3 signs your intuitive voice is speaking to you!

Happy Wed!

Today’s Q+A is about intuition!

Q: “Sometimes I don’t know if my intuition is trying to give me a message or if I’m just making it up. My emotions tend to be all over the place and I can’t tell if I’m hearing an actual message or if it’s something I should just ignore.”

Great question! 

When it is truly your intuitive voice, there are specific signs that will help you know it’s authentic.

Here are 3 signs your intuitive voice is trying to get your attention vs. a message of fear or passing whimsical emotion!

ps: 3 more days to join me + a group of fantastic Lightworkers for Bullet Proof Intuition: 5 Weeks to Master the Art of Decision-Making LIVE!


Love and Massive Blessings, Abundance and Joy,

don’t cheat yourself, you’re worth it (true story inside)

I’m going a bit off-the-cuff for this week’s blog and share a true story about not listening to your intuition and the results of that.

Are you game?

Have you ever been so set on changing a pattern that isn’t serving you that you decided to do something a little ballsy to mix it up, without any idea of what you were getting yourself into?

Yea…that’s what happened to me this past weekend.

I want to share this story with you with the intent that it serves you in listening to your own internal nudges, being vulnerable and valuing yourself in all areas of your life.

I’ve noticed with dancing that I am really great at solo dancing that requires technical and emotional skill. As a musical theatre actress-singer-dancer-turned-intuitive, I am well versed in ballet, jazz, hip hop and other highly technical dances. I know them. They are a part of my bones and I can do them in my sleep. I can hold my space and own it pretty easily.

Partner dancing where I have to totally surrender and let go? Not so much.

So, in an effort to dive into uncharted territory,  I signed up for tango.

And the day came (Saturday at 2:15pm to be exact) and it was 2:05 and I was literally thinking of things I had to do so I could justify not going to the class.

I had to eat.

I had to do laundry.

I was already late.

Well, the studio was literally a 2 minute drive from my home and something told me to just freakin go.

I got there late and everyone was already dancing in neat circles. (great! Maybe I should go! Don’t want to mess up their rhythm and what not…”My inner saboteur thought)

The moment I turned to leave, the instructor (husband of a husband/wife team) asks me to be his partner to demonstrate a step.

Does he know this is my first class?

He said, “Not to worry-just let me lead you. All you need to do is follow and trust.”

Sometimes the Divine speaks through people. Loud and freakin clear.

I started tearing up and my throat got really tight. Great…

Before I put my hands on his in position,I blurted out to him, “I’m here because I know how to lead…really really well. I suck at following and I don’t know how to let go in partner dancing, so that’s why I’m here. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

He just gazed at me, smiled and without another word, started leading me and the group to some Argentine guitar.

He could feel my arm get tense as I tried to push back and control when we took the next step.

He firmly and gently stopped me…and redirected me which pissed my inner leader off at first.

But after a tug of war that went on for a few more minutes, at some point, my inner leader just gave up. She was exhausted.

I let myself go.

And I felt as light as a feather so much so that I didn’t realize that the music had stopped.

He just looked up at me again and said, “It’s nice isn’t it? Being led. You move very well.” And then he went off to watch the others.

I didn’t have a response.

It. was. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. I signed up for four more classes. Baby.steps.

Spiritual takeaways:

Our Ego mind is terrified of following.

Of letting go of control.

Of sitting with the unknown, uncertainty, and land of no guarantees or immediate validation.

But the Soul isn’t afraid.

It knows that what you need is always provided for.

That when you show up for yourself even when you’re scared, you will always be supported.

What I’ve discovered is that it takes tremendous courage to surrender.

To let go of thinking you have it all figured out or that you have a set way of being or doing things.

Because the truth is you are always evolving.

You’re always changing.

And you can hold onto control or let go and let yourself be surprised at how Spirit catches you.

Q: So, what is one area where you have been afraid to let go of control? What would letting go of control look like in this area, feel like, smell like?

Can you commit to play with that feeling this week?

Love, Diana

PS: Would you like to come join me for a Fall Spiritual Message Circle Tuesday, October 10?

Come and clear out the negative, stuck energy with an energy healing meditation, hear a channeled message for the group and ask me + your Spirit Guides a question and receive a personal card for this Fall! $27 to join us and get clarity! Space is limited. Click here to reserve your seat!


A replay is available and you may submit your question via email 24 hours before if you cannot attend live.

