUT ________

-I would have preferred _____

-I really wanted more of ______

-I wish that it would have had ______

Let’s face it.

We want what we want, right?

And while you probably already know the power of gratitude, that little voice can create a snag in your manifesting mojo.

But it doesn’t have to.

In this video you will:

  • Learn why that voice is actually helping you get closer to being a vibrational match for what you want
  • The simple 3-step process you can take to be totally real with your gratitude and honor the part of you that wants something different than what you got
  • Learn of an opportunity to let go of roadblocks to having the 5-star life you’ve always dreamed about! (it’s not the same for everyone. you are a unique Soul!)

This weeks’ Soul question: What is one desire or one thing you are truly grateful for that you want to call in more of this week? Share with us in the comments below!

Want more? Sign up for the FREE upcoming training, “5 Inner RoadBlocks To a 5-Star, Fabulous Life!”. Can’t make it live? No problem! Sign up anyways and I’ll send you the recording!

Register Here!

People Pleasing Tip #2: Tapping for “Saying No” (Video)

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique “Tapping” is an effective way to help rewire your neural pathways with thoughts that support you and also free you from the ones that get in your way.

In this video, you will learn:

*The basic sequence of tapping that you can use to clear out beliefs around saying no 

*Identify where “saying no” lives in your body so you can catch yourself before going into a downward emotional spiral!

*Feel lighter, more centered and neutral around saying no and potentially disappointing others.

Just to review:

After you have practiced the Tapping points along the body….

Think of someone you need to say NO to or someone you wish you would said NO to in the past. 

Let it actually register in your physical body, even if it’s very uncomfortable.

What are you feeling?

What emotions come up? Shame? Embarrassment? Fear? Anger?

Name them. Write them down.

Example: When I say no, I feel scared that the other person is going to hate me. 

Tap on it.

  1. Say aloud, “I acknowledge that I feel scared that the other person is going to hate me when I say no.”
  2. Go through each of the tapping points as you say it until you get to the karate chop.

Now turn it around.

“It is safe for me to say no. I am safe. I can stay in my own energy no matter what the reaction.”

Tap on that!

How do you feel?

You’re done!!

ps: Want more? Schedule a full energy healing session to clear your vibes and jumpstart your August right here.

are you a recovering people pleaser? Soul Mantra inside!

I don’t know about you, but I am a recovering worrier and people pleaser.

Making sure everyone else felt comfortable (even when I was depriving myself) was the norm.

A few examples from my life that may sound familiar to you:

*Agreeing to “volunteer” my time and energy after work hours without compensation even though it meant missing a date with a friend I hadn’t seen in forever…in the name of wanting to be seen as a “team player.”

*Staying in a one-sided friendship with a girlfriend who drained all my energy, calling me only to complain about her relationship problems, only to find that when the conversation turned to me and my stuff, she suddenly had to go. But ignoring her calls seemed “mean”

and now the funny one….

*Buying an extra box of Girl-Scout cookies, because I felt bad saying no to the little girl who asked me, even though I had set an intention to stop eating so much sugar.

The common denominator in each of the scenarios above was…me.

And the core of it all? 

I had a hard time setting healthy limits with my time, energy and resources for fear of 

:: not wanting to be judged

:: not wanting to rock the boat 

:: not wanting to be seen as weird, greedy or self-indulgent

and the list goes on.

Sound familiar?


But here’s what I realized as I learned how to become a master manifestor and help others manifest too.

Tough Love Tip:

When you respect yourself and set healthy limits, you create a safe container for all that you desire to find you!

When we have a hard time setting limits with ourselves and others, it also diminishes our self-respect and our ability to draw in/magnetize the gifts that the Universe wants to bring you! 

So what happens?

:: You ask for less than what you want and you get (surprise!) nothing…. or a watered down version of it that doesn’t leave you satisfied or excited. 

:: You attract people who mirror your wounds. They validate how you feel about yourself-that your time, energy and resources aren’t worth much. 

:: You feel jipped, because even though you’re doing all the “right” things: journaling, exercising, meditating, etc, you feel exhausted or restless and think the Universe just doesn’t care about you! 

I know…I’ve been there!

Ready to stop it?

