3 strategies to play a bigger love game

Is your Soul getting restless?

In love, this shows up as:

*toying with the idea of putting your Match.com profile up but then talking yourself out of it. 

*looking at your closet and having the classic, “So many clothes, nothing to wear” feeling 

*boredom with the “way it’s always been” routine. It’s safe. It’s comfortable. But you’re just well….bored to tears! You wonder is this all there is?

If you answered YES to any of the above, chances are high that it’s time to PLAY A BIGGER GAME Goddess!

Not just in love, but in life.

Luckily, I have three strategies to help you bump out of the boring and into the fabulous BIGGER, more SPARKLY arena! I’ll illustrate them in a true story from my dance class last night to make it more fun!



True Story:

For those of you that follow my work, you know I love to dance. It’s where I started (ballet) and I’ve been getting back into it slowly. You can read all about that crazy adventure ride in this blog post. But something interesting happened last night when I went to the intermediate class that got me thinking about you and upping your game in love. 

The short version:

I went there and decided to up my game and take intermediate ballet with the teacher everyone said was hot stuff and a former company member. When I checked in, instead of automatically assuming that I was there for the beginner class (which had happened before!), she just smiled at me and told me to proceed to Studio 1. That was a big deal because it is reserved normally only for the Kansas City Ballet company members rehearsals and was HUGE with lights and everything as if we were on stage. And as I took my place at the barre in the center, I could see myself from every angle and I could also feel certain ladies looking at me throughout some of the intricate combinations and I got that eerie familiar pressure to be “ON” my game and get all the steps right. In short, I was in the Goddess class. I was no longer going to be satisfied with being the best beginner when I knew I was ready for a challenge. We were all here to play. I sucked in my stomach and took a deep breath! Game ON! I was definitely challenged and when we got in the center in groups of three and four, the fear factor just increased. And my fear came true-I fell out of turns in front of EVERYONE, I stumbled on the slow adagio combination and I almost jumped straight into another group of dancers because I wasn’t spotting the right place! But I didn’t give up and I learned some valuable lessons you can apply to playing a bigger game in love and in life! 


1. Look the part and people believe you!

I came to dance class straight from a friend’s birthday party so I was sporting a bright red off-the-shoulder fab sweater, tight jeans and my black heels that gave me that extra boost of confidence. My make-up was done and  my hair was in a tight bun. I felt like a million bucks. And when I walked in, I got so many smiles and was treated like a VIP at the front desk. When I headed to Studio One, people assumed I was in the company and I got looks of admiration. It made me laugh inside, but I just enjoyed it. 

Your invitation: Ask yourself, “If I was my most fabulous self on (this date, in this relationship, on this stage, etc), what would I wear? Evaluate your wardrobe and vow to wear only the fabulous stuff. Strut it and see what happens! It works!


2. Step into the right vibe.

There was something about being in that huge legendary Studio that shifted my energy to match it, even though inside I was terrified of not measuring up to that image. I took my place at the CENTER of the room at the free-standing barres, something I would have likely avoided in the other studios because you see EVERYTHING on your body and you also are assumed to be the dancer that everyone along the wall follows if they get lost. But I just simply tapped into my environment and that was a professional, creative and inspiring vibe. I had to act the part and as a result, I tackled combinations that made my head spin with greater ease. 

Your invitation: Ask yourself when faced with a situation, “How would my most fabulous self choose to act?” Then go for it! You’ve got the wardrobe. Now act as if. And place yourself in an environment outside your comfort zone. Example: If you always meet a first date at the local Starbucks because it’s close to your house and it’s what you always do, pick an upscale lounge or cozy diner nearby! Make sure your fabulous self would want to go there!


3. Play full out (even if you fall!)

When you are playing a bigger game, you have to give yourself permission to fail and look like a dork. As you can see from my story, I messed up a LOT and it was very embarrassing, but I chose to keep going, knowing that that’s the only way to improve my game. And when you aren’t putting all your energy into being perfect (which is impossible), you free up your creative energy to be in the moment. Being in the moment and willing to fall on your face or say the wrong thing makes you irresistible and hot to trot. It’s a weird thing, but it’s true!

Your invitation: Ask yourself, “What would I do if I was willing to risk failing or messing up? What could be possible for me?”

Okay Goddess.

That’s what I got for you today.

I want to hear from you.

Question: Which one of the three strategies speak to you this week? Why? Share your comment!



ps: Want more?

Click here!


Is it time to walk away? Ask yourself THIS + get some clarity

Breaking up is never easy.

But there comes a time when you find yourself at a crossroads with someone.

Only that crossroads leaves you feeling confused, sad or racked with indecision.

Maybe you pulled the plug early in a previous relationship and it came back to bite you in the butt.

Or maybe you stayed too long and vowed to never do that to yourself again.

Luckily, there is a simpler way to help you get some clarity around the “Should I stay or should I go?” question.

In this video you will:

  • Learn Diana’s effective W.O.S method for knowing whether to stay or to go
  • Learn the real reason that keeps you repeating the same love pattern (this may surprise you!)
  • Have a go-to self-test to nip second-guessing in the bud!

After you watch, answer the question below!