3 Beliefs To Kick To The Curb If You Want To Create An Amazing Relationship And Life

Happy Tuesday!
First off, I just want to say that if you’ve been feeling a bit wonky after the Eclipse, it’s all okay!
You may be feeling amazing and still wonder….when is the other shoe going to drop?
During these times of extreme change it’s easy to go into a story that keeps you stuck or makes you believe that somehow the very thing you want is out of reach for you.
Especially when it comes to love.
Here are 5 pesky things we tell ourselves that slow your manifesting roll. 
See, your head can justify these as truth but 90% of the time, it’s just your subconscious mind trying to keep you safe from the big, bad, unknown awesomeness waiting for you on the other side.
Belief #1: It’s not the “right” time for (insert awesome opportunity or desire here)
A: The right time is when you decide to go all in. The moment you decide and believe that what you desire actually can happen, little things will appear on your path to support that belief. 
When we say it’s not the “right” time, what we are really saying is a) I don’t feel like putting the effort in or making the changes required for me to take action yet or b) I am not really really sure I want said thing. 
Reframe: The right time is when I go all in.
Belief #2: I have to get X part of my life handled first and then I can have what I really want (a relationship, etc).
A: While you may receive internal guidance that whispers, “Let’s handle your health first” that doesn’t mean you have  to tuck your desire for a relationship away. That is lack energy and what I call the either/or kiss of death for manifesting. Instead, if you want to be in partnership, focus on your health AND notice the love around everywhere you go. Why limit it to dating energy? There is no scorecard the Universe is keeping that says “Oh, this one is getting her health in order…now she’s worthy of love! Move her over to the love corner Angels!” You are worthy of what you desire now…and you can focus on your health too! With both/and energy in your space, you will be that more magnetic to romance when it comes in your Path and you’ll notice it too because you’ve been noticing it everywhere you go!
Reframe: I listen to my inner guidance and allow myself to desire everything I desire without apology.
Belief #3: I don’t know how to do it right.
A: Perfectionism kills manifesting flow. It takes you right up into your head and out of possibility. So, you may go all in and not get the response you wanted. You might “fail” but if you get a choice right out of the gate to lead from fear or to lead from courage, courage is going to get you a heck of a lot closer to what you want.
In love, we are all messy. Your rule is to be utterly and totally your delightful self. And ask yourself this: Who are you more attracted to? The person who has to have everything perfect or the person who isn’t afraid to laugh and stumble but keep going?
Reframe: I am willing to let go of being perfect. Who I am is enough.
That’s it folks!
Now over to you: Which one of the 3 beliefs are you ready to turn on its head this week? Hit reply and tell me. 

does it have to be ‘hard’ for you to receive it?

Have you ever had any of these lines running through your head when it came to receiving something you really wanted?

“If I didn’t ‘work for it’, I don’t really deserve it <insert awesome desire here>.”

“If it comes too easily, it’s probably a fluke.”

“If comes too easily, I won’t really value it. If it’s hard, I’ll know it was worth it.”

These are some of the stories you can tell yourself that keep you stuck from either

a) letting something or someone go who is taking up space in your life or

 b) receiving at the Highest capacity in the most graceful and efficient way.


To give you a real-life example: Diana’s crazy as* dream

One of my craziest dreams: I was trudging up a crazy rock that turned into a gigantic slide (yea…it was pretty wild!). I was trudging up there to get my red suitcase that I had left at the top and everyone was waiting for me at the bottom of the scary rock to go to the airport.

My palms were sweating and my heart was beating so fast and I wanted to cry. What if I didn’t make it all the way up? What if I fell and died? And the most hilarious question: What if I take too long and people get pissed off that they miss their flight? (recovered people pleaser here!)

But I knew if I just stayed where I was, it was going to be a long, painful experience. So once I got to the top, I saw two red suitcases-one was mine and one…get this…was my ex boyfriend’s red suitcase with all his baggage in it! (Huge metaphor!)

And in that moment, I made the decision to just take my suitcase and leave his luggage behind!

I grabbed mine and slid down the slide with ease and I squealed like a little kid as I sped down the scary rock mountain. And I got a high five and waves on the way down.

Now let’s break that down.

My subconscious (like yours) works things out in dreamland and after talking it out with my good friend, she pointed out that perhaps mine was working overtime but had finally created space for me to stop the pattern.

The pattern of associating letting go of something that had long been kept past its expiration date with PAIN and scary up-hill struggle….and feeling like I was responsible for anyone’s baggage but my own (especially in romantic relationships!).

I had to trudge up the hill (my belief that it had to be hard) but once I made the call from my Soul vs. my old story to only take my baggage down, I was free.

