It’s time for a tough love tip!
Ok, let’s be real.
Do you say you want a long-term relationship, but you still keep in touch with an old flame via text when you’re feeling lonely?
Do you keep saying you want a boyfriend, but when your friend tries to set you up on a date, you bail out more than once….because you forgot about that Zumba class you signed up for and keep saying you’re going to go to?
Do you complain that you never hear from your girlfriends, but when they call, your phone rolls to voicemail and you never get back to them because you were at a networking event for the 4X this week?
It’s time for a Tough Love Tip. (emphasis on love…and I’ll even throw in some Ganesha Remover of Obstacles incense!)
Tip: Clarify your true Soul priorities (and let go of the guilt already!)
What I mean is, if you keep saying you want a relationship/to go on a date but Zumba lights your fire more consistently when you do get the opportunity to be taken out, be real with yourself and either you 1) reschedule the date for another date as soon as possible, around Zumba or 2) admit that right now, Zumba and enjoying yourself on the dance floor is way more of a priority than being in a relationship.
And That’s. O-K-A-Y!
Or if you find yourself attending another business networking event that you are attending because it would “look good” to be there and meet XYZ, rather than calling your best friend back when you really want to because your Soul is aching for some connection and sister love, I am checking you right. now.
I want to be clear that you can have everything you want in this life and more.
You came here with specific Soul-level desires that deserve to be experienced and had! I’m all for pleasure!
You CAN have it all…but you just can’t have it all simultaneously! It’s like trying to chase two rabbits. It doesn’t work…unless you have some crazy superpowers!
You’ve got to get clear on your priorities. And then you’ve got to love and honor them.
When you honor your own priorities, people (especially prospective partners!) honor YOU.
When you are acting from a place of your priorities, life is a lot smoother, you are a lot more pleasant to be around and you increase your chances of getting what you want 1000%.
So, step one to being radiant and fabulous in love is….Identify and honor your priorities!
They will change as you change.
But instead of fighting what you really want right now, how would it feel to claim and flow with them?
(I just let out a deep AHHHH!)
Take action: Here are a few core life areas.
Put them in numerical order of Soul priority right now (make sure you are grounded!).
And let go of GUILT!
There is no “better” order than another.
I know this may be hard, but give it a go anyway!
Love/Romantic Relationships
Spiritual/Personal Development
Home Life
Last step:
Once you put them in order, keep it in your purse. When someone makes a request of you, look at them before you say YES or NO. Keeping your priorities close will help you make space for what you want and STICKING TO THEM will increase your energy level, making you extra desirable to that hot gal or guy!
Your Turn:
Did making this list surprise you? What did you learn about yourself and how are you going to make your priorities important?
Would love to hear from you!
Post a comment and if you enjoyed this post, share it below!
ps: Want to dive way deeper into helping you get what YOU want? Join me in Sedona for a Soul-transforming weekend this November! Space is limited. Click here.