Here’s the first step.

People-Pleasing SOUL MANTRA:

Say this aloud to yourself in the mirror 2X/day with intention. Put your hand over your heart and stand up.

“I respect myself.

“It is safe for me to set healthy limits around my time and energy.

“I now create a safe container for my desires to find me! And so it is!”

The more you say it, the more you will start to believe it and you’ll be on your way to drawing in more of the types of people and situations that lift you up! Stay tuned next week for another tip on recovering from people-pleasing syndrome!

Now it’s YOUR turn.

Q: Have you ever been a people pleaser? 

What was one situation where you gave your power away or time away and what did you learn from the experience that made you a stronger person now? Share with us by leaving a comment here!

Want MORE?

Tune into my NEW Radio show “The Dancing Goddess Show” this Thursday, July 30th.

Details here:

the unconventional action I took that got me to NYC

If you’ve been on here awhile, you may know that last year, I manifested one of my burning desires to live in Manhattan (NYC). The whole live sex-and-the-city fantasy mixed with nostalgia you can say. (my parents fell in love in the city and our family history goes way back there.)

And last year, I manifested it. From a beautiful place to live, to amazing new friends (literally within 48 hours of moving) to getting signed on a new Sirius XM podcast station at the Plaza hotel (while I was just messing around in flip flops and drinking a Bellini!) It was one of the most synchronistic, Divinely-ordered life experiences I have ever had. 

And today I want to share with you one step that helped me create this with the intent that it helps you manifest with more confidence.

Sound good?

Yay! So…I was living in Kansas City at the time and I was feeling super conflicted because well, I had to leave the man I loved to pursue this insistent dream that just wouldn’t go away. Even when I kept pushing it to the side, it kept coming up until one day I snapped.

Soul-based desires are like that. They just don’t care how much you try to lie to yourself because they see the real you.

I remember it vividly. I was at home and was suddenly struck with the feeling that I needed to paint. And I kept getting a specific visual of what to paint. My whole body was tingling and I grabbed some old newspaper, my watercolors and a blank canvas I had forgotten about, plopped down on the hardwood floor in our tiny living room and went to town.

Disclaimer: I hadn’t painted in years. But it’s like Spirit and the Angels were guiding my brushstroke.

As I furiously mixed the colors and filled the blank canvas, I started to cry. Uncontrollable, deep, gut-wrenching sobs. 

Keep painting, a quiet voice said.

So I did…a taxi, a skyscraper, even the damn Kodak billboard.

I was painting Times Square…. Goddess style.

Then I started laughing because the final stroke was of big black Old Hollywood-style sunglasses out the taxi cab. No face. Just the glasses and a hand.

It was so me.

And when the painting was done, the tingling didn’t stop.

It got stronger.

I said aloud, “I’m going to New York. I AM going to New York. I will tell him (bf) tonight. It’s happening.”

To make a long story short, I told him that night.

And within 3 weeks, I packed my bags and headed for the Big Apple.

Everything fell into place like magic and with a bucket of uncertainty about my relationship and a heavy dose of faith and optimism, I kissed him goodbye and boarded the plane.

Sometimes it takes Spirit literally taking our hand and helping us see in a very literal form like a painting what is important to our Soul’s journey.

Even when it scares us.

So, that’s my big secret.

I painted. 

But it was no ordinary painting.

I had Spirit in the driver’s’ seat and an unwavering intention and commitment to surrender to whatever was waiting for me on the other side. 

Now let’s take it to you.

  1. What’s something you’d like to manifest in the next 30 days? SHARE IT WITH US in the comments as social proof!

For the brave:

  1. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what would you say your level of commitment is to your manifestation? 
  2. If it’s less than 10, ask yourself why. What’s missing? What’s holding you back? Figure out why it’s not a burning desire because unless you want it bad enough, it can’t really come to you. Once you’ve solidified it, go to step 4.
  3. Paint. Dance. Write. Choose a creative activity and surrender it over to Spirit. See what happens! Follow the next right action!

Want more? 


Tune into my BRAND NEW Radio Show “The Dancing Goddess Show” on BlogTalk for a mini-healing and intuitive insights! Premieres July 30 @5pm PST. Click here to follow the show!