And it was actually quite fun to let go and I was calm in the knowledge that if he wanted to trudge up the scary rock mountain slide to get his baggage, it was quietly waiting for him up there. But I had a plane to catch!

What it really takes to transform this belief that in order to receive something great, it must have to be a “hard” process:

 You must:

  1. shift into seeing yourself as someone who is worthy of great things (without struggle as a requirement)
  2.  be willing to let go of the commitment you made to struggle and…
  3. Make a decision and daily commitment to doing what is healthy and loving for yourself (even if it annoys other people)

Q: Have you ever struggled with the belief that things have to be hard? What has helped you or which of the 3 tips above will you implement this week? Share with us in the comments here!

Want to let go in a safe space with a community of like-minded peeps?

Join me for my FREE Community Group Energy Clearing Night: Heal Your Heart Space this Thursday, May 25 (new moon!) right here: https://dianadorell.lpages.co/hyh/


the #1 trait you must nurture to have the world at your feet…

The number one trait you need to nurture in yourself if you want to attract love into your life is self-confidence.

Self-confident people are sexy.

They give off an energy that is magnetic and reassuring to be around.

An energy that says, “I know who I am and I’m totally present with you.*

Can I share a story with you?

*Kathy had everything going for her.

She was at the top of her class, she looked like a model and she cared deeply about her friends and family.

Men (and women!) would be so attracted to her at first, pulled in by her gorgeous looks and unassuming nature. But not long after, she kept coming to me complaining that she had no friends and that none of the men wanted to go out on more than one date with her (unless it was to sleep with them!)

“What the heck, Diana?!”

Kathy and I had been friends for about two years, so I felt very comfortable shooting straight from the hip with her and giving my two cents, especially because she asked for it.

“Kathy, I love you, but you need to believe in yourself more. You worry way too much about what other people think and that insecurity and lack of belief in yourself is literally repelling people from wanting to be around you. You are more than just your looks. You are beautiful inside and out, you’re one of the most witty people I know, but it doesn’t matter how much I tell you this. You have to believe it for yourself or it’s going to be a very very rough life and girl…you deserve to have it all!”

Her jaw dropped open slightly.


Had I gone too far? What had I even said?!

This was years before I became a professional intuitive counselor/coach, even before I was on the spiritual path at all, but it was like the words just fell out of my mouth. I now know it was probably Spirit channeling through me the words she needed to hear at that exact moment.

She was quiet for a long time and then looked up at me and said, “Thank you. You’re right. I have been pretty down on myself. I need to stop that. My mother was always telling me that I wasn’t good enough…I always felt like I had to be the best. I always put the pressure on myself and it makes me question everything. I have to change.”

It’s amazing how everything changes with awareness.

Now it didn’t happen overnight and I’m sure she got extra support beyond what I as her friend could provide, but after that conversation, I noticed that she would catch herself before she went into another tirade of self-questioning about a certain guy, assignment, etc.

She slowly but surely began to develop her own sense of self and confidence, apart from the identity and persona she felt she had to be for everyone else.

The first step is awareness of a Truth and commitment to make a change. There is power in the commitments we make to our sacred selves.

And we have that power within us always.

There is a happy ending to this story. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of attending Kathy’s wedding and she is married to a wonderful man who adores her and all her quirks just as she is.

She’s still on the shy side, but she now walks tall and takes up space when she’s in the room with that beautiful smile. It is so cool to see that transformation in her and to see in front of my eyes what is possible when a woman decides to own her inner confidence and true beauty.

The good news is that inner confidence can be cultivated.

Here is one of my favorite confidence-building exercises. I call it the “Look at Me List.”

At the end of each day, reflect and write down one thing that you are proud of. This could be something very mundane like, “I’m proud that I didn’t skip breakfast today. I had so much energy!” to something more intangible like, “I’m proud that I spoke up for myself at work instead of slinking away and taking on additional work.” If you are stuck, you can also ask yourself, ‘What is one thing I appreciate about myself today?”

The more you do this, the more your logical, skeptical mind gets convinced that you really are a confident person.

Over to you: Do you struggle with self confidence? Do you know you have a lot of love to offer but you feel held back by insecurities or something else you can’t pinpoint?

If so, go here to get on my calendar and book a complimentary 15-minute Love Assessment consult! I’d love to help you identify the core block(s) that could be getting in your way towards attracting the love and life that you want.

NOTE: You are under no obligation to purchase services or programs by booking this call. If you are interested in learning more about those, you will have a chance to get all your questions answered at the end of the call.

*name has been changed to protect privacy