A Love Story From Ponte Vecchio Bridge
Have you ever been to a place that changes you forever and changes the way you view yourself?
Note from Diana: I want to share a true story with you from Florence about a bridge, a diamond and true love. I hope it inspires you to look for love in all the places you are called and to remember how powerful this vibration is when we are open to give and receive it.
From my journal: 6/22/13
Dear Diary,
Today I got to thinking about love and as I expected, Florence indulged me.
I walked along the famous Ponte Vecchio Bridge with my good friend Diane, which is home to all the best gold merchants and jewelry shops in Firenze (Florence). Mesmerized by the glittering diamonds and gemstones, I persuaded Diane to go into one of the shops with me to try on diamond rings for fun!
The woman behind the counter smiled and when I told her we were just looking to experience having diamonds on our fingers, she was so nice and nodded with approval that we succumbed to this pleasure experience! “Perfecto!” she said in a way that was perfect Italian but she shared that she was from Brazil and had met an Italian man there who later became her sweetheart and she moved here to Florence to start a new life with him. It was so romantic! (Especially as we played like little girls with trying on the biggest rocks she had in the store!) And then it got better.
The woman’s eyes sparkled as she continued.
“You know, this bridge is a love story.”
“Oh, really, why?”
She said in a lovely Italian accent, “Well, originally this bridge was where the jewelers and the people selling the fish came to sell their wares. There were all kinds of merchants. But when Medici, the head of Italy married his love who was from Austria, he bought the Palacio Pitti so they could be away from all the commoners and his offices and other palace were on the other side of the bridge. He loved her so much that he ordered all of the fisherman and other merchants to leave and decreed that this bridge would only be for the goldsmiths and those selling the beautiful jewels. He did this so that she could walk along the bridge between the two palaces everyday and pick out something special for herself. A gift for everyday that he loved her. And he even built a secret corridor alongside the bridge so they had a private way to cross. This is a love bridge. Today we say is very good luck to buy gold or jewels here for couples in love or wanting to get married as it symbolizes a love that lasts.”
Wow. By then, Diane and I were totally mesmerized and using discernment I could tell that this woman really did believe in the story and love. I saw it in her eyes although for a second, my business side was saying, “Damn she’s a great saleswoman. Totally hooked me in!” But I felt my heart chakra open and as we said goodbye to the woman and stood still in on the bridge overlooking the water, it hit me.
That’s what real love is.
- It’s expansive. (Like the water under the bridge and the construction of the secret passage where there wasn’t one before)
- It’s sometimes irrational and over the top. (Like some of the jewels I saw).
- It’s sometimes inconvenient but it doesn’t care.
You must be willing to look like a fool and to give love in the most authentic expression possible… even when it is inconvenient for other people (like Medici kicking out the poor fisherman!)
So, a lot to think about crossing the bridge, which I am just realizing as I type this to you, is post Full Moon, a time of release and completion. A new chapter. Onward!
Your Turn: Post a Comment!
- What is a place that you have been to that reminds you of LOVE and BEAUTY? (It could be a place you’ve been to or a place you want to go)
- Why did you choose that place?
- Post a comment at right and share with your friends! Let’s pass on the LOVE!
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