your jan 2020 message inside + a gift!

Happy New Year, Decade, January!

Holy cannoli-if you’re ready for a breakthrough, banner year, 2020 is your time.

It is such an honor to be in your inbox-and my intent is to provide high octane, top-notch quality content this year to help you transform your relationships, starting with the one you have with the Goddess in the mirror 🙂

If you’re new to my world, welcome!

Every first week of the month, I love to share a monthly Goddess oracle card forecast!

How it works: 

I pull a card for each day of the week and I highly recommend you grab a sheet of paper and pen to pause the video on each card, asking, “What could this card mean for me?”

If you’ve been in my community for awhile, you know I always encourage you to trust your intuition and develop that muscle to tap into your own Truth.

In this video, you’ll learn:

the overall theme of 2020 and a week by week intuitive nudge

what the big deal is about January 12

how you can plan ahead and create empowered relationships, no matter what the energetic ‘weather.’

Watch it here:

ps: Happy New Decade gift: Many of my private clients and friends consider themselves to be empaths, or those who have a heightened sensitivity and gift for feeling other people’s emotions, among other things. Is this you too?

If you are an empath, you tend to attract ‘takers’ in relationships and that’s the last thing I want for you in this brilliant new energy! Learning how to manage this gift is crucial so…

I created a free list for you! It’s called, the ’21 Best Practices for Empaths.’

Download it for free right here

Here’s to new beginnings!

i need some space

Happy Wednesday!

Have you ever been dating someone and then, they go cold on communication out of nowhere?

This can be so confusing and hurtful.

Thoughts like, ‘Did I just screw up?’ 
What’s wrong with me?
Why don’t they want to be with me? can come up.

This question came in from our community and I wanted to answer it as December really is the perfect time to acknowledge old patterns and make a new choice that empowers you.

Q: I am in an ldr (long distance relationship) with a guy I started to date 2 months back. We had attraction as well as the emotional connection…but his behavior has changed tremendously in the last month. He doesn’t text or call anymore and if I do then he gives the excuse of “I’m busy.” Does giving space to a guy and not contacting him at all makes him realize that he need to rekindle the relationship? Have I ruined everything by contacting him, even though he ignores me?”

A: Watch my response below

Have you ever dealt with funky ghosting in an LDR? What advice would you give? Share your thoughts below! 

Want more support? Relationship coaching can help you break patterns that are blocking love from coming into your life that last. Book a complimentary consultation here and let’s talk!

want to feel more confident around using your intuition? do this!

Happy Wed!

Today’s Q+A comes from Facebook:

“Diana, I feel like I second guess myself a lot. How do I feel more confident about the messages I’m getting from my gut feelings and intuition?

Training yourself to trust and follow your intuition is a muscle that anyone can get better at. It’s like going to the gym. 

Practice, positioning your body in the right alignment and most of all, confidence even when you’re just starting out is important.

Can I be your spiritual gym coach? 

Side note: I hired a personal trainer and OMG, best decision ever, although some days are really really hard to make happen.

But in response to this question, here is a video where you’ll learn:

  • the secret to getting stronger intuitive messages (it’s simple but most of us miss it because we try to complicate everything!)
  • the biggest thing getting in your way of trusting your gut feelings
  • my ridiculously simple daily tip that can up your chances of getting an accurate message for yourself (consider it your spiritual reps!) 

your dec Goddess msg inside!

Happy December!

This is such a beautiful month and one that gives you an opportunity to re-evaluate the relationships in your life. 

Some key phrases for the month:

  • Let it go
  • Love yourself 
  • Take some risks
  • Walk joyfully

If you’re new to my community, welcome! Every first week of the month, I blend the love stuff with the woo-woo stuff and create a Goddess Guidance Oracle video for you.

I pull a Goddess oracle card for each week in the month and you’ll also get some key dates to be aware of.

I believe you are incredibly intuitive, so as you watch, pause the video after a card goes up and write down your own insights.

Click here to watch

ps: Are you looking for some individual intuitive insight? It’s the perfect time to get some support. I’ve brought back 1:1 phone/Zoom Oracle readings for a time as I have been getting a lot of requests! Check out all your options here.

3 tips to survive the holidays as an empath

Happy Wed and if you are in the States, Happy Thanksgiving week!

I know the trend is to write about gratitude and giving and all that jazz, but one of the things I don’t feel gets addressed enough during the start of the holiday season is…

how to deal with emotional shiz that comes up during said holidays.

It can be a really triggering time if you feel different than your family of origin or have to be around folks that you don’t normally spend time and energy with.

I remember dreading going to a get-together with old friends from my past because I couldn’t relate to their lives.

I don’t have a mortgage. (yet…working on that Universe!)

I don’t have kids. (I mean, human kids-sorry, Bella!)

I don’t work a regular 9-5 gig with two-week vacation and stock options, etc.

Nothing wrong with those things at all.

But I felt the stuff I was excited about-personal development, this cool crystal I just got…ideas for a second book and how to curate a fun bi-coastal laptop lifestyle with my partner and our fur babies well just…didn’t compute. 

I got a lot of odd smiles and awkward silences. 

So I’d downshift into small talk and excuse myself to the ladies’ room for the third time, feeling drained and annoyed.

It was really triggering.

And as an empath and an ambivert, I flip flop between wanting to be around people and wanting to hole up in my Goddess cave and tune out the noise of the outside world.

Can you relate?

If you have often wondered about opting-out of the holidays or feeling anxious about how to not energetically burn-out during the season, good news!

I’m currently creating a course for you fellow empaths (stay tuned!) but, here are 3 of my favorite tips to prepare yourself!

1. Take control of the conversation.

I know-super counterintuitive for introverts. 

But if you’re around people that you have no idea what to say to, or if you have awkward silences and don’t want to deal with a lot of questions directed at you, ask this question: 

“So…what’s something you’re excited about right now?” 

The brain is trained to answer questions, so this question really sets the stage for interesting conversation and forces the other person to think and then talk (yay, not having to talk!).

2. Wear or carry around some hematite or black obsidian.

Yea, I’m all about crystals! These two can be found in any metaphysical store and having them near your person blocks out negative energies and helps you from feeling drained. I keep ’em in my bra if I’m going into a really unpredictable space…or you can just have it in your pocket or as a necklace/bracelet. 

3. Have an exit strategy.

I realize that if you’re not in your normal city, this could be hard, but one thing that works when I need to excuse myself is to say, “I need to check on a friend right now. Please excuse me.” 

And I really do schedule time to text or call a friend! It could be to just say hello. But you’re still in integrity and you never have to stay in any situation that feels draining. 

If you can make a date with them or yourself at a local bookstore or grocery store (heck, I’ve been known to go there just to read magazines and buy chocolate when I need a break!), do it! Take care of you.

The more you can follow these 3 simple but effective tips, the more fun the holiday season can be and who knows, you may actually find some interesting connections you couldn’t see before when you guard yourself or dread the occasion!