Entries by Diana Dorell

i was in prison

I remember gazing up at a sterile white wall. I was in one of those flimsy hospital gowns and my heart was beating so fast. I remember taking a heavy, labored breath and tears streamed down my face. That was the moment. The moment I realized that I had been in prison. Not actual prison, […]

3 steps to cure comparing-itis

It starts off innocently. You’re in a great mood-feeling pretty good about your day. You go to your computer and log into Facebook. Or Gmail. You’re sifting through, humming along and and you see it. “Just engaged-I said YES!” “I just crossed $50k/month in my online business!” “Dear (you), OMG, I am finally doing it! […]

funny v-day story + your love gift!

Flashback. Circa 2006/2007. San Francisco. “Cecilia!!! He didn’t do anything!! Anything!!!” I came out of dive bar with my friend, wailing because my boyfriend at the time hadn’t done anything romantic or grand for the big V-day (I had told him casually that I didn’t care for the holiday and well, being an engineer he […]