How to Trust Yourself + Stop Being Such a People Pleaser (Special Video!)

Happy Tuesday!

Can I share something super different and exciting with you?

Today I am thrilled to announce the first of six interviews in a series I’m calling “The Sparkle Seat Series” where you get to have an insider view into a live coaching session with a member of our fabulous community!

Once a month, through the end of 2021, we will be featuring a different Goddess who have been chosen to sit down, receive coaching around a specific area of their life that feels out of balance or where they would like to feel more empowered…and the best part? They want to share it with all of you.

These are unscripted conversations…each one is a bit different and my intent is that by watching/listening, you receive exactly the take-away you need for yourself. 

Today’s first Sparkle interview is with Nichole!

Themes that came out during our chat:

  • setting boundaries + retiring the rescuer 
  • transitioning out of a job and stepping out into the unknown to purpose bigger Purpose
  • what blocks you from making the right decision and what to do instead

There were SO many nuggets that came out of this interview. 

One quote: “Be the woman who stops overcompensating.” 

Typically, these lasted about 30 min. But this one went close to 1 hour and there was so much juiciness in it, I wanted to make sure you got it ALL!

Watch and get inspired BELOW! And be sure to share the video with a friend! 

Have You Ever Felt ‘Not Good Enough?’

There are so many triggers today that can make us feel like we just don’t measure up.


Pictures and posts on social media.

Well-meaning friends and family opinions.

And a lot of times, when you scroll through for things to feel better about yourself, the phrase, “just love yourself, focus on loving yourself” will come up.

It’s a valid point bathos many of us are taught how to actually do that?

Self-love can seem like this daunting, huge place with a ton of entrances, but you aren’t even sure how to get to the crossroads to pick the right entrance!

So, if you’ve ever felt ‘not good enough,’ especially around relationships and dating, let me put your mind at ease.

Instead of going into overwhelm about how to love yourself and if you are doing it right, start with just one step.

Do this instead and you may find that you naturally begin loving yourself and walking through the door without having to force your way in:

3 Feng-Shui Tips to Attract Romantic Love in the Bedroom

Happy Tuesday!

Is it just me or have you also been decluttering or feeling the urge to purge all month? 

There’s something about changing up your space that always makes things feel light and brighter, but first it can feel a bit heavy and hard to get started. 

One of my new favorite things to do is to declutter while listening to podcasts. 

How about you? 

No where can more ‘stuff’ come up emotionally and physically than in our bedrooms, centre for passion and romance (or lack there of!).

Maybe you’ve been trying all the right things-read books, taken seminars and gone on lots of duty dates, but you haven’t attracted a solid partner into your life yet. 

Often times, it’s easy to overlook what messages our outer environment is sending. Without even realizing it, the bedroom (centre for romance and romantic love) can be misaligned to your heart’s desire for partnership and it’s very common!

Here are 3 basic but powerful tips that can support you in attracting romantic love into your space.

Click BELOW to watch!

ps: Ready to change your self-talk? Check out 60 Seconds to Self Love!

Your thoughts create your reality (true story from the trenches!)

Happy Tuesday!

We are smack in the middle of Mercury Retrograde, until June 22nd, a perfect time to: 



*re-commit to what is most important to you. 

When it comes to relationships, it’s so easy to feel insecure. 

If you’ve been single for awhile and then get into partnership, this can bring up a lot of fears, even though it’s what you’ve said you wanted!

Have you ever felt just well…not good enough?

Doubting yourself and why someone is with you?

You are not alone AND you, my dear Goddess are so powerful. 

Your thoughts are powerful.

And you can use them to create, change and shape your reality.

I would love to share a story with you from the dating trenches. 

It’s about a woman I knew named Sandy (names and details have been changed for privacy).

What she discovered was so incredibly powerful and it applies to not just dating but all areas of your life where you feel a bit out of sync with yourself and the Universe. 

Click here to read it!

ps: Have you taken the love self-assessment yet? Click here!