
Ready for New Energy? August is Here!

Happy Tuesday! 

A fresh start. A new beginning. August is officially here. 

Many of you have shared that July felt like it was an all over the place month.

I have to agree-the energies asked us all to literally buckle up and go for a ride, sometimes to places we expected and other times to unknown lands. 

Relationships came together.

Other completed. 

And the mantra of this month is “Trust-Believe-Receive.” 

I share more in this month’s Goddess oracle forecast video and I also share important dates to keep eye out for! 

Grab a cuppa and watch it below! 

ps: It’s the perfect time to get an energy boost! Have you heard of gold treatments? Click here to learn more!

Mini Oracle Message + Wedding Photos!

Happy Tuesday!

As we come into the home stretch of July, I felt guided to pull a few oracle cards for the week to help you integrate everything that may be bubbling up for you.

I also have been getting requests to show you some photos from my wedding this past weekend, so… see below!

It was a magical day and one of the spiritually perfect moments that happened was that at the exact time we were saying our vows to each other, two hummingbirds came out of nowhere and apparently started circling our heads!

This was significant to me because as I began walking with my father, I realized that I had forgotten to put in this hair clip that my grandpa had given me before he passed. I was wearing my grandmother’s necklace and I was kicking myself but hoping his Spirit would be there anyway. And my symbol for him is the hummingbird!!

Synchronicities really are all around us – sometimes they come when we least expect it and in a form we don’t recognize but we are truly always supported. 

Watch the Mini Oracle Message below: 

Are You Ready to Feel Free in Your Relationships? July Message Inside!

Happy July to you!

With all the change and upheaval from June, you may find yourself ready to take a long…deep breathe. 

A lot of you have shared with me that you’ve let go of relationships that weren’t serving you, you may have upgraded your communication and also boundaries and now, you may wonder, what’s next?!

There may be a space between, a corridor from where you were…to where you’re going when itches to your relationships and in this space, a lot is up for debate. 

What do you believe?

What has your full heart? 

What do you just not care about anymore no matter how much you used to before? 

Can you give yourself room to grow, even if you’re not sure what is going to happen? 

Click below to access the July Oracle Forecast video to learn more about the energy of this month!

And remember-you are as free as you believe you are.

And the Universe loves you. 

PS: Would you like to make major strides in your feminine attraction and call in a deeper level of love? Book an intro to Coaching consult call here!

Your June Message!

Happy Tuesday and last day of May! 

June promises to be a month that’s focused on the following themes:

  • communication
  • inner child/invitation to play
  • aligning with who you are now vs. who you were then

Click below to view the June Goddess message!

Have a restful last day of the month and if you would like to get more clarity on what’s happening in your life, it’s time perfect time for an intuitive check-in! Click here to learn more