Have YOU ever been in a relationship where you weren’t sure whether to stay or go? What helped YOU make your final decision? Share your insights with us!

Want more?

Click here to sign up for updates (it’s FREE) and get “Top 5 Spiritual Secrets to Un-Block Your Love Life!” from Diana!



The #1 excuse I hear that keeps you stuck + 3 signs to know you are in resistance

What you resists, persists.

You may have heard that before.

It’s true. Quick story for you!

I was speaking with a woman who is extremely intuitive. She’s smart. Funny. Beautiful. And on more than one occasion, she’s said, “I really want to find a man who gets me. I wonder if that’s ever going to happen.” So, I reply with, “Well, what have you done so far to put yourself out there so he can find you?” Her reply? I could feel the energy shift immediately and her tone even changed and I knew what was coming next because I’d said it a thousand times to myself before too. “Oh, I mean, of course I want a relationship, but right now, I’m focusing on building my business. Right now, I’m <launches into endless tirade of important business goals, etc” Hmmmm…..

One word folks: RESISTANCE

Now, as a fellow entrepreneur, I am all too familiar with the whole, “I’m too busy for love…I’m building my business mantra” but I’m here to call B.S on the whole thing.

The truth is you may really scared to put yourself out there and be vulnerable. Maybe you got hurt when you did before and you’re afraid it will happen again. I so get that. And building your business IS important. It’s when you’re using it as a shield to not risk opening your heart to intimacy and the possibility of something new that it becomes a block.

To find the love you are truly seeking, the spiritual, sexy, soul-riveting man you want, you are going to have to get past that Egoic resistance in your head that keeps you safe, emotionally-closed off and conveniently too “busy” to make space for love to come into your fabulous sphere! And….the good news is that….

“The more resistance you have, the greater potential you have for love to come in when you break through it!” CLICK HERE TO TWEET THAT!


Just when you’re on the brink of going after what you really want in love, you’re feeling warm and excited with the possibility of your desire ….and then these signs may pop up to let you know you’re in resistance.

3 Signs to Know You May Be in Resistance:

1. Your breath becomes more shallow (you’re breathing from your upper chest) and you may find it hard to take a full breath. (You’re about to go into your head/logical mind)

2. You rationalize away. You go into your head and tick off all the reasons why something else is more important, why it can’t happen now or why you aren’t “ready” yet. It will seem so real and you may find that your heart rate actually slows down after you rationalize.  (Ego wanting to be safe at any cost)

3. You find yourself judging others who are going for what they want or judging yourself for not being X enough at X. (It’s easier to compare ourselves or berate ourselves for not being perfect than actually take a risk and possibly look ridiculous). 

The good news is that once you catch yourself doing any of the three things above, you have an awesome opportunity to close your eyes, breathe deeply, stop and make a new choice to take a step closer to what you want, even if it’s scary!

I Believe in YOU. 

Now I want to hear from YOU: Have you ever used “I’m too busy” or work as an excuse to not put yourself out there? Have you ever found yourself in any of the 3 signs of resistance? What are the other ways that we tend to sabotage having awesome relationships? Post your insights! 

Sending you so much love! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


WANT MORE: I’d love to send my FREE AUDIO COURSE: “Top 5 Spiritual Secrets to Un-Block Your Love Life!” Get it here when you subscribe for updates! (free)


Me as Ava Gardner, official man magnet of the ’40s.

pps: Are you coming to “Soul Mate Secrets Party” with me in Kansas City? It’s all going down November 14 and I’d love to see you there. Click here for more info!



Divine Timing vs. Body Timing in love and life (essential if you want to manifest BIG!)

Have you ever been in this situation?

You just created this MASSIVE manifestation: an influx of new clients, more money, a new relationship, a new home or you successfully launched a new product and…your body goes into SHOCK MODE.

Maybe you get the flu, need to sleep more than normal or you get injured.

 And you wonder, “What’s the deal?”

Is it REALLY Divine Timing that your body would give out just as soon after you manifested this awesome thing? Why does that keep happening?

In this video you will learn:

  • A true story about up-leveling my life when my body just couldn’t seem to keep up

  • The difference between Divine Timing and Body Timing

  • What you can do to not beat yourself up for being “unproductive” when your body goes out after manifesting like a mo’fo!


After you watch it, I want to hear YOUR stories! Post them using the Leave a Comment button below!



Take Action: Your Turn

Do you have a story of manifesting someone or something amazing?

Have you ever felt like your body can’t keep up with your manifestations? Share your insights!


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afraid of losing your freedom in a relationship? this could be why!

Do you want to be an awesome relationship but wonder, “What if I lose myself and my freedom if I actually were to go for it?”


This video is for you!


You will learn:

(4:06 min)

  • how to stop letting the fear of losing your freedom interfere with your ability to find true love (I’m going to teach you how to channel it so it works FOR you not against you!)


  • the block that keeps most intuitive singles from being able to REALLY go for the long-term relationship they keep saying they want (this may surprise you!)


  • 2 soul-level questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and free up Ego mind chatter


Watch it below! And be sure to post your insights and thoughts by using the Leave a Comment button below the video!


Take Action: YOUR TURN—> How do YOU define FREEDOM? What words are relationship triggers for you? What are your relationship alignment words?


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