Want more success? Make this phrase a regular part of your vocabulary!
Do you want more success?
That’s awesome! You so deserve it. You are after all, a Divine Being.
But first, have you caught yourself (or someone else) saying or thinking any of the following?
- Things aren’t happening as fast as I want them to.
- Things are okay. They could be better, but they are okay for now.
- I plan to leave my (job, relationship, etc) but now’s not really the right time.
All 3 of the phrases above have something in common:
They are all based on passivity-thoughts or seeing some external force as the thing that’s keeping you from what you want.
These thought patterns are most likely based on fear.
Fear of rocking the boat.
What if I take action and it doesn’t work out?
What if I make the wrong choice?
What if (insert a person’s name, etc) won’t like me anymore?
Who am I to (insert what you REALLY want)?
These aren’t rational fears. No fear really is.
5-word phrase to help you break through this way of thinking:
MANTRA: “I act with Unwavering Commitment”
This came to me from a quote I read in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker from the explorer W.H Murray who said the following during a trek to the Himalayas. (.71)
“Until one is committed, there is a hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.”
The Lesson: 3 Steps to Success
In short, if you want something to change in your life,
1) You must acknowledge your fears but you must have the courage to act in spite of them.
The limiting thoughts that are based upon the idea that there is a “Luke-warm Plan B. A Fallback Plan that really makes your Soul cry or that you can’t possibly find any joy in. An escape route that is there simply to make you feel ‘comfortable.” Because given the opportunity, your subconscious will choose Comfortable Plan B over Uncomfortable, Risk-Taking, Ego-crushing super high SUCCESS-potential Plan A.
Once you COMMIT to Plan A ALL THE WAY, even if you fail, you will have won giving it your best shot. Only then can you clear the energetic space for the Universe to truly deliver on its promise to help you manifest your true intentions.
2) Follow the guidance you are given through your intuition without question.
Even if it’s hard.
NOTE: Part of “Plan A” may involve creating a strategic exit route from a job, relationship, etc that takes your basic needs into account. That’s different than defaulting to a Plan B. That’s just making a calculated risk and that’s smart and sometimes necessary! When it becomes an issue is when you say you want Plan A, but really you don’t want to let go of Plan B (so you don’t!).
3) Stay Open
Once you are committed, you take action when nudged from within, then you need to stay open to receive! That means if you encounter worry, try something like the WORRY BOX to help manage your fears when they come up! You’ll be ready to receive your gifts with open arms and a feeling of peace and ease and that is truly the recipe for lasting success!
1) What is ONE thing YOU are committed to this February? Post a comment!
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Have a fantastic week!
ps: I still have just a FEW SPOTS LEFT for my tele-series “How to Attract Absolutely Anyone!” that starts TONIGHT! (If you can’t make it live, we have all the recordings available for you to become an ATTRACTION MAGNET in all your relationships!)