
Ready to Exhale? Welcome to July!

It’s time to breathe, Goddess.

Can you do it with me? Inhale….and exhale.

Let go…..

July invites you to embrace all the love and beauty that surrounds you that you may not be seeing right now.

If life has felt a bit challenging or confusing, the energies of this month are here to support you and remind you of what gets to receive your attention and energy, and what doesn’t.

Watch the full July Oracle Message below:

ps: Ready for soul mate love? Invest in yourself with Amplify Your Love Energy, self paced video course-7 bite-sized lessons to change your love energy now!

Manifesting Secret

Happy Tuesday! 

I get asked all the time -“Diana, how can I manifest more quickly? Is there particular secret?”

I’d be a bejillionairess if I had one no-fail secret for you, but over the past 12 years working with amazing clients as an intuitive coach and healer, I am more that happy to share helpful tools that are easy to use and support the manifestation process. 

I don’t know about you, but if it’s not simple, I won’t do it. 

It’s a two part process but again, super easy. 

I actually did these two steps without fully thinking about it and recently (like literally less than a week ago) manifested a Dancing Goddess business engagement (I’m being flown, put up in a hotel and being paid to share my message) which I’ve manifested in parts before but never all of these things at once! 

Have a listen blow:

After you listen: What is something you desire to manifest and call in? Leave a comment below and let’s support you! You never know who could be watching or reading!

PS: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out here: 

The Secret to Keeping a Man Interested in You

Happy Tuesday! 

Today it’s Q+A time and we are looking at one of they secrets to keeping a man interested in you.

It has nothing to do with manipulation, your looks or making yourself behave in a way that feels inauthentic.

It boils down to two key actions…and it will also keep you in emotional balance with yourself so you can see where things stand. 

Find out what they are in the video below: 

Q: Are you willing to give this a shot this week? Let me know how it goes by leaving a comment!